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Hall of Fame

Top 5 players at the end of each month will be written into the hall of fame, forever!

Nov 09

1 players played during the month.

1. mull and staffa (1 points, 1 wins)

Feb 08

3 players played during the month.

1. Jeke (1 points, 1 wins)
2. MTAS (1 points, 1 wins)
3. Alex (1 points, 1 wins)

Nov 07

1 players played during the month.

1. Lebenreich (1 points, 1 wins)

Oct 07

2 players played during the month.

1. USS_Hoylake (1 points, 1 wins)
2. MTAS (1 points, 1 wins)

Sep 07

4 players played during the month.

1. FionaS (7 points, 2 wins)
2. Alex (7 points, 0 wins)
3. MTAS (6 points, 3 wins)
4. Mothalsi (4 points, 0 wins)

Aug 07

4 players played during the month.

1. ECC (4 points, 2 wins)

Jul 07

8 players played during the month.

1. chatina (5 points, 1 wins)
2. bearwoman (4 points, 2 wins)
3. USS_Hoylake (3 points, 3 wins)
4. ECC (2 points, 0 wins)
5. Hotellie (1 points, 1 wins)
6. Kevertje (1 points, 1 wins)

Jun 07

2 players played during the month.

1. USS_Hoylake (17 points, 17 wins)
2. oklahombres (2 points, 2 wins)

May 07

6 players played during the month.

1. Hotellie (11 points, 7 wins)
2. USS_Hoylake (11 points, 6 wins)
3. Astereon (5 points, 1 wins)
4. Jeke (3 points, 2 wins)
5. reallyexpensivestuff (2 points, 0 wins)
6. oklahombres (2 points, 0 wins)

Apr 07

12 players played during the month.

1. mull and staffa (36 points, 2 wins)
2. Bubabalu (35 points, 2 wins)
3. Hotellie (28 points, 13 wins)
4. Ikio (24 points, 0 wins)
5. carsonii (22 points, 1 wins)
6. rhusterkok (10 points, 1 wins)
7. Jeke (5 points, 1 wins)
8. Argosonia (4 points, 1 wins)
9. mazette (4 points, 1 wins)

Mar 07

9 players played during the month.

1. Bubabalu (85 points, 13 wins)
2. mull and staffa (75 points, 8 wins)
3. carsonii (54 points, 4 wins)
4. Hotellie (29 points, 1 wins)
5. mazette (14 points, 3 wins)
6. Ikio (13 points, 1 wins)
7. Aggies07 (8 points, 1 wins)
8. weasel (5 points, 0 wins)
9. Argosonia (4 points, 0 wins)

Feb 07

8 players played during the month.

1. Bubabalu (78 points, 13 wins)
2. mull and staffa (50 points, 2 wins)
3. weasel (36 points, 3 wins)
4. Hotellie (28 points, 1 wins)
5. carsonii (13 points, 0 wins)
6. Chef Benjamin (8 points, 0 wins)

Jan 07

11 players played during the month.

1. Bubabalu (120 points, 3 wins)
2. mull and staffa (117 points, 2 wins)
3. weasel (102 points, 3 wins)
4. Hotellie (21 points, 0 wins)
5. stufu (12 points, 0 wins)
6. Lebenreich (8 points, 1 wins)
7. Chef Benjamin (8 points, 0 wins)

Dec 06

12 players played during the month.

1. Bubabalu (93 points, 5 wins)
2. mull and staffa (75 points, 4 wins)
3. weasel (69 points, 4 wins)
4. stufu (35 points, 1 wins)
5. GetRichQuick (31 points, 3 wins)
6. Switzerstan2 (25 points, 0 wins)
7. utopinarian overlord (12 points, 1 wins)
8. Jeke (7 points, 1 wins)

Nov 06

13 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (162 points, 2 wins)
2. Switzerstan2 (156 points, 0 wins)
3. Bubabalu (134 points, 1 wins)
4. mull and staffa (110 points, 0 wins)
5. stufu (98 points, 0 wins)
6. utopinarian overlord (91 points, 0 wins)
7. weasel (84 points, 1 wins)

Oct 06

14 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (153 points, 17 wins)
2. stufu (130 points, 3 wins)
3. utopinarian overlord (120 points, 2 wins)
4. Switzerstan2 (92 points, 3 wins)
5. mull and staffa (83 points, 0 wins)
6. Llanarc (48 points, 0 wins)
7. weasel (43 points, 0 wins)

Sep 06

17 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (148 points, 6 wins)
2. utopinarian overlord (148 points, 1 wins)
3. Switzerstan2 (147 points, 1 wins)
4. stufu (127 points, 2 wins)
5. mull and staffa (85 points, 0 wins)
6. mw (82 points, 2 wins)
7. Llanarc (77 points, 0 wins)
8. Ashbalon (37 points, 2 wins)

Aug 06

19 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (221 points, 9 wins)
2. Ashbalon (202 points, 4 wins)
3. utopinarian overlord (173 points, 6 wins)
4. Switzerstan2 (169 points, 1 wins)
5. Aggies07 (161 points, 7 wins)
6. shaming (150 points, 2 wins)
7. Llanarc (127 points, 0 wins)
8. Britannia Beyond Regis (93 points, 0 wins)
9. mw (88 points, 0 wins)
10. stufu (85 points, 1 wins)

Jul 06

25 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (227 points, 10 wins)
2. Ashbalon (224 points, 3 wins)
3. Switzerstan2 (203 points, 3 wins)
4. Aggies07 (187 points, 6 wins)
5. utopinarian overlord (169 points, 1 wins)
6. mull and staffa (168 points, 0 wins)
7. stufu (150 points, 1 wins)
8. Jeke (147 points, 3 wins)
9. Britannia Beyond Regis (130 points, 3 wins)
10. mw (124 points, 0 wins)

Jun 06

29 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (272 points, 5 wins)
2. Llanarc (242 points, 2 wins)
3. Switzerstan2 (242 points, 0 wins)
4. Ashbalon (183 points, 0 wins)
5. mull and staffa (168 points, 0 wins)

May 06

33 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (374 points, 13 wins)
2. Llanarc (252 points, 1 wins)
3. stufu (250 points, 3 wins)
4. Aggies07 (238 points, 2 wins)
5. Ashbalon (209 points, 0 wins)
6. mw (191 points, 1 wins)
7. Switzerstan2 (180 points, 3 wins)

Apr 06

38 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (259 points, 1 wins)
2. mw (209 points, 0 wins)
3. Llanarc (188 points, 0 wins)

Mar 06

46 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (376 points, 2 wins)

Feb 06

33 players played during the month.

1. stufu (182 points, 1 wins)
2. Ratatpslr (175 points, 2 wins)

Jan 06

14 players played during the month.

1. stufu (162 points, 5 wins)
2. mull and staffa (152 points, 0 wins)

Dec 05

15 players played during the month.

1. stufu (126 points, 6 wins)
2. mull and staffa (72 points, 2 wins)

Oct 05

22 players played during the month.

1. Mermaid (208 points, 0 wins)

Sep 05

24 players played during the month.

1. Mermaid (323 points, 1 wins)

Aug 05

23 players played during the month.

1. Ratatpslr (308 points, 5 wins)
2. stufu (232 points, 1 wins)

Jul 05

24 players played during the month.

1. Ryan (239 points, 1 wins)
2. drumillar (195 points, 2 wins)

Jun 05

21 players played during the month.

1. stufu (176 points, 3 wins)
2. drumillar (168 points, 6 wins)

May 05

9 players played during the month.

1. Mothalsi (8 points, 1 wins)
2. stufu (7 points, 0 wins)