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The FunTrivia Newspaper

( aka The FunTrivia Daily Globe Tribune Mirror Post Times )
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Fun Trivia Adventures
A weekly column exploring the FunTrivia website and its visitors. Written by FunTrivia editor Linkan.

What's New!
Updates from Terry, the creator and webmaster of FunTrivia.

From the Editors
News and info from our trivia editors. Must read info for quiz makers.

Quiz Writing Weekly
Editor DakotaNorth presents weekly tips, tricks, and suggestions on quiz writing.

Read Me: Ask.FunTrivia Rules

When posting questions:

Check the search facility first to see if your question has been asked before.

Post single trivia questions, one question per entry.

Do not post questions taken directly from professionally written quizzes that offer cash prizes. Do the work yourself.

Do not post opinion questions. These belong in the forums or on the chat boards.

Do not post riddles, brain teasers, ditloids or math problems. Use designated areas in the forums or chat boards.

Do not post questions that will produce a list of possible answers.

Do not post questions about FunTrivia. This is not technical support. Use the forums or the feedback utility on the homepage.

Do not post questions asking for medical, legal or veterinary advice. FunTrivia can not dispense this kind of help. Contact a doctor, attorney or veterinarian.

If you make an error, either repost the question correctly or post the changes you wish to make under the question. An editor will correct the problem as soon as possible.

There is no reward or point system. Exclude phrases like "bonus points" or "extra credit" from your question. You are not required to tell us whether an answer is right or wrong, or even to say thanks.

When posting answers:

Do not guess. If you don't know, don't answer until you have looked it up. Chronic guessers will be putting their accounts in jeopardy.

Do not post answers without a reference.

If you answer from your own knowledge, provide a reference supporting your answer. Answers that contain "I think," or end with a question mark, and do not have a reference, will be removed.

Do not begin your answer with "It depends on what you mean," or ask for more information. Interpret the question as is. If you don't understand the question, don't answer it.

Do not post a subsequent question under a question. Post it as a new question.

If something in the question is misspelled or left out and it is obvious what was meant, answer the question as if it was correct. Use the correct spelling in your answer.

If you do not agree with an existing answer, post your own answer as if the other response was not there. Do not ridicule other answers, or argue over who is right or wrong. This is not a discussion board.

Do not post an answer that consists only of a reference link to a website. These are useless later if the site has closed. Either provide an answer in your own words or copy and paste the pertinent information from the website.

If you copy and paste your answer or a portion of your answer directly from another site, reference your answer with that URL. Some sites such as Wikipedia require a direct link, and beyond being a common courtesy to credit someone else's work, we do not want to put FunTrivia in a position of being accused of copyright infringement. Print sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, newspapers, and magazines should also be noted when material is quoted directly from them.

To add a link for your reference, highlight the URL in your browser. Right-click on your mouse and choose "Copy." Left-click in the FunTrivia answer box, then right-click your mouse again and choose "Paste." The link will show automatically after you submit your answer, but it must begin with "http" and it must be separated from any other text or punctuation by a space.


We have forums, chat boards, mail boxes, private messages, and private group boards for conversation. Please use AskFunTrivia as the trivia database it is meant to be.

Follow standard English rules for capitalization and punctuation when posting either questions or answers. It is not necessary to capitalize for emphasis, or to use chat-speak to abbreviate.

Do not dredge up old questions which have already been answered unless, 1.) you believe the answer is incorrect and you are prepared to back up your answer with a reference, or 2.) the question wasn't adequately answered and you are giving a complete answer backed up with a reference.

All posts are subject to editing.