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Most Recent Winners of Entirely Fictitious Awards!

Oct 30 09: bbbsstepmom won... Little Fluffy Dog
Sep 20 08: WendyJoF won... Shaggy Dog
Sep 20 08: WendyJoF won... Droopy Dog
Sep 20 08: WendyJoF won... Awww it's a puppy!
Sep 20 08: WendyJoF won... A Happy Dog
Mar 18 08: Dutchie63 won... A Cheesy Snow Globe! A must have!
Mar 18 08: Dutchie63 won... Awww it's a puppy!
Feb 02 08: tikiroy won... A Cheesy Snow Globe! A must have!
Jan 06 08: mommacomet won... It's a Sausage Dog!
Jan 06 08: mommacomet won... Fatty Dog
Jan 06 08: mommacomet won... A Pile of Books
Dec 21 07: Kayti won... Little Fluffy Dog
Dec 11 07: rockaggie won... It's a Sausage Dog!
Sep 30 07: Rae won... Awww it's a puppy!
Sep 30 07: Rae won... Awww it's a pony! How cute!
Sep 30 07: Rae won... A Playful Retriever
Sep 25 07: MissBelleoftheBall won... Kitten and Puppy and a Ball. What a deal!
Aug 28 07: Rae won... A Lovely Horse
Aug 28 07: Rae won... Free Milk Every Morning!
Jul 27 07: LilBrnDog won... It's a Sausage Dog!
Jun 27 07: mommacomet won... A Playful Retriever
Jan 10 07: MissBelleoftheBall won... Awww it's a puppy!
Jan 06 07: tikiroy won... A Number One Medal. Yay you!
Nov 14 06: MissBelleoftheBall won... A Cheesy Ribbon
Nov 09 06: MissBelleoftheBall won... A Cheesy Snow Globe! A must have!