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A Crossword about Animals

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A quiz that covers all sorts of animals including mammals, birds and insects.
Author: Kuu - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. A mammal that lays eggs
      5. Male proboscis monkeys have long ____
      8. What a baby seal is called
      10. An animal related to the giraffe
      13. An animal that is related to the manatee
      15. A female deer
      16. The serval is a wild ___
      17. ___ panda
      20. A stork-like bird
      23. Aquatic mammals related to minks and weasels
      24. Cats chase them
      25. Edible marine gastropods
      27. A flying mammal
      28. A young eel
      31. A member of the camel family that is found in South America
      33. Very rare New Zealand ground parrot
      35. A type of insect
      36. Type of seabird
      37. The young of a frog
      38. A female hog
      39. Common rodents


      2. 'King of the Jungle'
      3. Sound a dog makes
      4. It weaves webs
      6. A snail-like creature that doesn't have a shell
      7. An aquatic predator
      9. Where pork comes from
      11. ______ Fox
      12. A large species of lemur
      14. What most birds lay their eggs in
      16. An animal of the desert
      18. Soft, fluffy feathers found on a young bird
      19. This animal has jointed bony plates.
      21. Species include Black and Polar
      22. A bird that has a long neck
      26. A bird that hunts at night
      28. The Irish ___ - an extinct animal
      29. Large African antelope
      30. Extinct birds of Mauritius
      31. A lion-tiger hybrid
      32. Hybrid of male donkeys and female horses
      34. Social insects