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Subject: offside

Posted by: euab
Date: Apr 19 11

What is an offside in football? Please explain to me briefly

17 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
By football, I assume you mean the European game?

If an attacking player passes the ball to a team mate, who is in the opposition's half of the pitch, there MUST be at least one player from the defending side, not including the goalkeeper, between any other attacking player and the goal at the time the ball is passed. So, you don't need to be receiving the ball to be offside. And that's from a rugby player who doesn't like football.

Reply #1. Apr 19 11, 9:22 AM
BxBarracuda star
If you mean American Football.

It's when a defensive is across the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped?

When a defensive player is past the line of scrimmage and unimpeded to the quarterback at any point before the ball is snapped.

If a defensive player causes an offensive player lined up on the line of scrimmage to move before the snap by moving across the line of scrimmage.

Now we just need Canadien rules and Aussie fules definitions.

Reply #2. Apr 19 11, 10:46 AM
BxBarracuda star
First definition of offsides should say

It's when a defensive PLAYER is across the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.

Reply #3. Apr 19 11, 10:47 AM
BX, I think we need American Rules translated into English :)

Plus there is Gaelic Football.

Reply #4. Apr 19 11, 11:15 AM
By the way, there is also Rugby Football. The rule is:

The lowdown on the offside law:
Offside is a complicated part of rugby union.

Different phases of the game have their own set of offside laws.


Offside open play

If a player is in front of a team-mate in possession of the ball, or in front of a team-mate who last played the ball, they will be offside if they:

# Actively try to play the ball

# Do not retreat within 10m of an opponent who is waiting for the ball

# Move towards the opponents or the place where the ball lands without first coming back onside

The rule for rugby league is the same.

Reply #5. Apr 19 11, 11:19 AM

player avatar

Aww! My brain hurts! :))

Reply #6. Apr 19 11, 12:03 PM
mutchisman star
and don't forget accidental offside RMG ?

Reply #7. Apr 19 11, 12:56 PM

(a) When an offside player cannot avoid being touched by the ball or by a team-mate carrying it, the player is accidentally offside. If the player’s team gains no advantage from this, play continues. If the player’s team gains an advantage, a scrum is formed with the opposing team throwing in the ball.

(b) When a player hands the ball to a team-mate in front of the first player, the receiver is offside. Unless the receiver is considered to be intentionally offside (in which case a penalty kick is awarded), the receiver is accidentally offside and a scrum is formed with the opposing team throwing in the ball. "

You asked for it.

Reply #8. Apr 19 11, 1:42 PM
mutchisman star
Thanks Bob - think I'll stick to cricket where offside is simply the opposite of legside :-)

Reply #9. Apr 19 11, 2:07 PM

player avatar

Aww! Please - let's not delve into the intricacies of the rules of cricket!

It's easier to understand the 'Schrodinger's cat' theory. :))

Reply #10. Apr 20 11, 5:23 AM
BxBarracuda star
Going for the by the book definition, which I should have done in the first place.

"Offside: A player is offside when any part of his body is beyond his scrimmage or free kick line when the ball is snapped or kicked."

Part of my earlier explanation wasn't regarding offsides it was regarding this similiar rule.

"Encroachment: When a player enters the neutral zone and makes contact with an opponent before the ball is snapped."

Definition of Neutral Zone.

"Neutral Zone: The space the length of a ball between the two scrimmage lines. The offensive team and defensive team must remain behind their end of the ball. "

"Exception: The offensive player who snaps the ball."

Reply #11. Apr 20 11, 7:09 AM
dippo star

player avatar
Do you have a constant supply of new balls available to replace those that get snapped?

Reply #12. Apr 20 11, 7:54 AM
BxBarracuda star
There are usually some extra balls around and now don't be alarmed, but they use their hands to snap the ball.

Reply #13. Apr 20 11, 9:04 AM
Well that was as clear as mud BX lol.... So, “The offensive team and defensive team must remain behind their end of the ball”

OK, taken that a ball is 10 – 12 inches long how close are they?

No wonder the game is split into 4 second moves, they must have to wear armour because they bump into each other every time someone blows a whistle or touches the ball?

Reply #14. Apr 20 11, 9:12 AM

player avatar

"Well,that's as clear as mud" - But a valiant effort! :))

Reply #15. Apr 20 11, 10:54 AM
BxBarracuda star
lol, you should see the rules for illegal formation and illegal motion.

Reply #16. Apr 20 11, 10:58 AM

player avatar
Think I'll stick to soccer! Rugby (without Armour) and American Football (with Armour) baffles me!

Reply #17. Apr 21 11, 12:28 AM

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