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Subject: Hated Team Heroes Topics

Posted by: Terry
Date: Sep 08 23

I have just added a handful of new Team Heroes topics that I believe have enough universal appeal as to work for the game.

On the other side of things, I'm curious if there are any universally reviled Team Heroes topics that (nearly) everyone wishes were removed from the game.

"Paganism" and "Universities & Colleges" are two that I have seen mentioned.

Any others that don't make great Team Heroes topics?

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I would agree. I believe only getting 5 out of 15 correct was worse than I did last time. The quiz pool for these questions (the Ontario ones) is obviously limited, as two topics were repeated 2-3 times in the 15 questions I got.

Reply #61. Jan 03 24, 3:10 PM

Lord of the Rings. The movies were very close to the book. Long and boring.

Reply #62. Jan 03 24, 8:42 PM
houndfromhell star

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Role playing games. I’ve never played any and would rather stab myself in the eye with a pencil than play one. So it’s multi-guess answers.

Reply #63. Jan 04 24, 4:09 AM
LauraMcC star

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I quite enjoy Heroes topics that I know nothing about.

It means that there is no pressure to do well, and I can just focus on speed.

Reply #64. Jan 04 24, 5:22 AM
Duchess716 star

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I'm with the non-fans of role playing games. I never play them. I also never play any topic about war, although I know it's a favorite of many.

Reply #65. Jan 04 24, 6:15 AM

player avatar
In the end, almost every topic will have its lovers and its haters. It would benefit my team quite a bit if we could have "theme parks" at least once a month... but I doubt it will find many other takers :) On the other hand, I am outright useless on anything actors. But others do well and love it.

Reply #66. Jan 04 24, 1:40 PM
garrybl star

player avatar
I'm curious as to whether the list is curated or random. The introduction of Wacky Wednesdays (a great idea) and -- I think -- the general elimination for the most part of some of the easier questions in the easier themes so that we don't get so many speed-races, is a sensible enough idea.
But Ontario twice in two weeks? Castles and Palaces twice in two weeks?
Unless I've misremembered (and since my team's record for this was set on Dec 30 2023 I don't think so) this seems rather odd.
For reference, when going back to our team's record page in Team Heroes there are at least 50-100 topics that have only been set once. Most many years ago. I suggest we should/could usefully revisit some of them?

Reply #67. Jan 12 24, 10:34 AM
Same topic team heroes and who's the expert,
I do worst score in team heroes.
Why are the questions in team heroes more difficult
than in expert games.
And the time:I am too slow in team heroes.
For instance topic team heroes 15/15 60"
Same topic expert game 15/15 40".

Reply #68. Jan 12 24, 12:55 PM
The Team Heroes questions lately do seem more wordy, and more than likely taken from quizzes that were more narrow in scope. I also agree it is a harder version of Who's the Expert now, which itself has gotten more difficult since the new topic categories were introduced.

Some of the general topics, like Biology yesterday, saw scores hundreds of points lower due to the specificity of the questions asked. Any score listed in my team's record book hasn't been challenged in a long time due to these behind the scenes changes. It is no longer a general knowledge game, but one that almost asks for looking up answers due to the obscurity of what's on offer.

Neither is it a fair judge of a team's merits anymore; one outlier score sways things really far when the point gap goes 120, 117, 114, etc. from 1st on down. Getting a mediocre score will get you a point or two at most, and when most of the scores fall in that range, the game itself needs examination.

Reply #69. Jan 12 24, 2:28 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
yeah i really don't like the team heroes change. before even if you know you're no good at a subject it's worth doing it to get in your team's top 8, now what's the point? it'll be 1 point either way

Reply #70. Jan 12 24, 6:28 PM
Here's an idea: have a prestige perk that allows for a Who's the Expert-like erase and redo one game per week in Team Heroes. The game has become basically another Who's the Expert, so having a perk to match makes sense to me.

I for one would like my atrocious score today to never have existed. Even with the Wacky Wednesday topic making things harder, I never expected to score that low in a History topic.

Reply #71. Jan 17 24, 2:29 PM
misstified star

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That's a good idea about the perk.

Reply #72. Jan 17 24, 3:56 PM
MissCirrus star

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I like that perk idea!

Reply #73. Jan 17 24, 7:11 PM

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Well, the nice thing about today's very obscure topic - I only knew the answer to one question, all the rest were pure guesses - is that we're most of us all in the same boat.

Though there may be one or two players today, thinking "This is my chance to shine!!" because they wrote most of the questions. Just what the Heroes game is all about.

Reply #74. Jan 31 24, 9:33 AM
lachicadecafe star

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I did not enjoy today's Wacky Wednesday topic of Dolls and Bears. It felt like another set of Impossible from GC or another game of Obscurity, both of which I hate because for me, they're very difficult. As somebody else in this thread stated, every topic will have its lovers and its haters. I hope tomorrow's Team Heroes game goes better for me, anyway!

Reply #75. Jan 31 24, 9:12 PM
misstified star

player avatar
I liked today's Wacky Wednesday topic of Italian as it was about the first one I knew a reasonable amount about. Could we have some more language topics please.

Reply #76. Feb 07 24, 4:40 PM
rahul0 star

player avatar
Not sure anyone else enjoyed it, but had a goal of 1440 Team Heroes in Ascension, so the fact that chess and mixed tolkien characters were 2 of the last 3 topics was awesome for me.

Reply #77. May 03 24, 1:52 PM

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That's my favourite thing about Heroes - while other people are cursing the selection, somebody is going "Finally! Something I'm the best at!"

Reply #78. May 03 24, 6:31 PM
Qmel star

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Stonecreek, I like the idea of a mulligan in the Team Heroes game, but as a perk for those that are Team Magnate.

Reply #79. May 13 24, 7:42 PM
Seems like a good idea. And it's being brought up on a day where the normal topic is acting even worse than a Wacky Wednesday. The highest-scoring average in League A, the cream of the crop, is an underwhelming 754.1. That should not be the case in a foundational game for site-wide scoring in Leagues.

Reply #80. May 14 24, 1:12 PM

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