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Today's game ends in 12 hours, 34 minutes.
Today's Topic (Sunday): *** FunTrivia Mixed Bag (default)
0 players have played so far today.
Your tournament host is kittycaine

Now that we are up and running, I would like to explain to any newbies how the game works. 1. This is a tournament so there is a daily score and a monthly accumulative score. So keep playing. 2. The game points are based on the # correct and how fast you answer. So if you're gonna guess anyway don't read the questions. 3.There is a profile section should you wish to let us know about yourself. 4. I will change subject matter on Sun. evening about 8 or 9 PM. Please schedule your game with this in mind Suggestions can be emailed to me at or

( Recent Award Winners )

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Note: If you play in more than one private tournament, you must register in each separately, and you must log out of one game before logging into another.

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Top 50 scores at end of the day earn points.

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