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new question What role does a canary play in software development?
    Canary testing is a form of beta testing an update for software. So canary testing allows the update to be released to a smaller audience and tests it to make sure the new code does not cause any problems. The term comes from when canaries were used in mining to let people know the air was unsafe. The canaries were very sensitive to toxic gases, so if they died, the miners would have enough time to escape the mine. (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
Today by psnz
new question What family relationship did Emperor Tiberius have with Augustus?
    Augustus was the stepfather of Tiberius. [quote]He succeeded his stepfather Augustus, the first Roman emperor. Tiberius was born in Rome in 42 BC to Roman politician Tiberius Claudius Nero and his wife, Livia Drusilla. In 38 BC, Tiberius' mother divorced his father and married Augustus. Following the untimely deaths of Augustus' two grandsons and adopted heirs, Gaius and Lucius Caesar, Tiberius was designated Augustus' successor.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
Today by BigTriviaDawg
new question Why is the world just a cat playing with Australia?
    The map on the link I have provided offers a great visual to answer the question. In effect, an outline of the continents can be drawn to make it look like a cat with Australia as a ball the cat is playing with. (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
Today by unclerick
new question How does a player score a 12-ringer in American 9-pin bowling?
    Knocking down all the pins, other than the central one. [quote]In American nine-pin bowling, a ringer is an equivalent term for knocking down all pins on the first ball of the frame (known as a "full house").[/quote] [quote]They use nine [pins] and set them up in a diamond. The one in the center is painted red. If you knock them all over, you score a 9. If you knock over the 8 surrounding the red pin and leave it standing, you score a 12 ringer.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
Today by BigTriviaDawg
new question What kind of animal is a tuco-tuco?
    Tuco-tuco are neotropical rodents! They get their name from the sound they make as they dig their burrows! They live throughout South America with 60 different species within the genus Ctenomys. [quote] Tuco-tucos live in excavated burrows and spend a majority (up to 90%) of their lives underground. It is estimated that they represent about 45% of all the underground rodents of the world. Their burrows maintain a fairly constant temperature and humidity level that is independent of the geographic region. In order to excavate the soil, they have many morphological adaptations, including their body shape, reduced eyes, and strong limbs. Their olfaction is increased and is used to help orient themselves during digging and establishing a territory. The two techniques they use for digging are scratch-digging and skull-tooth digging. A combination of the two methods are often used. Their claws and forelimbs are used primarily for scratch-digging, and their skull and incisor teeth are used secondarily for skull-tooth digging. [/quote] (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
Today by psnz
new question What was old-time bodybuilder Lionel Strongfort's real name?
    Max Unger. [quote]Lionel Strongfort, born Max Unger (23 November 1878 - 27 November 1967) was a German bodybuilder, wrestler and author of the correspondence physical exercise course, known as the Strongfort System of Physical Culture, or Strongfortism.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
Today by serpa
new question In Greek mythology, which two-headed dog was the brother of Cerberus?
    Orthus is the brother of Cerberus. Sadly Orthus only had two heads which probably caused him problems with his relationship with Cerberus. Rather than guard the underworld, Orthus guarded the giant Geryon's cattle. Geryon was the grandson of Medusa...not sure how she had kids to give her grandchildren... If having Medusa as a grandmother is not strange enough, how about having Pegasus as an uncle? I can't make this up! In the end, Orthus died at the hands of Heracles so the hero could complete his tenth labor. (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
Today by psnz
new question According to Russian records, how many children did Feodor and Valentina Vassilyeva have?
    69 children! Wow! [quote]Feodor Vassilyev (c.1707-1782) was a peasant from Shuya, Russia. His first wife is said to have lived to be 76, and between 1725 and 1765, have had 69 children (16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets); 67 of them survived infancy with the loss of one set of twins: the record for most children born to a single woman. However, their names, dates of birth, and dates of death are all unknown.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
Today by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Why is July 11th a national holiday in Flanders/Belgium?
