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Team v Team Stats

Who's the Smartest? : Monthly Standings : Yesterday's Results

1. The top 165 scores (from unique players) in each league (A, B, C, D) earn TvT points each day.

Since this is an hourly game, each player's considered score for the day is his/her highest score over the 24 hour period.

2. Any given team can only have a limited number of players in the top 165 each day, where the limit is 8 for League A, 6 for League B, 5 for League C, and 4 for League D. We take the 8/6/5/4 highest scores per team and rank them against one another. This allows for smaller teams to have a fighting chance against larger ones.

Currently in League A: Top 8 player scores from the team were considered.

Click here for top scores yesterday across League A.
Ties are broken by total number of points earned in the 24 hr period in this game.

League RankPlayerTeamHours PlayedHighest ScoreTvT Contribution
4 / 165 garryblTriviabiz1952+ 111
19 / 165 dippoTriviabiz4934+ 82
54 / 165 samakTriviabiz2916+ 47
76 / 165 kezzabodTriviabiz4902+ 25
98 / 165 Jane57Triviabiz2884+ 3
103 / 165 vinton1640Triviabiz1878+ 1
107 / 165 LeeDaManTriviabiz2876+ 1
113 / 165 Geoff565Triviabiz1866+ 1
 + 271
Other Team Members Outside Top Scorers:

League RankPlayerTeamHours PlayedHigh Score
126 IsipingoTriviabiz1864
135 dolly_llamaTriviabiz1858
144 lightpenTriviabiz1854
156 BaldfroggieTriviabiz1842
170 grompitTriviabiz1818
229 jogreenTriviabiz2722
231 Nhoj_tooTriviabiz6720
233 JGal321Triviabiz3714
248 C30Triviabiz2672
255 Lord_DigbyTriviabiz3656
266 Howardman49Triviabiz3604
272 goodreporterTriviabiz1560
288 liannneTriviabiz1454
299 rubytopsTriviabiz1234