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Quiz about The Cleric Quintet quiz  First Part
Quiz about The Cleric Quintet quiz  First Part

"The Cleric Quintet" quiz - First Part

A quiz about "The Cleric Quintet", a series of five books about a young scholar-priest named Cadderly. This part is mainly about the first two books, having only the first two questions referring to the other books.

A multiple-choice quiz by Wakka. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
18 / 25
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Question 1 of 25
1. Which of these is not the title of one of the books of "The Cleric Quintet"? Hint

Question 2 of 25
2. Name the second book of the quintet.

Answer: (Three Words)
Question 3 of 25
3. What is the name of the white squirrel that has befriended Cadderly? Hint

Question 4 of 25
4. Who is Cadderly's sweetheart? Hint

Question 5 of 25
5. Who is Cadderly's main rival at the Library as a member of the Deneirian order? Hint

Question 6 of 25
6. Who are the two brother gods revered in the Edificant Library above all the others? Hint

Question 7 of 25
7. Which one of these is not one of the druids that comes to the Edificant Library in the beginning of the first book? Hint

Question 8 of 25
8. Danica uses her fists and feet as her main weapons, but she also has two crystal daggers with her. What are the shapes of the hilts of those daggers? Hint

Question 9 of 25
9. Ivan and Pikel are two dwarves, friends of Cadderly and cooks at the library. Ivan has a yellow beard, but what's the real color of Pikel's beard? Hint

Question 10 of 25
10. What's the name of the evil priest that tries to destroy the library with the Chaos Curse?

Answer: (One Word)
Question 11 of 25
11. Who is the evil goddess whom Castle Trinity serves? Hint

Question 12 of 25
12. What happens in the wine cellar of the library between Cadderly and Rufo that leads to the release of the Chaos Curse? Hint

Question 13 of 25
13. Why weren't the dwarves Ivan and Pikel as afected by the Chaos Curse as everybody else in the Library? Hint

Question 14 of 25
14. The priests of Ilmater visiting the Library killed themselves due to the effects of the Chaos Curse.

Question 15 of 25
15. Newander also isn't affected by the Chaos Curse. Why? Hint

Question 16 of 25
16. Who was the only person, besides Cadderly, Newander and the dwarves, able to resist the effects of the Chaos Curse? Hint

Question 17 of 25
17. What is the name of the evil sentient weapon used by Barjin? Hint

Question 18 of 25
18. Who is the elven prince from Shilmista forest who comes to the library asking for help at the beggining of the second book? Hint

Question 19 of 25
19. When Cadderly and the others arrive in Shilmista, the forest is under attack.

Question 20 of 25
20. The army invading Shilmista is composed mainly of what? Hint

Question 21 of 25
21. Druzil also appears in this book. What part does he play against Shilmista? Hint

Question 22 of 25
22. What does Druzil use to make telepathic contact with Rufo? Hint

Question 23 of 25
23. Where do Elbereth and Cadderly go to save Shilmista? Hint

Question 24 of 25
24. How do they save Shilmista? Hint

Question 25 of 25
25. Who is the elven mage whose life was saved by Cadderly? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Which of these is not the title of one of the books of "The Cleric Quintet"?

Answer: "Passage to Dawn"

"Passage to Dawn" is the tittle of a book written by R. A. Salvatore, but it's a book about Drizzt, from the "Legacy of the Drow" series. It is the book in which Drizzt meets Cadderly. The books of "The Cleric Quintet" are: "Canticle", "In Sylvan Shadows", "Night Masks", "The Fallen Fortress", and "The Chaos Curse", in that order.
2. Name the second book of the quintet.

Answer: In Sylvan Shadows

All five titles are mentioned above.
3. What is the name of the white squirrel that has befriended Cadderly?

Answer: Percival

Guenhwyvar is the name of Drizzt's panther, and Druzil is the name of Aballister's imp familiar (Aballister is Cadderly's father and wants to control the region around the Snowflake Mountains).
4. Who is Cadderly's sweetheart?

