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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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I can now say Grace is still speaking to me, I can also say my chances of anything interesting are now in the anti-matter realm, but elimination is a step on problem solving, but currently there is nothing in place to follow. I spent half yesterday on a new search page looking for signs, and two turned up (plus one which went in 2009), one is currently hidden, maybe behind the ivy which was round it in the photo, and hope to get the other this weekend. I also found a railway sign from the pre-nationalisation days before the 40s nearby which I took this afternoon, and am using the rest of the day to relax before I go to my father's tomorrow for our usual Christmas.

My mother's on Boxing Day, then my usual weekend (there's a routine, basically three days at the gym in a row) and then new year's eve here as usual since my friend left the country in 2002 who used to have people there alternate years for a while. Before that I went to my friend in Hampstead as we'd both got fed up going to parties after years of disappointment, the last good one was 1975/6. 2000 wasn't too bad as was with old friends, and left their party to visit my friend who is a station master and had to work all night. The trains stopped around when I arrived and we spent the rest of the early morning directing people home via the nearby stations which were still open and hearing their party stories. In 2000-1 I think I did my final paid performance for a party playing the piano, and I think the next two were at my friend's, the final one being all on film and including my grandma, as my father was on his way there and asked if she wanted to come to ours instead. She had a great time and got on well with everyone. Louise, the ex from 1984, has always latched on to my friends, and spent half the week there with us before they emigrated and we then had an early party for their daughter as she wanted to see her friends before she left, and we arrived after to help eat the sandwiches and cakes they hadn't managed to finish. We had our final game of Scrabble (we played a few a week) and had various visitors pop in to say goodbye. Back then it was a seven year stretch but after the business went under they can't afford to come back now and only had two visits here since.

Of course Christmas reminds you of all the old ones, the usual routine was to go there soon after Boxing Day and spend the day there finishing all their food left over which his mother put on a stack of small round tables with about five levels on wheels. That probably happened for 10-15 years, and went there regularly from 1972 onwards besides a few years apart in the late 70s. Soon after he left I met my girlfriend, so was diverted for a while until she vanished into the high security hospital which I didn't know for weeks. That obviously wrecked any chance of a future as she spent half the next two years there and although I waited she was never quite the same afterwards.

I really have anchors in life from the past that remind me how I'd like things to be now, so I know exactly what I'm missing. People and places mainly. There are still some left, but however good it is where I live I miss where I was before. Little is in our control, and we make the best of it and aim in the right direction hoping there's something over the horizon we can't yet see. Or something.

Reply #1841. Dec 24 14, 6:18 PM

satguru star

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The guru's Christmas message.

Having recorded this just after midnight on Christmas day I'll share my review of 2014 here as well in summary.

2014 has been a year of political oppression. Low interest rates help a small fraction of people, mainly businesses with massive borrowing levels, while the majority who have savings pay them for it. It wrecks economies and raises house prices. High house values make people feel good, but when they sell what do they do with the profit?

The high points for me were Australia voting out a 'cabal' government, ie one who follows the same Keynesian and faux-environmental policies which are sending the west back to third world status. Those ratings aren't tumbling for nothing, they are being destroyed by direct sabotage. Money and power is all they want, and it's our money and power over our lives. Australia caught on and kicked it out. The other proved the Mafia can't run all the businesses at once as suddenly out of the blue, with no prior indications (as nearly all changes happen), the oil price fell. If that can happen it means the free market still has some power and offers hope more can take over from artificial manipulations.

Barack Obama demonstrated to the world that a constitution is no protection against anything, as he railroads through one executive order after another, bypassing congress and changing what was the most ideal representative of a successful and free country into a dictatorship, something impossible in Britain despite having no constitution as the checks and balances make up the entire system, meaning it is almost impossible to make major changes in the law at all (one reason we are now having them made by the EU as they are also a dictatorship and put through rules without public debate or any elected body) but we can't do that ourselves. He has two more years to work outside congress and if they don't stop him while he's there they'll have to catch up after he's gone.

The last message and one which frees everyone is to learn to use your own intuition, never imagine there's a single area you don't understand enough to have an opinion on, and test every claim made by people better qualified than you. If in fact your superiors disagree, which often happens, then in the end only one if any view can be right, and as they cancel out in the end its only down to you to decide which. They need qualifications to create the material but most is in the form of simple figures and graphs we can all understand like accounts, and check online. And if it feels wrong it nearly always is. These are senses we are all born with but as science says they don't exist most people let them fall away, but they're always there when you need them. Animals can't understand scientists so use them naturally, and how many don't leave the room when certain people walk in as they can feel they are wrong?

