FunTrivia Challenge Rules and Guidelines

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Author Watch

You will receive notifications whenever a new quiz is placed online by any of the following FunTrivia quiz authors:

PlayerWill Notify YouActions
minchBy NoteRemove Alert
SmurfBy NoteRemove Alert
SmokeyBy EmailRemove Alert
bullymomBy NoteRemove Alert
CellarDoorBy NoteRemove Alert
thejazzkickazzBy NoteRemove Alert
LadyMacb29By NoteRemove Alert
Notify me when author creates a new quiz. Notify me by: Note Email

Category Watch

You will receive the following notifications whenever a new quiz is placed online in any of the following categories:

You have not selected any category notifications yet.

You can add new notifications from directory pages. Note that quiz notifications are specific to the directory listed above.
New quizzes in subcategories of selected directories will not trigger notifications. This allows you to very specifically specify what you want notifications on.

Watching You

The following players have marked YOU on their watch list. Whenever you create a new quiz, these people will receive a notification.

No one yet.