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Quiz Title Category Difficulty Qns Played Online Author
1 Trees of Literature, Legend, and Song
Trees have inspired authors, poets, and composers from ancient times to the present day. These are some memorable literary, legendary, and musical uses of this timeless symbol. Enjoy!
Thematic Junk Difficult 25
Jul 10 03
This Quiz Stinks!
Of all my quizzes, this one is certainly the most rancid, fetid, noisome of the bunch! Each of the questions in this quiz deals with something stinky...very stinky! Plug your nose and give it a try!
Thematic Junk Difficult 15
Aug 24 02
Nasty Predicaments and Life's Little Pickles
Lipstick on the collar? Blood on the cuff? This quiz will help get you out of a few little pickles. Hey, you might even learn a thing or two!
Thematic Junk Difficult 10
Nov 13 03
4 Understanding Traditional British Pubnames
There is more in some traditional pubnames than meets the eye. They may refer to a local incident, a lost tradition or may have a completely different meaning than a modern mind would think of. See for yourself how transparent the following names are.
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Nov 22 01
5 Secret Message in Semaphore
Before the advent of the telegraph, ships had to rely on the semaphore alphabet to communicate with each other. Each question represents one letter. Put all the letters together at the end to reveal a secret message!
Thematic Junk Difficult 15
Dec 30 01
Numerical Facts
Two events with numerical values (maybe a year, a frequency..) are mathematically combined (PLUS, MINUS, MULTIPLIED BY, DIVIDED BY) to give the value of another event. You need to know three answers for every question! Each is based on a single category.
Thematic Junk Very Difficult 20
Jan 25 04
7 Ever Changing Winds
In this quiz the word ‘Wind’, in various shapes and forms, is included in each question or answer.
Thematic Junk Very Difficult 10
Check Out This Quiz!
'Check' is a well used word, popping up in all sorts of places. Check off the places where you have seen it!
Thematic Junk Easy 10
Jun 21 04
9 Tattoos-History, Culture and Health Risks
Tattoos have been part of society since 2000 B.C. Some people used tattoos to indicate key moments in their life, some used them to show social rankings in their community and some people use them to show their individuality.
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Feb 29 04
10 Murder Mystery
Old Lord D'Eath has been found murdered on the pool table in his country mansion. Can you identify the killer, by answering the following questions?
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Aug 29 02
11 The World's Only Quiz on Pocket Lint
I started thinking about whether an entire quiz on the topic of pocket lint was even possible. One thing led to another, and soon I found myself writing one.
Thematic Junk Easy 10
Jun 15 02
Inquizition's "What am I"?
Using only the ten letters at the top of your keyboard (QWERTYUIOP), answer the following questions. Each letter may only be used once in each question. The first letter is given in the clue. Have fun.
Thematic Junk Average 15
Nov 08 03
13 What Am I (part two)?
Using the nine letters on the centre line of your keyboard (ASDFGHJKL), answer the following questions. Each letter may only be used once in each question apart from the letter 'a'. The first letter of each answer is given in the clue. Have fun.
Thematic Junk Average 15
Dec 26 03
14 This Quiz is Full of Stars
But not 'those' kind of stars! In this quiz you'll be asked to identify things that contain the word star and/or are star-shaped. I'm sure you'll do well and will gain an all-star score on this quiz...good luck!
Thematic Junk Average 10
Mar 16 04
15 Jon's Catty Quiz
This quiz is a look at films, books, plays, etc. through the eyes of my feline friend, Mr. Jon C. Katt. There are a few questions for mice, too.
Thematic Junk Average 10
Apr 12 04
16 "Moos"ellaneous
This quiz is about the fuzzy little critters known as "the moose" and the Italian dictator Mussolini. Unrelated, you say? Hah! Most of you don't know that Mussolini owned more than a dozen highly trained pet mooses. So there.
Thematic Junk Average 20
Nov 04 03
Everything Under the 'Sun'
Do you understand the nature of sunspots, or solar flares? No matter, you need not be an expert on the sun to succeed in this quiz. This quiz deals with everything under the 'sun'...good luck!
Thematic Junk Average 10
Mar 15 04
Do You Know Your Snow?
Many of us live in snow-free climates, but occasionally we fantasize about the winterly white stuff. This quiz will help encourage such fantasies by asking ten snow-related questions...good luck!
Thematic Junk Average 10
Mar 13 04
19 Mr. Forgetful in "Pigs: What's up with Them?"
Everywhere there's lots of piggies living piggy lives, so we should all be interested in their doings in fact and fiction.
Thematic Junk Average 15
Jan 29 03
20 Remember the Old Dating Techniques?
Just recently, I started thinking about the good old days and how things were when I started dating. Let’s see if you can remember some of these “techniques.” By the way, younger generation, take some hints!
Thematic Junk Easy 10
May 03 04
21 Quiz about Hell
Abandon all hope, ye who try this quiz ...
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Apr 03 02
22 Stagecoach Quiz
This quiz has nothing to do with stagecoaches, or any kind of coaches, for that matter. Why it's called Stagecoach Quiz is a riddle- see if you can figure it out!
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Mar 29 02
23 Professorjon Rubs It In
Professorjon rubs in ten questions.
Thematic Junk Very Easy 10
Nov 23 02
Handwriting Analysis Test
This is a quiz on handwriting. See what you know about it and remember to have fun!
Thematic Junk Average 10
Dec 26 03
25 Fabulous Prize Quiz! Big Money !
A quiz about prizes. NB. There are no prizes for completing it - I just wanted to see how many people would click on the quiz just because of the title. If this goes well, my next quizzes will be called 'Win a Million' and 'Free Cheese for Life'
Thematic Junk Difficult 10
Apr 23 02
26 A Silver Anniversary Party
To celebrate my 25th quiz, I made a quiz with 25 questions about (you guessed it) SILVER!
Thematic Junk Tough 25
Feb 11 04
27 Mr. Forgetful in "Bunnies, Rabbits and Hares"
Yep, I'm up to my old tricks again with queries about all kinds of rabbits, bunnies and hares in fact and fiction. You know, the same as my quiz on pigs, only different.
Thematic Junk Average 20
Apr 05 03
28 Pirate Treasure Hunt
Ahoy me hearties, I've found me directions to a chest of pirate treasure. Answer the questions right and the treasure's all yours. Just remember to count yer paces well after each question.
Thematic Junk Average 10
Oct 27 03
29 Do The Ends Justify The Means?
This is an interesting philosophical question. Here are a few illustrations of the problem in a variety of places.
Thematic Junk Difficult 10
Apr 17 04
30 Kick up the Arsenic!
A cross section of questions directly, indirectly, or completely unrelated to that great leveler, Arsenic.
Thematic Junk Tough 10
Mar 01 03
Next 30

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Games are ranked through player ratings of each quiz.
Difficulty is dynamically determined based on player results.

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