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Townley Roderick Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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While Roderick Townley's 'Sylvie' series was written for middle school readers, he has also written in a number of other genres, including some prize-winning poetry.
3 Roderick Townley quizzes and 50 Roderick Townley trivia questions.
  "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is on the wonderful book "The Great Good Thing," about a storybook heroine who, after her book is destroyed, must make her way in the world of dreams.
Average, 20 Qns, SilverNaiad, Nov 01 06
166 plays
  "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
A quiz on the third book in the "Sylvie trilogy," in which Sylvie and the rest of her book are launched out into space for one of their biggest adventures yet.
Average, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, Apr 09 06
127 plays
  "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
About the sequel to "The Great Good Thing." In this book, Sylvie and the rest of the characters inside the story are put online, and are very busy until a virus invades, and the book is thrown into turmoil.
Average, 15 Qns, SilverNaiad, Nov 01 06
136 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What time of day did "The Great Good Thing" go online for the first time?

From Quiz ""Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley"

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Roderick Townley Trivia Questions

1. When they first go into space, which character gets stuck in a tree?

From Quiz
"The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Godric

Sylvie and Laurel help him to get unstuck, also bringing him some stones to weight himself down with.

2. What kind of dog is Lulu?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Chihuahua

Lulu is a brown and white Chihuahua, who gets excited very easily and barks nonstop.

3. What color is the bird that says, "Rawwwwk! Reader! Reader!" to warn the characters that the book is being opened?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Orange

First the bright orange bird comes and squawks at everyone, then the bullfrogs in the Mere of Remind say, "Booook open! Ooopen! Boook open!" That way, the characters know to get to their places in time.

4. "The Great Good Thing" was put inside the space capsule instead of the intended book, which was written by whom?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Albert Einstein

Angie, the president's daughter, did this. She thought that "The Great Good Thing" was much more interesting than Einstein's "Special Theory of Relativity," so she exchanged the two books when her father wasn't looking.

5. On what page of "The Great Good Thing" (the one IN the book, not the one by Roderick Townley) is Sylvie's first encounter with the Keeper of the Cave?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Page twenty-eight

Sylvie says Readers often turn to that page again and again, as if they enjoy getting the shivers.

6. What is the number one rule of all storybook characters?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Never look at the reader

All of these are probably important, but the number one rule is never look at the reader, though Sylvie has done it many times, and even King Walther (though he tried to deny it) has glanced up at least once.

7. What is the real name of the girl with the dark blue eyes?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Laurel

Sylvie likes that name very much. So do I!

8. What was the first of Sylvie's adventures in Claire's dreams?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: The Adventure of the Muddy Forest

When Sylvie first goes into Claire's dreams, she is in a muddy rainforest, and Ricky, Claire's brother, has kidnapped their grandmother.

9. Ursula is a peasant who sells what?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Fish

Ursula always stinks of fish, and she's also a bit simpleminded.

10. Right before Rosetta first comes into the book, what is Queen Emmeline getting upset about?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: The footman brought her the wrong cushion

Queen Emmeline is very stressed, and she is one of the ones Rosetta helps out the most, along with Prince Godric.

11. Who follows Sylvie when she goes into one of Claire's Dreams?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Pingree

Pingree follows Sylvie, then tells King Walther about her adventures.

12. What town did Rosetta live in before she was written into "The Great Good Thing"?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Croton Falls

Rosetta, even though she likes the storybook, is homesick for Croton Falls.

13. What does the note left by Claire's grandmother say?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Find Me

Sylvie thinks the note means "Find Me" as in a hide-and-seek game, but Claire is certain she's been taken against her will.

14. What is so special about Laurel's cloak?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: When you wear it you stay a comfortable temperature

Laurel's cloak is hooded and is a lovely blue. But the most amazing thing about it is that when it's hot out, the wearer stays nicely cool. And when it's cold out, the wearer stays cozy and warm.

15. What kind of tea does Rosetta make when Sylvie comes to apologize?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Mint

Rosetta makes mint tea and watercress sandwiches, though neither tastes like anything, since they're online.

16. In one of Claire's dreams, what three blue things does the girl with the dark blue eyes leave as a trail, so that Sylvie and Claire can find her?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: A stone, a feather, and a piece of silk

This happens in the dream with the white birch trees. Claire is dressed as a doctor, and upon seeing Sylvie there, she says, "My patient has disappeared." They find "the patient," (which is the girl with the dark blue eyes) in some laurel bushes, by fallowing the trail of blue things she left behind her.

17. Who suggests that the constellation Sylvie points out should be called the constellation of Sylvie?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Fangl

The constellation of Sylvie is in the shape of a flying woman. Fangl says that since Sylvie found the shape, it should be named after her.

18. What time of day did "The Great Good Thing" go online for the first time?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: 9:14 A.M.

Suddenly, everyone feels lighter. Pingree falls over, gets up, and falls over again, unused to the change in weight.

19. What facial feature of Pingree's does Sylvie think is strange?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: His eyes

Sylvie thinks Pingree's eyes are a bit creepy because one is brilliantly bright, and the other is rather dull. She doesn't know which reflects his real moods.

20. What is the name of Queen Emmeline's round-faced attendant?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Mary

Mary is the girl who tells Sylvie and Laurel why Queen Emmeline went a bit faint after Wink tossed their book away.

21. What color is the pig that shows up in Sylvie's locket?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Green

It turns out that that's what Pingree turns into because the virus turned the word "Pingree" into "Green pig."

22. Who sets "The Great Good Thing" on fire?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Ricky

Ricky wanted to burn the edges of the book to make it look older, but he accidentally set the entire book on fire.

23. What does Warburton, King Walther's oldest councilor, cough up into his handkerchief?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Phlegm

Warburton is the one who says that the whole book is in perpetual danger, but since they're in "no worse danger than before," there is nothing to be done.

24. What kind of body part falls into the throne room?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: An ear

Sylvie isn't sure what it is at first, but then she realizes it's a giant ear-and that there are big hairs sprouting out of it.

25. When Sylvie and her parents reach the city that is the center of Claire's dreams, they first see Claire wearing a fancy black party dress. What kind of flower is she carrying?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: A marigold

Claire looks like she has been to a grownup's party, where she didn't have much fun. She is very happy to see Sylvie and the king and queen, though.

26. After Wink messed up their controls, Matt says he wishes he was at home eating what?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Peanut butter and jelly on rye

Kara says that she wishes she were at home taking a nice, hot shower.

27. What color hair does Pingree have?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Blonde

It is described as "straw-colored," though.

28. How did the weasel in Claire's dreams die?

From Quiz "The Great Good Thing," by Roderick Townley

Answer: It was run over

Sylvie is confused about how the things in Claire's dreams can die, and then be back the next day in perfect health.

29. Who sews Sylvie's wedding dress?

From Quiz "The Constellation of Sylvie," by Roderick Townley

Answer: Rosetta

Mistress Wimble is the head seamstress. Rosetta doesn't know a thing about sewing, which is exactly why Sylvie has her sew-if the wedding dress isn't finished, Sylvie and Pingree can't get married yet, which is, of course, exactly what Sylvie wants.

30. What happens to the Mere of Remind?

From Quiz "Into the Labyrinth," by Roderick Townley

Answer: It turns into a mirror

When Sylvie is jumping off the cliff on her little donkey, suddenly she slams into the hard surface of the Mere, which has turned into a mirror. That same time, Riggeloff's men shoot roses (instead of arrows) at her.

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