    July 11th is not a national holiday because Flanders is not a nation/country, but a region. But it is the official holiday of Flanders. (chabenao1)
2 answers
May 18 24 by pehinhota
trivia question answer Why is July 11th a national holiday in Flanders/Belgium?
    The Day of the Flemish Community in Belgium is a historical event celebrated on July 11 [quote]HISTORY OF DAY OF THE FLEMISH COMMUNITY The holiday dates back to 1302 when Flemish citizens of the city Bruges rebelled against the French king, Phillip IV, and attacked the French governors of Flanders. Consequently, the enraged king sent an army consisting of 2,500 knights and squires, along with the support of 5,000 infantry, to punish the Flemish citizens. In an open field outside the Flemish city of Kortrijk (Courtrai), the army of the king and 9,000 Flemish militia (an army of non-professional civilian soldiers), consisting mainly of infantry, clashed on July 11 in a seemingly one-sided battle. Anybody would think that the massive army of soldiers of the French king would have easily defeated the town militia. But not quite. It was a decisive victory for the Flemish community in which the commander of the French army, Robert II of Artois, was caught and killed on the battlefield. Moreover, the town militia slaughtered at least a thousand French cavaliers and collected thousands of golden spurs from their fallen foes that gave the battle its name. Day of the Flemish Community, therefore, recalls the enormous victory against the French on July 11 every year by shutting down governmental offices, celebrating at the Grand Festival, and organizing cultural events.[/quote] (elburcher)
2 answers
May 18 24 by pehinhota
trivia question answer Do any living organisms produce a blue pigment?
    Vegetation that has long provided blue pigment for dyes (indigotin) would include woad and (true) indigo. There is recent (2021) work to obtain a blue pigment from red cabbage. Other flowers like cornflower, iris, and hyacinth can also be used to get blue dye. Blue corn/maize varieties exist.,,,, (sportsherald)
3 answers
May 17 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Which African country supplies the most football players to European leagues?
    As of 2021 Senegal topped the list with 62 players [quote]"African footballers are contracted by these clubs' first teams in the 11 leagues, which constitutes approximately 6% of their total player base. Unsurprisingly, most of them come from West-African countries," reads the November 2021 report dubbed "The African Power in Europe" in part. Senegal, Morocco, and Nigeria produce the highest number of players in European leagues, with 62, 55 and 54 players respectively, as of Nov. 23, 2021. Others are Ivory Coast (50), Ghana (46), Algeria (32), Mali (32), Cameroon ((28), DR Congo (23) and Guinea (13), with west African states dominating the chart.[/quote] (elburcher)
1 answer
May 18 24 by gmackematix
trivia question answer In 2024, which football team's away kit colours honoured a fictional character?
    Belgium's Euro 2024 kit tributes to comic book legend Tintin. [quote]The Belgium Football Association unveiled the new home and away kits for its male and female internationals on Thursday. The home kit continues with the traditional red color worn by the national teams, whose players are nicknamed the Red Devils and Red Flames. But the away kit is a tribute to Belgian cartoonist Hergé and the character that made his fame: Tintin, the intrepid reporter. It is composed of a blue jersey with a white collar, brown shorts, and white socks. In his action-packed adventures, Tintin often wears a blue sweater over a white collared shirt paired with brown cutoff pants, white socks and brown shoes. Tintin also has a trademark quiff haircut.[/quote] (elburcher)
1 answer
May 18 24 by gmackematix
trivia question answer Do any living organisms produce a blue pigment?
    There is/was the Fugate family of Kentucky, the family had a rare genetic disorder and some members had blue skin. (elburcher)
3 answers
May 17 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Which US rock star wrote the 2014 book "Outlaw Pete"?
