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Subject: Pitcher Justin Verlander wins AL MVP

Posted by: paulmallon
Date: Nov 21 11

IMO pitchers who play at most 35 times a season (starters) are not as valuable as players who can impact all 162 games. In addition they have their own award, The Cy Young Award for which everyday players are not elligible.
No doubt JV had one of the best seasons ever for a starting pitcher,winning the Triple Crown (wins, strike-outs,ERA).
But Jacoby Ellsbry,Curtis Granderson and Jose Batista to name just three had seasons which impacted their team more.
Do you think pitchers should be elligible for MVP?

11 replies. On page 1 of 1 pages. 1
Anton star
MVP = Most Valuable Player

Verlander was far more valuable to the Tigers than the three players you named were. Without Bautista, the Blue Jays still suck. Without Granderson, the Yankees still score lots of runs. Without Ellsbury, The Red Sox still contend. Without Verlander, the Tigers are lost in third place in the AL Central.

Reply #1. Nov 21 11, 5:51 PM
Not so fast, Anton. If we're talking pitchers that are most valuble to their team, then an argument could be made for CC Sabathia being more valuble to the Yankees than Verlander was to the Tigers, and thus deserving of the AL MVP.

Sabathia 18 W 230 K 3.00 ERA 1.23 WHIP
Verlander 24 W 250 K 2.40 ERA 0.92 WHIP

Verlander had better statistics, for sure, but that doesn't necessarily translate into value. Looking a bit deeper reveals that Sabathia was more valuble to his team.

Look at Wins Above Replacement Value:

Sabathia WAR 7.1
Verlander WAR 7.0

Sabathia's was slightly higher. And if you subtract the 7.1 wins from the Yankees total of 97 you get 89.9, rounded to 90--good enough for third place in the AL east. Subtract 7.0 from the Tiger's win total of 95 and your left with 88 wins--still good enough for 1st in the AL Central.

So usin the WAR metric, then Sabathia clearly had more impact on his team's position in the final standings. Also, Sabathia pitched in a much tougher division.

Reply #2. Nov 21 11, 8:38 PM
Again, using the WAR metric, there were five hitters that were more valuble to their team's win column than Verlander. Ellesbury lead the pack with 9.4 Wins Above Replacement value with 9.4:

Reply #3. Nov 21 11, 8:42 PM
Anton star
Sabermetrics. Don't even get me started on these "stats" created by and used by people who never played the game. I hate these things with a passion.

Reply #4. Nov 21 11, 9:31 PM
paulmallon star

player avatar
We're getting off the track here by talking about just this year and JV vs certain individuals.

The question posed was do you believe that pitchers (who have their own award for which everyday players are not elligible) shoud be able to win the MVP award (which is the only major award for those who are not pitchers have a chance to win).

Reply #5. Nov 22 11, 6:47 AM
daver852 star

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I think Verlander deserved the award. There may have been other pitchers with slightly better stats, but the Tigers simply could not have replaced Verlander. The Yankees would have just gone out and bought another pitching staff if something happened to their players.

Reply #6. Nov 22 11, 8:55 AM
dg_dave star

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Verlander was the first pitcher to win the AL MVP since 1992. Granted, I don't think a pitcher for the most part should win the MVP award since they all have the Cy Young award to fight over, but in this case, without Verlander, Detroit would not have come as far as they did without him, and in my opinion, makes him more of an MVP than CC or any Yankee pitcher (and my Rangers played the Tigers in the ALCS).

Kudos to Verlander and I'm glad he did win.

Reply #7. Nov 22 11, 9:16 AM
boxjaw star

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Verlander was just as effective to the production of the pitching staff for Detroit on the day before he pitched, the day he pitched and the day after. It determined a lot on who would play relief on those days. I think that the Tigers had one of the best bullpens this past year. It had a lot to do with his brilliant pitching.

Reply #8. Nov 22 11, 12:09 PM
Skyflyerjen star
I don’t get too caught up in those stats, but I do think JV deserved the MVP. I am biased though because I am a die-hard Tigers fan.

Reply #9. Nov 23 11, 11:32 PM
I'm a Yankees fan, so I was hoping Grandy would win it. But, after a couple days, I can understand why they gave it to Verlander

Reply #10. Nov 24 11, 1:51 AM
joecali star
Cabrera is a solid's the heart of the ofensive, and isn't clear if Verlander o Cabrera is the best of this team.

Ellsbury is a great choice, with a great hr/sb, score a lot of runs and a hug rbi for a first at bat...

Verlander is good choice, but isn't the better.

Reply #11. Nov 27 11, 12:33 AM

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