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Does anybody know anything about a movie called 'Teardrops', which was released perhaps in the 80s, featuring a young boy Bobby who lost his mother?

Question #69960. Asked by islandlad.
Last updated Jul 17 2021.

Related Trivia Topics: Movies   1980s Nostalgia  
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I know that movie....Bobby's mom died. Bobby did not know so he was lost and walking around in town calling his mom. At the end he found his dad by following the milk man because he wanted to drink milk.....but it happened to be his dad's house where the milk man was going....very good and sad movie...but happy ending thou.

I have been searching for that movie too.

Please let me know if you happen to find this movie or anyone who knows where to find this movie....please help

Oct 13 2008, 12:27 PM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 13 votes.

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The movie sounds like "Bobby Teardrops." Here is some discussion, plus a link to the entire movie:
The story of Zina, a woman who is unjustly rejected by Nazmi, her husband. Zina, overjoyed to find out that she is pregnant with their first child, is on her way from the doctor's to tell her husband, when she is accosted by Mahmut. Nazmi comes upon them and chooses to believe that the child is not his. He repudiates Zina who moves to Istanbul where she endures great hardships, in order to bring up her child Bobby. She eventually kills herself. Her husband finds out his mistake too late and is left to search for the son he never knew.

This movie was the BIGGEST hit in Papua New Guinea back in the late 70s and early 80s.It broke hearts and melted tears across the cinemas of Papua New Guinea .Because of its massive popularity, it remained in the Papua New Guinea cinemas for a long long time.Its record still stands today.No Hollywood movies today will ever break that record.BOBBY TEAR DROPS was/is the King of Papua New Guinea cinemas.It is so popular that in 2016 a cinema in Papua New Guinea (Paradise cinema) that was built a few years ago,had to do a rerun of this movie (Teardrops-Bobby) and movie goers watched it on the giant screens once again.Recently,an anthropologist who visited Papua New Guinea had to write about this movie and how it has impacted the country..Google "(PDF) Bobby Teardrops: A Turkish video in Papua New Guinea"" and read his report about it.
The crazy thing is,I only found out today that this is NOT a Hollywood movie,it is a movie filmed and produced in Turkey, Istanbul. Amazing.Thank you Turkey for producing this masterpiece. Your wonderful movie is still talked about in Papua New Guinea today.

Response last updated by gtho4 on Jul 17 2021.
Oct 13 2008, 1:11 PM
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