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daily email trivia category World: Government: Specific Country Government: All Greek To Them
1What event disrupted Greece immediately after the end of World War II and lasted until 1950?
    Nothing: a new Parliament was elected
    Return of King George II
    Civil War
    British and Russian mililtary governorships
daily email trivia category Animals: General Dog Info: General Dog Info: Dogs with Jobs!
2What working dog is known as a K-9?
    Police dog
    None, it is a made up term
    AKC registered dog
    Dogs kept on ships
daily email trivia category Celebrities: Leading Men: Leading Men : Vanity Fair's Leading Men
3In 2000, Catherine Zeta Jones became the second wife of which Hollywood actor?
    Robert Redford
    Michael Douglas
    Paul Newman
    Harrison Ford
daily email trivia category Music: Transport in Songs: Transport in Songs: Fancy a Musical Trip? You Pick The Transport
4Was this person a "________ Man" that Elton John was singing about?
daily email trivia category Geography: Bodies of Water: Bodies of Water: What's in a Lake?
5At 68,800 square km (26,600 sq mi), this is Africa's largest lake, sometimes called "The Eye of the Rhino". It is divided among Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
    Lake Victoria
    Lake Titicaca
    Lake Malawi
    Lake Wakatipu
daily email trivia category Sports: Laws of the Game: Laws of the Game : Soccer for Starters
6The referee walks up to a player and shows him a red card. What does that mean?
    The player has to buy a lemonade for the referee
    The player is out for 10 minutes
    The player has to be substituted
    The player has to leave the field
daily email trivia category Literature: Poetry: Name the Poet: "The Nation's Favourite Poems" Name the Author
7The following lines: "And the Raven, never fitting, still is sitting-still is sitting/ On the pallid bust of pallas just above my chamber door," were written as part of a poem by which of the poets given below?
    Edgar Allan Poe
    T.S Eliot
    Wendy Cope
    D.H Lawrence
daily email trivia category Movies: Name It - Very Easy: Name It - Average 15: A Few of My Favourite Movies From 1990-1993
8(1992) Two sisters, one married the other not, leave the family dairy farm to try out for the first female professional baseball league. The league only exists because the war is on and a lot of the male baseball players have enlisted.
    Little Big League
    The Indoor League
    Justice League
    A League of Their Own
daily email trivia category History: U.S. Colonial History: U.S. Colonial History: Early American History
9Who invented the original Disney figures?
    Abraham Lincoln
    Walt Disney
    Christopher Columbus
    Adam Sandler
daily email trivia category Hobbies: Mexican Foods: Mexican Foods: Mexican Food in the United States
10This is a flat Mexican bread, made from flour or corn, used to make many Mexican dishes.
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