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Quiz about Kings of Judah
Quiz about Kings of Judah

Kings of Judah Trivia Quiz

This quiz provides an ordered survey of the kings of the southern kingdom. This is a follow up to my Kings of Israel quiz. The previous quiz is not necessary, but you may do better on this one if you have learned from it.

A multiple-choice quiz by skylarb. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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11 / 20
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Question 1 of 20
1. Which books of the Bible focus primarily on the kings of Judah (as opposed to the kings of Israel)? Hint

Question 2 of 20
2. In the days of this king of Judah, the kingdom of Israel was permanently divided. Hint

Question 3 of 20
3. The second king of Judah, Abijam, warred with Israel, taking some of its towns. This king, Abijam's successor, also warred with Israel, but he sought help from a Syrian king. In his old age, we are told, his feet became diseased. Hint

Question 4 of 20
4. Jehosophat came next to the throne of Judah. He reigned 25 years, and even established peace with this king of Israel, going so far as to aid him in battle. Hint

Question 5 of 20
5. This successor to Jehosophat had an eight-year reign. When his father died, he slew all of his own brethren in order to secure the throne. Hint

Question 6 of 20
6. Ahaziah was the sixth king of Judah, and he was succeeded by this Queen, his mother. She thought she destroyed all of the royal seed when her son died. Hint

Question 7 of 20
7. This priest had Ahaziah's son, Joash, anointed king at the age of seven, and he had Ahaziah's mother slain. Hint

Question 8 of 20
8. Joash's successor Amaziah had a mixed reign. He smote this nation, but then set up their gods as idols, thus inciting God's punishment. Hint

Question 9 of 20
9. After Amaziah, Azariah ruled Judah for 52 years. What other name was Azariah known by? Hint

Question 10 of 20
10. Jotham succeeded his father Azariah as king of Judah, ruling for 16 years. Who was Jotham's successor, who sacrificed his own children? Hint

Question 11 of 20
11. What good king came to the throne after Jotham's successor? He initiated a spiritual revival, took down the high places, and invited both Judah and Israel to Passover. Hint

Question 12 of 20
12. Manasseh was the next king of Judah. He had a wicked reign, rebuilding the altars to Baal and sacrificing his children. As punishment, God allowed Manasseh to be bound and carried away into this nation. Hint

Question 13 of 20
13. Amon followed Manasseh as king of Judah, but his servants slew him in his own house, making his son king. Who was his son? Hint

Question 14 of 20
14. Pharaoh put this king in bands so that he would not rule Jerusalem. Hint

Question 15 of 20
15. Pharoah then set up Jehoiakim as king of Judah, and he reigned 11 years. What other name was Jehoiakim known by? Hint

Question 16 of 20
16. Jehoiakim was succeeded by Jehoiachin who ruled for a mere three months. In his days, this king seized Jerusalem, and Jehoiachin surrendered. Hint

Question 17 of 20
17. This last king of Judah came to the throne after Jehoiachin. However, he did not submit to the king of Babylon. But when he rebelled, Jerusalem was again besieged and his sons were slain before his eyes. Hint

Question 18 of 20
18. Though not a king of Judah, after the Babylonian exile, he said, "The Lord of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah." Hint

Question 19 of 20
19. Which of the following kings of Judah had the shortest reign? Hint

Question 20 of 20
20. Which of the following was _not_ a king of Judah? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Which books of the Bible focus primarily on the kings of Judah (as opposed to the kings of Israel)?

Answer: I and II Chronicles

I and II Samuel focus mainly on the early years, when Israel was still a united kingdom. I and II Kings cover both the kings of Israel and Judah, but I and II Chronicles focus largely on the kings of Judah and relate events from the perspective of Judah. Israel's kings are discussed insofar as they interact with Judah.
2. In the days of this king of Judah, the kingdom of Israel was permanently divided.

Answer: Rehoboam

David faced many rebellions, but managed to keep the kingdom together. In 1 Kings 12, you can read of how Israel, when they saw that the king would not hear them, split off into a northern kingdom under Jeroboam, while Rehoboam maintained rule over the towns of Judah.
3. The second king of Judah, Abijam, warred with Israel, taking some of its towns. This king, Abijam's successor, also warred with Israel, but he sought help from a Syrian king. In his old age, we are told, his feet became diseased.

Answer: Asa

Abijah is another name for Abijam. Baasha was the king of Israel with whom Asa warred. The seer Hanani told Asa that because he relied on the king of Syria, and not God, he would continue to have wars (2 Chronicles 16).
4. Jehosophat came next to the throne of Judah. He reigned 25 years, and even established peace with this king of Israel, going so far as to aid him in battle.

Answer: Ahab

Although Ahab's paid prophets tell them God will give them victory in the battle, Jehosophat asks that Ahab call a prophet of the Lord. He calls Micaiah, who prophesies: "I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd. . . Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets" (1 Kings 22:17).
5. This successor to Jehosophat had an eight-year reign. When his father died, he slew all of his own brethren in order to secure the throne.

