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2 Fear Factory quizzes and 20 Fear Factory trivia questions.
  Questions on Fear Factory    
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Let's see how much you know about Fear Factory. They're one of my all time favorites, so I'll personally congradulate the person with the highest score.
Average, 10 Qns, jasonsrealm, Jun 03 01
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If you're not fearing this band, then you'll see random questions surrounding Fear Factory.
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Fear Factory Trivia Questions

1. The title of the first Fear Factory album is "Soul of a New ________?

From Quiz
Fear Factory

Answer: Machine

"Soul of a New Machine" was released in 1992. The album plays 17 tracks and lasts 55 minutes. Every song on this album were written by Burton C. Bell and composed by Dino Cazares and Raymond Herrera.

2. What Fear Factory song title in the form of a phrase seems to mean "daybreak in the middle of summer"?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Dog Day Sunrise

"Dog Day Sunrise", which is this quiz creator's favorite Fear Factory song, is track six of the second album "Demanufacture". Head of David originally recorded this song. The song lyrics are not about sunrise during the dog days of summer as the title may suggest, but about working below the streets everyday, followed by an emotional quit.

3. Wordplay: the album title comprises of the first four letters of a word preceding clock, cable, and camera, and a word meaning able to die.

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Digimortal

The word preceding clock, cable, and camera is digital, and the word meaning an ability to die is mortal. If we take the first four letters of digital, digi, and put it together with mortal, we get the title of a Fear Factory album, "Digimortal". "Digimortal" is the fourth Fear Factory album, released in spring 2001.

4. What song was named after a book, and a non-profit organization that helps people who have a strong desire for death?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Final Exit

"Final Exit" is the last track of the 2010 album "Mechanize". The title was directly inspired by the book "Final Exit: the Practicalities of Self Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying" and is a tribute to the "Final Exit Network", an organization that helps people who really want to die. According to Burton C. Bell, this song played on the radio helps some people to learn about the organization.

5. The song "I Will Follow" was originally recorded by what band?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: U2

The original version of "I Will Follow" is on the U2 album "Boy", released in 1980. Twenty-five years later, the Fear Factory version of "I Will Follow" was released for their album "Transgression".

6. What Fear Factory song was originally a Nirvana song?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: School

"School" was first recorded for the debut Nirvana album "Bleach". Fifteen years later, the Fear Factory version was released as the last track of their album "Archetype".

7. What's the title of the only demo album released by Fear Factory?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Concrete

"Concrete", released in 2002, featuring demo songs recorded in 1991, before their first album, "Soul of a New Machine", was released. All of these choices are songs included on this demo album.

8. Complete the EP title: "Fear Is the __________".

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Mindkiller

"Fear Is the Mindkiller", their first EP, focuses on remixes of "Soul of a New Machine" tracks.

9. What is the main protagonist of the album "Obsolete"?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: Edgecrusher

"Edgecrusher" is the protagonist on the concept album "Obsolete", who saves humanity by destroying machines that are trying to take over the world. The others, the "Securitron" and "Smasher/Devourer" are machine-friendly antagonists. All of these characters are used as song titles on this album.

10. According to Dino Cazares, which song off of "The Industrialist" sounds like "the big machine roll-along"?

From Quiz Fear Factory

Answer: The Industrialist

"The Industrialist", the title track, is his favorite song off of the album, because this song features every element of Fear Factory, "It starts out big and it goes into the syncopated double bass, kick drums pattern, syncopated with the guitars. And it just sounds like the big machine roll-along."

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