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daily email trivia category People: Mixed People: Mixed People: Your Daily Dose of Weirdness
1Brian G. Hughes (1849-1924) was a U.S. businessman known for many unusual pranks that involved the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Tiffany's jewelry store in which American City?
    Salt Lake City
    New York City
daily email trivia category Sports: USA Mixed: USA Mixed : Sports Soundbites
2At what sporting event was the following phrase uttered: "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!"?
    1980 Winter Olympics - USA Olympic hockey team defeats the Soviet Union
    Tennessee Titans 1999 Music City Miracle
    1969 Miracle Mets winning the World Series
    Buster Douglas 1990 upset over heavyweight champion Mike Tyson
daily email trivia category General: Thematic 10Q Tough: Thematic Story Time: Adventures of a Chocolate Soldier
3A chocolate soldier's life is not without incident. I was nearly eaten by a dog today, but fortunately his owner saved me in time. Why would eating me have been very bad for the dog?
    Chocolate is poisonous to dogs
    It would have made the dog crave chocolate
    It would have made the dog fat
    It would make the dog hyperactive
daily email trivia category Sci / Tech: Mixed Human Body Trivia: Mixed Human Body Trivia: Double Systems
4The white blood cells are part of the circulatory system. What other system are they part of?
    the integumentary system
    the immunolymphatic system
    the excretory system
    the endocrine system
daily email trivia category History: Norman Conquest: Norman Conquest: 1066 and All That
5What reward did William promise soldiers who would help him conquer England, using their own weapons and horses?
    Five virgins
    Gold and silver
    Titles and lands in England
daily email trivia category Celebrities: Celebrities M-P: Celebrities M-P : Jared Padalecki
6In which Warner Brothers show does he play Sam Winchester?
    Gilmore Girls
    One Tree Hill
daily email trivia category Geography: Ireland: Ireland: The Emerald Isle
7Michael Flatley and Jean Butler (among others), starred in an extravaganza of Irish music and dance. Can you name the show?
    River Dance
    Dancing at Lughnasa
    Moon River
    Crossroad Ceili
daily email trivia category Music: Color Songs: Color Songs: Colorful Songs
8Bobby Vinton has a hit with this colorful song. "Softer than satin was the light."
    Blue Velvet
    Blue Cotton
    Blue Polyester
    Blue Denim
daily email trivia category Literature: Banned Books: Banned Books: Banned Books
9A girl from Kansas and her dog, a not-so-brave lion, a scarecrow, and a man made of tin take a trek down a yellow brick road to find someone to grant their wishes. What is the name of this book?
    None of these
    'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis
    'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' by L. Frank Baum
    'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien
daily email trivia category Movies: Disney Characters: Disney Characters: Disney Movie Characters
10What movie is Spot in?
    101 Dalmatians
    Sleeping Beauty
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