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How many live two-headed persons are there?

Question #34068. Asked by stjohn.

Answer has 3 votes
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23 year member
1331 replies

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
An extreme case of conjoined 'Siamese' twins can result in two arms, two legs and two heads. I've seen at least two cases of this no the television. This is not considered to be one person with two heads. It is two people who share one body.

It is normal to try and separate such people, ending up with two people with one arm and one leg each. Whether this is possible or not depends very much on which internal organs are duplicated. If there is only one heart, then it is probably impossible.

May 21 2003, 7:38 AM
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
Some years ago I saw a documentary of an operation on a chinese man (about 20) by a team of western surgeons. The man had been ostracised since he had been born and his mother had hidden him in her house all of his life because he had another head on the back left hand side of his head about the size of half a tennis ball.Eyes,nose ears. The lot.It looked quite gruesome.

Some westeners had been visiting his village and by chance had seen him furtively dashing between houses and had noticed the anomaly.

I considered myself priveleged to have seen the operation and especially the look of absolute joy on the man's face when he looked in a mirror to see that the head had been removed!

That is a rare moment I will always remember.

May 21 2003, 12:15 PM
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