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What is the meaning of the 7-pointed star?

Question #58077. Asked by UT-7.
Last updated Jan 07 2017.

Answer has 2 votes
23 year member
419 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
The acute heptagram is known as the Elven Star or Fairy Star, a sacred symbol to Wiccans who follow the Faery tradition. It has also been adopted as an identifier by members of the Otherkin subculture.

The obtuse heptagram was used as a symbol in the Kabbalah, and later by Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis where it was known as the Star (or Seal) of Babalon.

A solid (filled) form of heptagram appears often on the flag and in the heraldic symbolism of Australia. In the Australian context, the seven points allegedly represent the six states of Australia (one each) plus one for the combined Territories. The seven-pointed stars make a refreshing change from the numerous conventional vexillological five-pointed stars.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Jan 07 2017.
Jul 01 2005, 11:08 PM
Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
There seems to be something basic about the number seven in nature. There are the seven colors of the rainbow, and the seven notes of the musical scale. Western science recognizes seven chief glands in the human body, called the endocrine glands; while Eastern yoga systems speak of the seven chakras, or centers of force, in man's subtle body.

Medieval astrology has its seven Ancient and Sacred planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon or Luna. There are the seven visible heavenly bodies which make up our solar system, the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto not being visible to the naked eye. Strictly speaking, of course, the Sun and Moon are not planets, and are more correctly described as the two luminaries; but the term 'seven sacred planets' was used for convenience. Everything upon Earth is under the governance, astrological speaking, of these seven influences.

This is why we have the seven-day week. Each day is ruled by one of the planets. The Sun rules Sunday, the Moon Monday, Mars Tuesday, Mercury Wednesday, Jupiter Thursday, Venus Friday, and Saturn Saturday. These rulerships go back to the days of ancient Chaldea and Babylon.

Also, in the Northern Hemisphere, we have the most conspicuous constellation of the night sky, the Plough, or the Great Bear (Ursa Major), which points to the North Star or the Pole star, and which consists of a group of seven bright stars.

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Response last updated by gtho4 on Jan 07 2017.
Mar 27 2009, 4:10 AM
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