A note on Cheating
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The encyclopedia FunTrivia selects certain quiz questions from the FunTrivia quiz database to put together an interesting collection of topical questions and answers on thousands of topics. As such, the answers to some quiz questions are displayed in the Encyclopedia FunTrivia.

Question: But can't people cheat on FunTrivia quizzes now?

There are no prizes and there is no acknowledgement for good scores on FunTrivia quizzes. In fact, scores entirely disappear for quizzes that are played over 100 times. As such, the concept of cheating does not even apply to quizzes. What is the point of copying answers when there is absolutely nothing to gain from doing so? What a waste of your time. You'd be better off counting how many raisins are in that box of raisin bran...

Question: Won't cheaters skew the ratings of my quizzes?

No. They never have, and never will. We simply ignore the quiz histories of any player showing suspicious patterns of quiz scoring to ensure the integrity of our quiz ranking and rating system.

Question: Can't people use the encyclopedia to cheat in FunTrivia tournaments?

Players caught cheating in any FunTrivia tournament (global challenge, daily game, hourly game) are routinely detected and banned from FunTrivia forever.

Always keep in mind: when you play a tournament quiz, we know what questions you have been given. We also know the locations of all answers to those questions on FunTrivia. As such, even if you use different logins, browser windows, or IP addresses we are able to cross reference tournament questions with all other sources of answers on FunTrivia. Furthermore, we have other methods for detecting cheating. It is not only detectable, but it is just as pointless as copying answers and pasting them into quizzes.

Enjoy FunTrivia for what it is -- an entertaining website for those who love interesting knowledge. Abusing it just wastes your time.