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daily email trivia category General: Mixed Canada: Mixed Canada: Canadian, eh?
1If a Canadian offers you Kraft dinner, what will you be eating?
    cheese soup
    chicken stew
    macaroni and cheese
daily email trivia category History: U.S. History: U.S. Colonial History: The Planting of English America, Bailey Ch. 2
2What was the winter of 1609-1610 called in Jamestown, Virginia?
    The Starving Time
    Dawn of the New King
    Era of Gold
    The Prosperous Time
daily email trivia category Movies: Something in Common: Something in Common: Zoom Zoom: Catch That Movie!
3In which movie, released in 1990, did Tom Cruise star as Cole Trickle, a young racer wanting to make his mark on the NASCAR racing scene?
    Days of Thunder
    The Perfect Storm
    Black Lightning
    Purple Rain
daily email trivia category Animals: Rodents: Rodents: Don't Stop Conceiving
4The naked mole rat has evolved to thrive in the harsh climate of sub-Saharan Africa by burrowing underground and living in darkness. How do they keep warm or cool down if they lack fur, an insulating layer of fat and sweat glands?
    They don't need to; they have anti-freeze in their blood
    They thermoregulate like reptiles
    They frequent underground hot springs
    Handy zoologists knit them sweaters
daily email trivia category Celebrities: Celebrity Notoriety: Celebrity Notoriety : Baa Baa Black Sheep
5This "Freaky Friday" actress got into a lot of trouble with drugs and alcohol, and had been in and out of rehab countless times before she was 25. What actress could have been a black sheep to her family?
    Lindsay Lohan
    Monique Coleman
    Hillary Duff
    Ashley Tisdale
daily email trivia category Geography: New South Wales: New South Wales: Brought to You from the Land Downunder
6This town is renowned the world over for producing beautiful opals. What is it called?
    Opal Ridge
    Lightning Ridge
    Opal Gully
    Pretty-Rock Ridge
daily email trivia category Sports: NHL Mixture: NHL Mixture : NHL Combo [2]
7Which NHL player was known as, "The Great One"?
    Mario Lemieux
    Wayne Gretzky
    Bobby Hull
    Bobby Orr
daily email trivia category Humanities: Vocabulary: Definitions: Word Meaning Quiz for Kids and Big People Too
8Hi! I'm always working with ladybugs, ants, termites, and other creepy crawlers. They call me an entomologist. What do you suppose an entomologist is?
    a skin doctor
    an exterminator
    a scientist who studies insects
    an explorer
daily email trivia category Hobbies: Tabletop Games: Tabletop Games: The Old World of Warhammer
9Which race of orc is generally considered the biggest and strongest?
    Forest orcs
    Black orcs
    Orc warriors
    There is only one type of orc
daily email trivia category Literature: Fables and Fairy Tales: Fables and Fairy Tales: Fabled Headlines
10"Caught Napping! Slower Runner Wins!"
    The Ant and the Grasshopper
    The Tortoise and the Hare
    Little Red Riding Hood
    The Three Little Pigs
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