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daily email trivia category Celebrities: Quotes by Celebrities: Quotes by Celebrities : Get Your Foot Out of Your Mouth
1A former president, who is known for tripping over his own words said, "I have opinions of my own-strong opinions- but I don't always agree with them." Who is this man whose father was also president?
    Jimmy Carter
    Ronald Reagan
    George W. Bush
    John Quincy Adams
daily email trivia category Geography: United States: USA: What a Strange State You're In! Part 1
2ALOHA, have you got a DRY PRONG you can spare? A NICKEL? I'll pay you back in GOLD DUST from the GAMBLE SPUR. Meanwhile, you can BOOK us a MONKS HAMMOCK during the HURRICANE in which southern 'Pelican State'?
daily email trivia category Music: Female Names in Songs: Female Names in Songs: Can You Guess These Ladies' Names?
3'... Rigby' - which lady hides in this song by The Beatles?
daily email trivia category World: U.S. Presidents: Middle Names of Presidents: Mr. President, What's Your Middle Name?
4Theodore Roosevelt had no middle name, but his cousin, who also became president, did have a middle name. What was the second President Roosevelt's middle name?
daily email trivia category History: Canadian: Canadian: Strictly Canadian: Confederation
5Canada consists of ten provinces and three territories, but initially at confederation there were only four provinces. Ontario and Quebec were two of these provinces. Which were the other two?
    Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
    Nova Scotia and British Columbia
    Newfoundland and Alberta
    Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island
daily email trivia category Sci / Tech: Diseases of Specific Systems: Reproductive System Diseases: Endometriosis: The Unseen Pain
6Endometriosis can be frustrating emotionally and physically for those that suffer from it, because the disease is not always understood or accepted. If an individual knows someone who has endometriosis which of these is a way to support her?
    learn about the disease
    be willing to adjust to the needs
    be willing to talk
    all of these
daily email trivia category General: Mixed India: Mixed India: Welcome to India
7During the freedom struggle, which Indian leader was affectionately called "Bapu"?
    Jawaharlal Nehru
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
daily email trivia category People: Nicknames & Aliases: Nicknames & Aliases: Three Part Names
8You may know that legendary boxer Muhammed Ali suffered from Parkinson's disease, but can you name the TV star who also has the disease?
    Sarah Jessica Parker
    Michael J. Fox
    Jennifer Love Hewitt
    Paul Michael Glaser
daily email trivia category Literature: Mixed Literature: Mixed Literature: Literary Alphabet
9Who wrote a diary about his/her experience in hiding from the Nazis?
    Adrian Mole
    Amanda Hemmingway
    Anna Jones
    Anne Frank
daily email trivia category Hobbies: Breads and Grains: Breads and Grains: Our Daily Bread
10First, a bread basic. Unleavened bread is bread that doesn't contain agents that cause it to rise. Thus, such bread does not contain...
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