    "Outlaw Pete" is a book by Bruce Springsteen! The name of the book is the same as a song that Springsteen wrote for his 2009 album "Working on a Dream." The book and the song are both a reflection on life and specifically about a bank robber who is trying to outlive his sins. Pete got started early with a life of crime which can be seen in the wonderful illustrations by Frank Caruso. The cover has Pete as a baby in a diaper while the song talks about him robbing a bank at 6 months old. Pete is one bad dude! (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 17 24 by psnz
trivia question answer Which Hindu festival celebrated every 12 years is the largest in the world?
    It's a festival in Hinduism called Kumbh Mela. It's celebrated in a roughly 12-yearly cycle that coincides with the planet Jupiter's orbit. There are four pilgrimage sites: river banks of the Ganges/Yamuna/Sarasvati rivers' confluence, Ganges, Godavari and Shipra rivers. [quote]The festival is marked by a ritual dip in the waters, but it is also a celebration of community commerce with numerous fairs, education, religious discourses by saints, mass gatherings of monks, and entertainment.[/quote] For believers, bathing leads to atonement and penance for past sins which are cleansed. Tens of millions of men, women and children participate in this festival. (psnz)
1 answer
May 17 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer What vegetable family includes beetroot, spinach and quinoa?
    The Amaranthaceae family. There are around 2500 known species in the Amarathaceae family spread around the world. [quote] Seeds are high in protein and have become a popular health food. As a vegetable crop, Amaranthus is one of the highest yielding and most nutritious crops in the tropics where the leaves of several species are used as a potherb. [/quote] (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 17 24 by psnz
trivia question answer Do any living organisms produce a blue pigment?
    Blue pigments among living organisms are incredibly rare. One that does create a true blue pigment is the Obrina Olivewing butterfly ("Nessaea obrinus".) There is no vertebrate able to produce a true blue pigment. [quote]When we see blue animals — blue jays, for example — the blue hue is actually the result of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, which is the same phenomenon that makes the sky appear blue.[/quote] (psnz)
3 answers
May 17 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer While on the Moon, how did astronaut David Scott test Galileo's theory of gravity?
    With the classic hammer and feather drop experiment. Due to the lower gravity, they fell at a slower and easier-to-see rate but more importantly it is much closer to a vacuum. As predicted by Newton, both objects fell at the same rate! (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 17 24 by psnz
trivia question answer What was the first commercially available camera?
    About 1826, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first permanent photograph. [quote]The first photographic camera developed for commercial manufacture was a daguerreotype camera, built by Alphonse Giroux in 1839.[/quote] [quote]The use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1889. His first camera, which he called the "Kodak," was first offered for sale in 1888.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
May 17 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Altogether by 2021, which country had won the most Summer Olympics gold medals in the men's and women's marathons?
    From 1896 Athens to 2020 Tokyo (held in 2021) there have been 30 men's marathons and 10 women's. Ethiopia have won six of those 40 and Kenya five. (gtho4)
1 answer
May 16 24 by psnz
trivia question answer Which Nobel Prize category has had the most female winners?
    The Nobel category with most female winners is the Nobel Peace Prize, with 19 of the 111 awarded. [quote]After the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize 2023 to Narges Mohammadi, 19 women and 92 men have received "the world's most prestigious prize"[/quote] [quote]The distribution of [the 65] Nobel prizes awarded to women is as follows: * nineteen women have won the Nobel Peace Prize (16.3% of 110 awarded); * seventeen have won the Nobel Prize in Literature (14.28% of 119 awarded); * thirteen have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (5.6% of 230 awarded); * eight have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (4.1% of 191 awarded); * five have won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1.8% of 224 awarded); * and three ... have won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2.17% of 92 awarded) [/quote] The full list of those 65 recipients is on this webpage; (gtho4)
1 answer
May 16 24 by psnz
trivia question answer How high up will you find noctilucent clouds?
