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Which are the easternmost, westernmost, northernmost and southernmost cities of the world?

Question #52077. Asked by ranan.

Related Trivia Topics: Geography   World  
Answer has 5 votes
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Answer has 5 votes.

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It depends on your definition of city, but here are the ones I found:

North: Reykjavik, Iceland
South: Ushuaia - provicial capital of Tierra Del Fuego
East Gisborne, New Zealand
West: Fairbanks, Alaska

Oct 31 2004, 11:51 PM
Answer has 2 votes
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Answer has 2 votes.
Murmansk is usually regarded as a city and as it is north of the Arctic circle it must be further north than Reykjavik (all of mainland Iceland is just south of the Arctic circle).

Nov 01 2004, 1:25 AM
Answer has 2 votes
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Answer has 2 votes.
What about Arkhangelsk, Russia for a northern city?

And exactly where does one draw the easternmost/westernmost line?

[Nov 01 04 8:49 AM] Arpeggionist writes:

There are many interpretations of what the east and west lines are. If one places the Americas east of the Eurasian landmass on a map, one might find Gothab, Greenland on the eastern line, and Lisbon or Belfast or Reykjavik in the west. In fact, there are several places in Europe named "finister", since they were presumably the furthest western point on land where one could go before the Americas were discovered.

Nov 01 2004, 2:40 AM
Answer has 5 votes
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Answer has 5 votes.
It's an interesting question, and subject to definition of a 'city'. In the UK and some other countries, to be called a city the town must have a cathedral, but this definition is not worldwide. Presumably easternmost and westernmost can only mean nearest to the international date line on either side, i.e. the 180 degree meridian which passes through the Bering Strait. By this definition Uelen in Siberia is the most westerly city, and Nome in Alaska is the most easterly. Both are described as cities in official publications. There are a number of cities further north than Reykjavik, eg Hammerfest. Tromso, Narvik and Kirkenes all in norway, Ivalo in Finland, Murmansk in Russia, etc, but personally I'd go for Longyearben which is the administrative capital of Spitzbergen (Svalbard), and has all the characteristics of a city such as hospital, airport, town council, etc. I agree with Ushuaia on the Argentinian side of Tierra del Fuego.

Nov 01 2004, 5:36 AM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
There is a settlement in Russia called Mys Shmidta which is located at 179.456 degrees west, compared to Uelen at 169.800 degrees west.

Apr 29 2010, 4:49 AM
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