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trivia game Who's the Smartest?
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Who's the Smartest?

This is our difficult trivia hourly game. Give it a go! - View Game Details
trivia timedThis harder hourly game ends in 19 minutes.
trivia game players 26 player(s) have played this hour in Div 1
105 players over all divisions.

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Top Scores: Division 1 : The Beginners
( See scores from last game )

PlayerRankTeam CorrectTimeAwardScore
1. YesImPhoenix 96 The Devil's Advocates 1086s +233 (*) 828
2. trivia player bradncarol 125 The Regal Beagles 1088s +182 (*) 824
3. Guest-9521 1 Just visiting 10119s +151 (*) 762
4. trivia player Kwizzard 59 --- 10142s +122 (*) 716
5. lindamclean 87 --- 10148s +120 (*) 704
6. Riders23 87 Canadian Players 9107s +99 (*) 686
7. trivia player driver88 140 TV Watchers Anonymous 882s +94 (*) 636
8. trivia player DHANI12 92 Raised in the Sixties 885s +93 (*) 630
9. trivia player PurpleComet 154 --- 885s +93 (*) 630
10. vodkamargarine 69 Old Farts 751s +90 (*) 598
11. sampop1 79 Worldwide Trivia Lovers 9162s +58 576
12. trivia player Dotty39 115 Yorkshire and Proud 772s +56 556
13. trivia player latentimage_99 78 --- 8135s +53 530
14. lidna 106 The Calculators 789s +52 522
15. suzypee 84 CLIQUE-KICKERS 661s +48 478
16. screaminggal 92 --- 662s +48 476
17. DuffyH16 71 Dafties 662s +48 476
18. arlene99 70 --- 7116s +47 468
19. IMABearsfan 122 Ojibwe Lodge 8168s +46 464
20. superlibn 78 The Devil's Advocates 7129s +44 442
21. tundrawolf 86 Romania Team 7139s +42 422
22. trivia player szabs 147 The Internationals 8218s +36 364
23. CLeetz 84 Past Times 6127s +35 346
24. trivia player cyclo4 75 Vixens 6152s +30 296
25. JonasLover1 148 All 50 States 319s +26 262
26. zartog 43 --- 7400s +10 100

* Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: gold member = Gold Member. editor = Editor. ]

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