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31 A Bit o' This and That - B Words
This is my first General crossword, and it has a very loose theme: multiple words beginning with B (though not all). Note: slightly UK bias.
General Harder Small Puzzle
607 plays
Apr 24 24
Kankurette gold member star
32 Topics from A to Z
A wide range of topics using all the 26 alphabet letters.
General Harder Small Puzzle
566 plays
Apr 24 24
sw11 gold member star
33 Movies Released in the 21st Century
Every answer leads to a movie from the 21st Century in this small grid, which also contains six eleven letter answers. Why not take a seat and relax whilst you try to find them all!
Movies Harder Small Puzzle
1417 plays
Apr 24 24
moonraker2 gold member star
34 Time to Refrain
This small puzzle features clues relating to stopping, or other common uses of 'refrain'. I hope you enjoy!
General Average Small Puzzle
351 plays
Apr 24 24
Rizeeve gold member star
35 Flash in the Pan (42)
General knowledge questions that come at you from all directions, though a number of these were inspired by words in the titles of movies from 2002. Best of luck.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
320 plays
Apr 24 24
pollucci19 gold member star
36 Teens' Triple Treat (24)
[I] Puts into words; [II] Sentence sections; [III] They may be coined. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword has three separate clues. In this series, the words and PHRASES are carefully chosen for their accessibility. Enjoy!
For Children Harder Medium Puzzle
613 plays
Apr 24 24
psnz gold member star
37 Lexicon Lattice (8)
A medium general knowledge puzzle for all the crossword connoisseurs!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
647 plays
Apr 14 24
leith90 gold member star
38 Brevity Is The Soul of Wit
Known for his long rambling clues, replete with unsuccessful attempts of trying to inject humour into same, it was time to change tack. The challenge for this author this time was to construct a crossword with only one word clues. This is because someone once wrote "Brevity is the soul of wit". See if it was successful: Enter...
General Harder Medium Puzzle
420 plays
Apr 14 24
1nn1 gold member star
39 Those Tricky Toffees: An Everton Crossword
I wanted to write a quiz that had a food in the title - and since Everton's nickname is the Toffees, it gave me the idea to write an Everton-centric crossword.
Sports Harder Large Puzzle
421 plays
Apr 14 24
Kankurette gold member star
40 What's the Book Title #5?
Another series on a list of books with some written by well-known authors.
Literature Harder Medium Puzzle
863 plays
Apr 14 24
sw11 gold member star
41 Let Slip the Dogs of War
As the title implies this puzzle focuses on war, though the main emphasis will be on the US Civil War. Best of luck.
History Harder Small Puzzle
709 plays
Apr 09 24
pollucci19 gold member star
42 Salmagundi Smorgasbord (48)
A series of experimental crosswords, with a variety of puzzle sizes, grid designs and clue types. There is one anagram. Enjoy!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
405 plays
Apr 09 24
psnz gold member star
43 Such Sweet Sorrow
The sorrow is not being able to eat all of these sweets! Inspired by the Shakespearean Crossword challenge, this puzzle contains several helpings of dessert to savor.
Hobbies Harder Large Puzzle
626 plays
Apr 05 24
pusdoc gold member star
44 Physics
Words, terms, abbreviations and acronyms related to physics
Sci / Tech Harder Small Puzzle
709 plays
Apr 04 24
sw11 gold member star
45 Topic Blender #142
Another trip through the Fun Trivia categories.
General Harder Small Puzzle
709 plays
Apr 04 24
CmdrK gold member star
46 To Be Or Not To Be. Part II
In the first crossword in this two part series, as many "B" words as possible were crammed into a crossword ("To Be"). In the second part, using the same grid, "Not To Be", there are no Bs in this crossword (that would be a first). All letters are represented except "B", ie Pangram minus one.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
420 plays
Apr 04 24
1nn1 gold member star
47 Give or Take (4)
Give a letter to, or take a letter from the word supplied, then anagram to find the answer. There may or may not be a pangram hiding in the grid. It's up to you to decide.
Brain Teasers Harder Small Puzzle
731 plays
Apr 04 24
leith90 gold member star
48 Money Box (2)
This puzzle looks at currencies, either notes, coins or other, from across the globe or across time. Best of luck.
World Harder Small Puzzle
357 plays
Apr 02 24
pollucci19 gold member star
49 Add or Drop then Scramble (4)
Add to or drop a letter from the first part of each clue, then anagram to find the answer to the second part. Enjoy!
Brain Teasers Harder Medium Puzzle
407 plays
Apr 02 24
psnz gold member star
50 Video Games and Characters #5
A series of video games and characters since 1980. RPG means role-playing game.
Video Games Harder Small Puzzle
1961 plays
Mar 29 24
sw11 gold member star
51 Who's the Celebrity #2?
A list of international movie, TV and music celebrities around the world.
Celebrities Harder Medium Puzzle
2207 plays
Mar 28 24
sw11 gold member star
52 Simply General Knowledge! (523)
More general knowledge clues from across the boards. Have fun and good luck!
General Harder Medium Puzzle
1021 plays
Mar 28 24
moonraker2 gold member star
53 All the World's a Stage
A puzzle that looks at the characters and the plays of William Shakespeare. Best of luck.
Humanities Harder Small Puzzle
468 plays
Mar 25 24
pollucci19 gold member star
54 Curious Crossword Cluster (3)
A curious little crossword where all the clues are alliterative. This is also the final puzzle in this mini-series of 'nested' or 'clustered' grids.
General Harder Large Puzzle
422 plays
Mar 25 24
leith90 gold member star
55 All that glisters is not gold
Kyle wants a series of CWs based around well known Shakespearean quotes and the title of this one is from "The Merchant of Venice"(MOV) so there are some references to that play and others and a few different literary works as well.
Literature Harder Medium Puzzle
419 plays
Mar 21 24
ceetee gold member star
56 Flash in the Pan (41)
General knowledge questions that come at you from all directions, though a number of these were inspired by words in the titles of movies from 2001. Best of luck.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
576 plays
Mar 20 24
pollucci19 gold member star
57 "Wherefore Art Thou?"
Miss Capulet's words from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (Act 2, scene 2) remind us of the many disappearances that remain unexplained. Jimmy Hoffa, D.B. Cooper and Amelia Earhart are a few examples, while a number of others are mentioned in this crossword puzzle. There is one anagram. Enjoy!
People Harder Medium Puzzle
335 plays
Mar 20 24
psnz gold member star
58 To Be Or Not To Be
In this crossword challenge based on Shakespeare's titles, it would seem obvious to make this one full of Bs (That's a small 's'.) There are 24 'B' words to be found. Be Brave.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
454 plays
Mar 19 24
1nn1 gold member star
59 Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Double the fun with double the letters! Each answer contains a double letter combination.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
477 plays
Mar 18 24
leith90 gold member star
60 Flash in the Pan (40)
General knowledge questions that come at you from all directions, though a number of these were inspired by words in the titles of movies from 2000. Best of luck.
General Harder Medium Puzzle
413 plays
Mar 17 24
pollucci19 gold member star