    Anywhere from 76 to 85 km (249,000 to 279,000 ft). These clouds are higher than any others in the Earth's atmosphere. [quote]Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are tenuous cloud-like phenomena in the upper atmosphere of Earth. When viewed from space, they are called polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs), detectable as a diffuse scattering layer of water ice crystals near the summer polar mesopause. They consist of ice crystals and from the ground are only visible during astronomical twilight. "Noctilucent" roughly means "night shining" in Latin.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
May 15 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Which Danish company is the world's largest tyre manufacturer?
    Believe it or not, if we are basing it on the number of tyres then the LEGO company makes more than any other company in the world! The rubber used to make LEGO tyres could be used to make automobile tyres. It would take the rubber needed for 200 LEGO tyres to equal one auto tyre. Based on this math, the LEGO company uses enough rubber to make 1.9 million auto tyres! That's nuts! [quote] According to the Guinness World Records, LEGO’s tyre production peaked in 2010 when the company churned out 381 million tiny tyres. Since then, it has held the record for the largest annual volume toy tyre manufacturer. [/quote] (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 15 24 by psnz
trivia question answer In 1908, what was the first city in the world to adopt daylight saving time?
    Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada was the first city to institute daylight savings on July 1, 1908. The US adopted daylight savings during World War I to save on energy. [quote] In 1908, the Canadian city of Thunder Bay—then the two cities of Fort William and Port Arthur—changed from the central time zone to the eastern time zone for the summer and fall after a citizen named John Hewitson argued that would afford an extra hour of daylight to enjoy the outdoors, says Michael deJong, curator-archivist at the Thunder Bay Museum. The next year, though, Port Arthur stayed on eastern time, while Fort William changed back to central time in the fall, which, predictably, “led to all sorts of confusion,” deJong says. [/quote] (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 15 24 by psnz
trivia question answer About how much does one episode of "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" cost to produce?
    Estimates vary, but around US$90m was budgeted per episode! Yikes! It has been described as "the most expensive television series ever made." [quote]"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" is an American fantasy television series developed by J. D. Payne and Patrick McKay for the streaming service Amazon Prime Video. Based on J. R. R. Tolkien's history of Middle-earth, primarily material from the appendices of the novel The "Lord of the Rings," the series is set thousands of years before the novel and depicts the major events of Middle-earth's Second Age.[/quote] (psnz)
1 answer
May 15 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer What books of the Bible have only one chapter?
    There are actually 5 of these sort of books in the bible: Obadiah{a book in the Old Testament}, II John, III John, Philemon and Jude {all found in the New Testament}. (Harmattan)
1 answer
May 15 24 by serpa
trivia question answer In "A Study in Scarlet", where do Holmes and Watson meet for the first time?
    At the beginning of the story, we learn that Dr Watson is looking for lodging and Holmes is looking for a roommate. Dr Watson's friend Stamford brings him to a hospital laboratory where Holmes currently is and they are introduced. (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 14 24 by psnz
trivia question answer What is the name of Stu Mackenzie, Ambrose Kenny Smith, Cook Craig, and Joey Walker's Melbourne band?
    Someone had fun with rhyming words: "King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard" is the name of the band. [quote]King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard (KGLW) are an Australian rock band formed in 2010 in Melbourne, Victoria. The band's current lineup consists of Stu Mackenzie, Ambrose Kenny-Smith, Cook Craig, Joey Walker, Lucas Harwood, and Michael Cavanagh. They are known for exploring multiple genres, staging energetic live shows, and building a prolific discography.[/quote] A glance at this band's discography reveals some 25 albums to date. (psnz)
1 answer
May 14 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer What was the inspiration behind Jim Henson's creation of the Muppet character "Oscar the Grouch"?
    Oscar was inspired by the rude restaurant owner at "Oscar's Salt of the Sea". Oscar originally had Orange hair in his inaugural Sesame Street episode due to challenges with getting the green color on air. Puppeteer Caroll Spinney tried to make Oscar's voice sound like a New York taxi cab driver. (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 14 24 by psnz
trivia question answer In the Book of Joshua, the Hebrews conquered a city called Ai. What does the word "Ai" mean?