Answer: Danica

Danica is a monk that came to the Edificant Library to study the work of one of the greatest masters of her order, Grandmaster Penpahg D'Ahn; that's where she met Cadderly, and the two fell in love with each other. Dorigen is the second most powerful wizard in Castle Trinity (Aballister is the most powerful), Shayleigh is an elf maiden from Shilmista Forest that meets Cadderly and Danica in the second book, and Pertelope is Cadderly's surrogate mother and a Headmistress of the Edificant Library.
5. Who is Cadderly's main rival at the Library as a member of the Deneirian order?

Answer: Kierkan Rufo

Kierkan Rufo is always trying to get Cadderly into trouble. Avery Schell is one of the Headmasters of the Deneirian order in the library and Cadderly's surrogate father; Thobicus is the dean, the leader of the Edificant Library; and Bogo Rath is the least powerful of the three ruling wizards of Castle Trinity.
6. Who are the two brother gods revered in the Edificant Library above all the others?

Answer: Deneir and Oghma

Deneir is the god of literature and art, Oghma is the god of knowledge, Sylvanus is the god of Nature, Ilmater is the god of suffering, Cyric is the god of death, Bhaal is the dead god of murder(ironic, isn't it), Lathander is the god of dawn, and Tyr is the god of justice. A library is mainly a place for knowledge, literature, and art.
7. Which one of these is not one of the druids that comes to the Edificant Library in the beginning of the first book?

Answer: Cernd

Cernd is also a druid from the "Forgotten Realms", but he appears only in the computer game "Baldur's Gate II".
8. Danica uses her fists and feet as her main weapons, but she also has two crystal daggers with her. What are the shapes of the hilts of those daggers?

Answer: A golden tiger and a silver dragon

Those daggers were given to her by her master, Master Turkel, with whom she had lived for most of her life since the death of her parents at the hand of an assassin group called Night Masks.
9. Ivan and Pikel are two dwarves, friends of Cadderly and cooks at the library. Ivan has a yellow beard, but what's the real color of Pikel's beard?

Answer: It's never said

Pikel is a dwarf who wants to be a druid and he dyes his hair and beard green, due to his love for Nature, but their real color is never mentioned.
10. What's the name of the evil priest that tries to destroy the library with the Chaos Curse?

Answer: Barjin

Barjin is the most powerful of the priests at Castle Trinity and also the leader of the ruling triumvirate of the Castle. The Chaos Curse is a potion that makes whoever smells it reveal and give in to their desires.
11. Who is the evil goddess whom Castle Trinity serves?

Answer: Talona

Talona is the Lady of Poison, Shar is the goddess of the night, Lloth is the deity of the drow, and Takhisis is the most powerful of the gods of evil form "Dragonlance", not "Forgotten Realms".
12. What happens in the wine cellar of the library between Cadderly and Rufo that leads to the release of the Chaos Curse?

Answer: Barjin forces Rufo to push Cadderly down some stairs

While Cadderly and Rufo are doing an inventory on the bottles in the cellar, they find a secret door and Cadderly decides to go check it out. Behind the door they find some stairs leading down to the catacombs where Barjin is keeping the Chaos Curse. Barjin uses a spell to control Rufo's mind and force him to push Cadderly down the stairs because only one pure of heart like Cadderly could open the bottle containing the Chaos Curse.
13. Why weren't the dwarves Ivan and Pikel as afected by the Chaos Curse as everybody else in the Library?

Answer: Because the curse is magical in nature and dwarves are naturally more resistant to magic than humans

The dwarves were affected by the Chaos Curse twice. The first time they were arguing and the curse led them to fight each other, though Cadderly easily dismissed that notion from them. The second time was when they were in the kitchen and couldn't stop cooking until Cadderly came to them in search for help. Both times they were easier to convince than anyone else.
14. The priests of Ilmater visiting the Library killed themselves due to the effects of the Chaos Curse.

