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Does capsaicin from peppers actually cause tissue damage? If so how?

Question #149438. Asked by BigTriviaDawg.
Last updated Jun 20 2023.
Originally posted Jun 19 2023 8:00 PM.

psnz star
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psnz star
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According to Bond University in Queensland, Australia:
The heat is a "trick"
...the feelings we get are simply from our body's response, not anything the chilli is doing to actually burn us.

Mammals can sense and react to capsaicin. It is thought that plants would produce this active compound to deter mammals from feeding upon them. By contrast, birds are unaffected and can help the plants with seed dispersal.

Jun 19 2023, 8:11 PM
elburcher star
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elburcher star
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It irritates tissue in the eyes and lungs (That's how "Pepper Spray" or "OC Spray" work) but, there isn't permanent damage.
If taken therapeutically, there can be side effects.
Possible side effects of capsaicin include:

Nausea and Vomiting

Capsaicin patches may help with pain relief, but their higher concentrations of capsaicin could cause problems for some. Nausea and vomiting are commonly reported side effects of these patches.


Capsaicin is known to irritate the lining of the digestive tract, which could cause an upset stomach and diarrhea. It may also cause food to be digested too quickly, which can make your stool burn as it passes through your body.

Acid Reflux

Capsaicin could worsen symptoms of acid reflux. The sensation of heat it creates can irritate your stomach lining, possibly causing reflux, heartburn, and other issues.

Pepper spray, also known as capsicum spray, is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness) used in crowd control and personal self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. The active ingredient in pepper spray is oleoresin capsicum (OC) from chili peppers that is extracted in an organic solvent such as ethanol. The solvent is then evaporated, and the waxlike resin is emulsified with propylene glycol to suspend the OC in water. The OC is then pressurized for use in pepper spray.


Jun 20 2023, 6:49 AM
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