    The heap of ruins. The Ai literally means "the heap (of ruins)." This was a city in Canaan. The Book of Joshua records the eponymous prophet leading the Israelites in their capture of Canaan. Today's archaeological site "Et-Tell" is thought to contain the Ai's ruins. Also see Joshua 7-8. (psnz)
1 answer
May 14 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer What does the expression "paddock to plate" refer to?
    Paddock to plate refers to the process of meat going from the farm to the dinner plate. [quote] Paddock to plate food is all about ensuring every step your food takes between being in the ground and hoof to your dining table is carefully monitored, to ensure the food is processed sustainably, and kept as fresh and unprocessed as possible. [/quote] (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 14 24 by psnz
trivia question answer What is the most heavily cratered object in the Solar System?
    Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons. Callisto is the second-largest moon of Jupiter and the third-largest in our solar system. The main reason why it is the most cratered is mainly due to Callisto's age of about 4 billion years. The rocky, icy surface of this satellite has been struck by comets and asteroids throughout that time. (psnz)
1 answer
May 14 24 by BigTriviaDawg
trivia question answer Which German-born man was a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
    Private John Potts [quote]Private John Potts (ca. 1776-1808) Born about 1776 in Dillenburg, Hessen, Germany. Enlistment date: 22 July 1800; location: Winchester; term: 5 years; age: 24; height: not given; rank: private; hair: black; complexion: fair; eyes: black; occupation: miller. Expedition service from 1 January 1804 to 10 October 1806; pay-$166.66 2/3. Killed by Blackfeet in 1808 near Three Forks, Gallatin County, Montana, at about age thirty-two. Estate probate proceedings began 6 January 1810 in St. Louis; Rufus Easton, William Russell, and William Massy executors; File 69. No known marriages or children.[/quote] (elburcher)
1 answer
May 14 24 by pehinhota
trivia question answer What does "Al Qods", the Arabic name for Jerusalem, translate as ?
    Al-Qods or Al-Quds translates as "The Holy" or "The Holy Sanctuary". (pennie1478)
1 answer
May 14 24 by chabenao1
trivia question answer Discovered in Australia in 1869, what is the Welcome Stranger?
    The "Welcome Stranger" is the largest gold nugget ever found. [quote]The Welcome Stranger is the biggest alluvial gold nugget ever found, discovered by prospectors John Deason and Richard Oates, who were paid £9381 for their nugget by the London Chartered Bank of Australia at the time. A replica of Welcome Stranger is in the City Museum in Melbourne and another is held by the descendants of John Deason.[/quote] (elburcher)
1 answer
May 13 24 by serpa
trivia question answer In 1937, he was the first person to perform a piano recital on US television. In 1997, he was the first pianist to stream a performance over the Internet. Who is he?
    Earl Wild [quote]In 1939, Mr. Wild was the first soloist to perform a solo piano recital on American television (NBC). In 1999, Mr. Wild performed the first live piano recital to be conveyed over the internet (streaming webcast through Pittsburgh's WQED)..[/quote] (elburcher)
1 answer
May 13 24 by serpa
trivia question answer What popular children's book was written after the author was dared to write a book using only fifty words?
    "Green Eggs and Ham" was written by Dr. Seuss on a dare. (pennie1478)
1 answer
May 13 24 by serpa
trivia question answer Whom was Foveaux Strait (NZ) named after?
    The Foveaux Strait separates the South Island and Stewart Island. It was named after Joseph Foveaux (1767-1846) an Australian. (serpa)
1 answer
May 13 24 by chabenao1
trivia question answer With respect to clothing, what does "distressed" mean?
    Distressed clothing is a head-scratcher to me. People will actually pay more for clothing that is cut up or shredded to make them look worn. Most often these are jeans. As a kid, I did have a few pairs of distressed jeans...because I played outside! (BigTriviaDawg)
1 answer
May 12 24 by psnz
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