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Beverly Hills Cop Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Beverly Hills Cop Quizzes, Trivia

Beverly Hills Cop Trivia

Beverly Hills Cop Movie Trivia Quizzes

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  20 Questions about Beverly Hills Cop   great trivia quiz  
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A fun quiz about a truly funny movie.
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  Average Beverly Hills Cop Trivia    
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A quiz for anyone who loved the first "Beverly Hills Cop" film. Enjoy, and good luck.
Average, 10 Qns, Mookie 31, Dec 31 07
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What was Bogomil's rank in the Beverly Hills Police Department?

From Quiz "Beverly Hills Cop"

Beverly Hills Cop Trivia Questions

1. Why didn't the cigarette deal happen?

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Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Police officers showed up

Looking like something suspicious, two cops interrupted the deal, which led to the chase through Detroit.

2. At the beginning of the movie, we see Paul Reiser's character pestering Axel as he returns to the Detroit squad room. What was the character's name?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Jeffrey

"La La La La...I am not listening to Jeffrey..", Axel said this to Jeffrey with his hands covering his ears as he enters the locker room area.

3. What did Mikey have on him that eventually led to his murder?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Bearer Bonds

Mikey stole these bonds, which he thought were untraceable, but ended up dead outside Axel's apartment.

4. What was the name of Axel Foley's friend, who was killed at the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Mikey Tandino & Michael Tandino & Mike Tandino & Tandino

Mikey Tandino was Axel's longtime friend, who had worked for Victor Maitland and was found to be in possession of some of Maitland's illegal contraband shortly before he was killed by Maitland's thug.

5. Originally, what Detroit suburb was the cigarette truck from?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Dearborn

The cigarette truck was hijacked in Dearborn, Michigan, just outside of downtown Detroit.

6. What was the name of Foley's boss back in Detroit?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Inspector Todd

Played by Gil Hill, who interestingly was a man of law enforcement in real life!

7. What is the name of Axel's boss?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Todd

Inspector Douglas Todd is the name, yelling is his game.

8. One of the items being smuggled by Victor Maitland were bearer bonds from what country?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Germany

Maitland smuggled bearer bonds as well as other items such as cocaine. In more than one scene they talk about how he used coffee grounds to pack the contraband in an effort to throw off the drug sniffing dogs.

9. Who owns the Art Gallery where Jenny works?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Victor Maitland

Victor Maitland owns the Hollis Benton Art Gallery, in Beverly Hills. It's the 2nd world-famous place. Ever hear of it?

10. What hotel did Axel Foley stay at during his visit to Beverly Hills?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Beverly Palm Hotel

He got a room by getting the hotel people to believe he was in town doing a story on Michael Jackson for "Rolling Stone" magazine.

11. What was the name of the hotel, in which Axel stayed?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Beverly Palm Hotel

According to the movie, the Beverly Palm Hotel is where they charge you $235.00 a night, and that was in 1984. Just imagine what it is today!

12. What kind of vehicle did Axel drive?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Chevy Nova

That same old "crappy blue Chevy Nova!", As stated by his female friend in the scene where Axel is hitching a ride in her Mercedes shortly after his arrival in Beverly Hills.

13. What did Axel find in the warehouse, on the counter?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Coffee Grounds

Axel was going to take the coffee grounds home, filter hot water through it, and drink it in the morning.

14. Which Beverly Hills Cop slugged Axel in the stomach shortly after Foley's first arrest?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Taggart

"Sir. I apologize for striking you I have no excuse", said Taggart to Foley after Taggart was reprimanded by Lt. Bogomil. (Bogomil witnessed the assault take place in the Beverly Hills squad room.)

15. When Axel, Taggert, and Billy were in the strip bar, what drink did Axel order?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Scotch and Soda

A popular drink in the movie. Mikey ordered two of them at the bar, back in Detroit.

16. What name did Foley keep shouting to one of the armed robbers in the strip club, shortly before disarming the perp?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Phil

Axel shouted "Phil !" and "Phillip !" and acted like he knew the perp before wrestling the gun away from him, while Taggart and Rosewood stood by watching Axel in action.

17. What was Bogomil's rank in the Beverly Hills Police Department?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Lieutenant

Lieutenant Bogomil was promoted to Captain by the time Axel made his second trip to Beverly Hills. ("Beverly Hills Cop II")

18. How did Axel disable Taggart and Rosewood's unmarked police vehicle, so they would not be able to follow him?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Placed bananas into the tailpipe.

The two detectives caught a lot of heat from Bogomil back at the squad room after the banana incident.

19. What was the name Axel called the gunman at the strip bar?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Phillip

"Hey Phillip, gimme' kiss baby!"

20. What was the name of the private club that Axel followed Maitland to?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Harrow

We get a glimpse of the name of the club when Maitland first arrives there for brunch. We also hear the Chief mention the name of the club upon his first encounter with Foley back at the squad room.

21. What disease did Axel say he had, in order to be granted access to go speak with Maitland at the private club?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Herpes Simplex 10

In an effort to be granted access into the dining area, Axel used the name "Ramone" who had allegedly discovered that he contracted Herpes Simplex 10.

22. What actor played Zack, Maitland's "associate" who whacked Axel's friend at the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Jonathan Banks

Jonathan Banks has played may roles, including OCB Agent Frank McPike in the late 80's television hit "Wiseguy."

23. What did Axel ask the security guard for when approached at the Pre-Customs holding facility?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Match

In an effort to go through and inspect the contents of shipping crates, Axel posed as a US Customs Inspector doing routine inspections of several facilities throughout the country. The on-site security officials bought his story and gave him full access to the crates as well as shipping manifests.

24. What business, other than illegal smuggling, was Victor Maitland primarily engaged in?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Art

He was supposed to be one of the top art dealers in the country.

25. What was the name of Axel's female friend who worked for Maitland?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Jeannette Summers

She is referred to in the movie as "Jenny" as well as Jeannette.

26. Which officer/detective first arrived with Foley at Maitland's house, before the big shootout scene?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Rosewood

Foley and Rosewood were the first to arrive at 609 Palm Canyon Drive. Taggart met them shortly after, at the East gate to the property.

27. At the end of the movie, Taggart tells the desk clerk that the department is taking care of the bill.What did Axel have the clerk add to the bill as a gift to Rosewood and Taggart?

From Quiz Beverly Hills Cop

Answer: Robes

He had the hotel charge two bath robes to give Taggart and Rosewood. When Taggart tried to refuse the gift and told Axel to keep it, Axel told him he already had three of them in his bag.

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