Answer: True

Ilmater is the god dedicated to suffering, and his followers are known to inflict pain on themselves. With the Chaos Curse, the priests made wounds on themselves so serious that led to their deaths.
15. Newander also isn't affected by the Chaos Curse. Why?

Answer: All of these

Newander went to the mountains to be in touch with Nature and returned to the Library a few days after the release of the Chaos Curse. He wasn't sure if he should be a druid since his two friends were capable of shapeshifting into animal forms and he wasn't; but in his heart he remained true to his calling, which allowed him to use druidic magic and, in the end, shapechange into a wolverine.
16. Who was the only person, besides Cadderly, Newander and the dwarves, able to resist the effects of the Chaos Curse?

Answer: Danica

Danica is a monk and monks are able, through concentration, to avoid mind-affecting spells such as the Chaos Curse. All the others were affected by the curse: Rufo tried to make love to Danica and to kill Cadderly. Avery started to treat Cadderly as if he were his own son when, before the curse, he was very rigid to him. Pertelope used a spell that permanently made her half shark. Danica, before trying to resist the effects of the curse, almost killed herself trying to break a stone block with her head and almost killed Rufo when he entered her room.
17. What is the name of the evil sentient weapon used by Barjin?

Answer: Screaming Maiden

It's a mace, the head of which is shaped to look like a young maiden. Celestial Fury is a katana, and Blackrazor is a longsword, both from "Baldur's Gate II". Icingdeath is the name of a white dragon killed by Drizzt and Wulfgar in "The Crystal Shard", another book by R.A. Salvatore and, according to "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance" it's also the name given to the scimitar taken from that dragon's treasure by Drizzt.
In the end of the first book Cadderly shoots a crossbow bolt with Oil of Impact against the mace and destroys it.
18. Who is the elven prince from Shilmista forest who comes to the library asking for help at the beggining of the second book?

Answer: Elbereth

Tintagel is an elven mage defending Shilmista and a friend of Elbereth, Galladel is the king of Shilmista and Elbereth's father, and Belago is an alchemist and the one who makes the Oil of Impact for Cadderly's crossbow bolts.
19. When Cadderly and the others arrive in Shilmista, the forest is under attack.

Answer: True

They have to fight from about the first moment they set foot in Shilmista.
20. The army invading Shilmista is composed mainly of what?

Answer: Goblins, orcs, orogs, and hill giants

They also have some ogres among them but very few humans (Drigen and Tiennek if no one else). The army is led by the leader of the fighters from Castle Trinity, an ogrillon called Ragnor.
21. Druzil also appears in this book. What part does he play against Shilmista?

Answer: He forces Rufo to tell him about Shilmista's defender's plans and defences

He threatens Rufo with his poison-tipped tail, forcing him to obey.
22. What does Druzil use to make telepathic contact with Rufo?

Answer: An amulet

The imp can only make telepathic contact with someone if that someone wants to or if he gives that someone an object he possesses, so Druzil slipped an amulet into one of Rufo's pockets to make telepathic contact with him at any time and place.
23. Where do Elbereth and Cadderly go to save Shilmista?

Answer: Syldritch Trea

Syldritch Trea is the only place in Shilmista that has trees ancient enough to respond to Elbereth's callings and save Shilmista.
24. How do they save Shilmista?

Answer: All of these

They wake the trees to help them fight. Cadderly kills Ragnor using his spindle disks with the Oil of Impact and both of these make the invading disperse. Some return to the mountains and those that remain stay in small bands, making it easy for the skilled elves of Shilmista (in the end no more than 60-70) to kill them.
25. Who is the elven mage whose life was saved by Cadderly?

Answer: Tintagel

According to the book, Shayleigh can put five arrows flying before the first hits its mark.
Source: Author Wakka

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