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How can pressure create heat if heat is rapid movement of atoms?

Question #48599. Asked by TheAlphaWolf.

Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer
21 year member
3194 replies

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Pressure is the force per unit area acting on a substance. This force imparts energy to the substance and does work either by moving the surface of the substance inwards (reducing its volume) or if the force can't overcome the internal repulsion forces between the atoms, by causing the individual molecules to vibrate more. This vibration of molecules is directly related to the temperature of the substane so heat energy has been created.

In an ideal gas at constant temperature the pressure is inversely proportional to the volume so, for example, four times the pressure reduces the volume by a factor of four. This is called Boyle's Law.
If the volume is constant then the pressure is proportional to the absolute temperature (e.g., if the pressure triples so does the absolute temperature). This is often called the Pressure Law

Jun 20 2004, 11:31 PM
Answer has 3 votes
21 year member
3273 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Boyle's Law states that the volume of a given mass of gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure on it (so if you double the pressure, you halve the volume, and so on.)

Jun 21 2004, 8:18 PM
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