Answer: Jehoram (Joram)

Joram married Ahab's daughter, and was reported to have had a wicked reign. Elijah told him that for his sin, his people would be smitten with a great plague. He shares his name with a king of Israel.
6. Ahaziah was the sixth king of Judah, and he was succeeded by this Queen, his mother. She thought she destroyed all of the royal seed when her son died.

Answer: Athaliah

Ahaziah's sister, however, hid away his son Joash. Athaliah ruled six years.
7. This priest had Ahaziah's son, Joash, anointed king at the age of seven, and he had Ahaziah's mother slain.

Answer: Jehoiada

Jehoash is another name of Joash. Jehoiada has the people destroy all the idols of Baal, but after his death, King Joash allowed pagan worship again. Joash ruled for 40 years, and shares his name with a king of Israel.
8. Joash's successor Amaziah had a mixed reign. He smote this nation, but then set up their gods as idols, thus inciting God's punishment.

Answer: Edom

Amaziah challenged Joash, king of Israel, to battle, and was defeated. Later, Amaziah was conspired against and slain.
9. After Amaziah, Azariah ruled Judah for 52 years. What other name was Azariah known by?

Answer: Uzziah

Uzziah burned incense upon the altar. The priests withstood him, since only the sons of Aaron were permitted to burn incense upon the altar. God punished him by smiting the king with leprosy. For more, see II Kings 15.
10. Jotham succeeded his father Azariah as king of Judah, ruling for 16 years. Who was Jotham's successor, who sacrificed his own children?

Answer: Ahaz

Israel rebelled against Assyria (who had begun to take captives) and tried to make Judah join their alliance; to do so, they sought to depose Ahaz and put in his place a puppet king. So Ahaz sent silver and gold from the Lord's house to Assyria, asking for assistance.
11. What good king came to the throne after Jotham's successor? He initiated a spiritual revival, took down the high places, and invited both Judah and Israel to Passover.

Answer: Hezekiah

When Hezekiah fell sick, Isaiah came to tell him he would die. But Hezekiah prayed to God, who said through Isaiah, "I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee" (2 Kings 20:5). Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would be healed -- that the shadow return backward ten degrees.

He lived 15 more years, but he made the mistake of showing the delegates of Babylon all the treasures in his house. Isaiah told him that God would allow Babylon to carry Judah away in exile after Hezekiah's days.
12. Manasseh was the next king of Judah. He had a wicked reign, rebuilding the altars to Baal and sacrificing his children. As punishment, God allowed Manasseh to be bound and carried away into this nation.

Answer: Babylon

But there he prayed to God, and God saw that he was brought back to Jerusalem. A work called "Manasseh's Prayer" is part of the pseudepigrapa (non-canonical writings), and survives in a Syrian translation from the Greek, which dates from about the 3rd century AD.
13. Amon followed Manasseh as king of Judah, but his servants slew him in his own house, making his son king. Who was his son?

Answer: Josiah

Josiah reigned 31 years and carried out a great reform inspired by the finding of the book of the law.
14. Pharaoh put this king in bands so that he would not rule Jerusalem.

Answer: Jehoahaz

Jehoahaz ruled for only three years.
15. Pharoah then set up Jehoiakim as king of Judah, and he reigned 11 years. What other name was Jehoiakim known by?

Answer: Eliakim

Nebuchadnezzar in turn carried Eliakim to Babylon. Eliakim (Jehoiakim) became his servant, but later rebelled.
16. Jehoiakim was succeeded by Jehoiachin who ruled for a mere three months. In his days, this king seized Jerusalem, and Jehoiachin surrendered.

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar

Nebuchadnezzar plundered the temple and carried Jerusalem into exile. Jehoiachin was later released from prison and treated well by Evil-merodach.
17. This last king of Judah came to the throne after Jehoiachin. However, he did not submit to the king of Babylon. But when he rebelled, Jerusalem was again besieged and his sons were slain before his eyes.

Answer: Zedekiah

Nebuchadnezzar burned the temple and completed the deportation of the Jews to Babylon (except for the poor, many of whom remained in the land).
18. Though not a king of Judah, after the Babylonian exile, he said, "The Lord of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah."

Answer: Cyrus

2 Chronicles 36:23. In 538 B.C., after Cyrus king of Persia had conquered Babylon, he issued an Edict allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.
19. Which of the following kings of Judah had the shortest reign?

Answer: Josiah

Josiah ruled 31 years, Manasseh 55, Azariah 52, and Joash 40.
20. Which of the following was _not_ a king of Judah?

Answer: Athaliah

Athaliah was a queen, not a king, but all ruled Judah.
Source: Author skylarb

This quiz was reviewed by FunTrivia editor CellarDoor before going online.
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