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Subject: Liverpool FC

Posted by: shipyardbernie
Date: Jan 20 10

The rumour in Liverpool is that Steven Gerrard will be leaving the team. He wants to win a championship medal before he gets to old to join a top team. Under erratic manager Rafael Benitez it does not seem possible at Liverpool and he himself could be on his way out if Liverpool do not finish in the top 4 in the league this season. My money is on a move to Chelsea, a team he nearly went to a couple of years ago. Do you think he will go and to which team?

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pmarney star

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I would be very surprised if Gerrard ever left Liverpool, there is a thing called loyalty and I think he has it

Reply #61. May 04 10, 6:17 AM
shipyardbernie star

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Well he nearly went to Chelsea a couple of years ago, maybe Rafa will take him to Juventus when he goes. I suppose it depends on which manager Liverpool get next if he and others stay or not. I am no longer surprised what happens in football anymore. If they don't get it right this time there could be a mass exodus with Torres, Benayoun, Gerrard and Carragher going.

Reply #62. May 04 10, 7:17 AM

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Can we have Masher,Bernie? Please?

Reply #63. May 04 10, 7:45 AM
shipyardbernie star

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With Benitez going to Juventus (or anywhere far far away), Torres on his way to Spain, Mascherano and Benayoun going to Chelsea, Gerrard going to one of the top 3 clubs or possibly Man City or Blackpool, Carragher a spent force will the last person to leave Anfield please switch the lights off.

Reply #64. May 26 10, 3:58 PM

player avatar

Too late,Bernie. North-West Electric cut them off last week..........!

Gillette said it was Hicks' job to pay the lecky bill,Hicks says it was Gillette's...........and the tea lady ran out of 50p's for the meter!

Reply #65. May 26 10, 4:48 PM
Is that 'for real' shipyardbernie? That'll make my phone-call home this weekend very interesting..

Reply #66. May 26 10, 7:02 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Yes I heard someone had nicked the meters but they were empty and the lead has gone off the roof, lol. As for the info being for real well, the Merseyside grapevine is very strong and I would put money on 3 from 5 not being there at the start of the new season. Even ex-Liverpool players are leaving the country, Mr K Keegan is going to Hamburg.

Reply #67. May 26 10, 10:39 PM

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Just seen George Gillette on Sky Sports making all sorts of crappy excuses - don't know what planet he's from! Bottom line is both he and Hicks have let down all Liverpool fans - and by extension all Football fans (yes,even us Mancs!). A strong(ish!) Liverpool is good for English football,and I would miss the 'Banter' if the club went into a Leeds-type tail-spin. I hope they sell up soon,to a real football fan,and get a new stadium - FAST!

Reply #68. May 27 10, 6:14 AM
shipyardbernie star

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Me too but a lot of players might be gone by then. We never thought it could happen to Leeds but it did. At this time I can't see Liverpool being a force in the Premier league for a couple of years.

Reply #69. May 27 10, 3:09 PM

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Rafael Benitez has just left Liverpool 'By Mutual Consent'.

I bet the world seems a much happier place for a lot of scousers right now! Are you smiling again,Bernie? :))

Reply #70. Jun 03 10, 9:10 AM
shipyardbernie star

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At last! Hicks & Gillett next, not the best a man can get. Well that was well worth £6m I just hope no more Spaniards leave. What we need now is Mr. Dalglish back as manager and Phil Thompson back as second in command, also we have to get Steve Heighway back now that Don Quixote has left. I hope Martin O'Neal does not get the job, he is too weak. Who knows what will happen, watch this space.

Reply #71. Jun 03 10, 1:27 PM
gillimalta star
Joy! Heaven and saints be praised... Rafa has left the building. Next...

Reply #72. Jun 03 10, 2:59 PM

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Red...........suggest the only Scousers currently smiling are those wearing blue! lol
Nothing like an upheaval at Anfield to bring smiles to the faces of Evertonians!

Reply #73. Jun 04 10, 1:29 AM
shipyardbernie star

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Nice one Ray, the Evertonians better enjoy it while they can. When King kenny takes over we'll be back.

Reply #74. Jun 04 10, 2:42 AM
Dizart star

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The fat one got a nice £6 million pay-off to walk away.

Reply #75. Jun 04 10, 5:17 AM

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Slightly off subject.............when I worked at Bootle, the majority of fellow worked were Liverpool fans, but when worked at Pierhead, the majority were Evertonians.
Me? I just live up here, I aint a scouser, so don't support either.

Reply #76. Jun 04 10, 8:34 AM
LOL dad's a Bootle-born; must be why he moved to NZ....and currently wandering around grinning like a frikkin LOON!

£6 million though?
- When there's already a £350 million pound loan sitting there?!
- When the Spanish were after him anyway?

Did the Thicko-Owners of Liverpool miss the global meltdown and subsequent outcry over golden handshakes to under-performing execs? Seems the 'bucks before pucks' mentality is infecting England's Beautiful Game.

Salary Caps anybody? For managers too?

Reply #77. Jun 04 10, 6:06 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Well well, how awful the Glazer's who own Man Utd. are £1.1bn in debt. They could be in the Championship before us.

Reply #78. Jun 07 10, 2:36 PM
shipyardbernie star

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Well only two weeks to go and I will say it before anyone else, Liverpool might be in with a chance of winning the title this season. No, I mean it, really!

Reply #79. Aug 04 10, 11:21 AM
dippo star

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Statistically, it's one in twenty!

Reply #80. Aug 04 10, 11:56 AM

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