Use and connect with that power in you and you'll hardly ever get cheated again. The more you do the stronger it becomes until it's second nature. And as the system only works by maintaining an illusion from consent, remove the illusion and the consent follows, and the system falls. And we will bring it down when enough people see through it.

Reply #1842. Dec 26 14, 6:18 PM

satguru star

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Being the end of the year I'd also be interested to create a manual viewer count here, ie sign in if you've read this. Not just for me but I know some people gave up as there's no possible way of knowing how many people read them unless there's a counter.

For some years now the end of Christmas has been a relief. I'm not either a child or have much of a family left to celebrate with, and certainly no children around to create for. I spent a few solid days using a new search interface I found looking for road signs, and found two in deepest Surrey and a railway one near me. That got done last week and the first in Surrey yesterday, a normal old direction but missing its border and arrowhead. A bit of a mystery but should be official as a variation. The third can't be seen online despite a map location presumably due to the bushes and won't risk it till someone makes sure it's still there. I'm now getting the house ready for new year's eve tomorrow, it's probably a good thing only four people appear to be coming as far easier for me, plus have far more a month later on my birthday.

Apart from the absence of any women I'm interested in it's been a far more productive year than most, my web TV interviews are picking up and have got loads of new places and road signs on the photos. I've been to a few parties and seen lots of old friends there, and must have written enough for an entire book. Of course I've still got plans and want to get the media work up to the next level where the viewers are in the millions. But the material is ready, it just needs the exposure. Which brings me back to the issue of the woman...

Reply #1843. Dec 30 14, 1:19 PM

satguru star

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I'm still here, so far the week's been more about what didn't happen than what did, although Carole's still pencilled in for tomorrow so it ain't over yet. Suffice to say everyone (eventually) came on Wednesday, and I got a free meditation lecture online yesterday so didn't go out, as when it was finished the rains came down and had about four hours of TV to watch anyway so no need to really. My mum's shopping trip was planned today but her fusebox blew and she's now waiting for an electrician so that's off, and couldn't do anything else as I only heard at the time I was about to leave. Otherwise there are no plans at all besides knowing I can now get photos seven minutes a week longer now till June, I've got no routes planned for about a month as I wouldn't manage them in time, but I'll find something to do sooner or later and just hope tomorrow's not actually covered as possible.

Reply #1844. Jan 02 15, 11:15 AM

satguru star

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I think I've got away with it, and done some good at the same time. Carole for some reason changed her booking to Saturday and that was the actual supermarket trip, so duty beat demands. Yesterday I found I could do my next trip past Croydon which went very easily, besides being foggy and a road on the map being a bridle path so couldn't finish the entire route as it wasn't for driving on.

The path ahead is clear. Grace is over, there are no known replacements and I have absolutely no idea where one could come from. My last girlfriend was from about two year's solid internet dating, and when that finished the next phase only provided the usual random uninspiring miseries. You can't beat meeting someone first and deciding if you want more, it's backwards using agencies and need hundreds to get a success on average, I certainly did.

Back to the angels. They've got me the rarest road sign on the planet I'd never have got without their directions, more in all ways now, I could use it.

Reply #1845. Jan 05 15, 11:20 AM


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Hello! Satguru = True Teacher!

It's Elai. Nice to see and read your blogs!

Reply #1846. Jan 06 15, 11:33 AM
satguru star

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Thanks Elai, and glad you started one as well. They used to be really busy before they went onto the chat boards, but I keep mine going regardless and hope more people join as well. And the true teacher of course is yourself, who knows better?

Reply #1847. Jan 06 15, 6:33 PM


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I had created my blogs to post the thoughts I love and to post my achievements and to share my daily experience.

Reply #1848. Jan 07 15, 12:54 PM
satguru star

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Ploughing on, I have marked the maps with the following two trips, tomorrow is the only free day this week otherwise Sunday. If it's overcast it gets dark 20 minutes earlier so currently need perfect conditions all round or it's not possible to go. I spent the last two days maintaining the car, a wash, the tyres were all 9lbs low (better than uneven but quite leaky considering they are new), lost another wheel cover which has been replaced, and changed the wipers which were knackered. Today's been my day off, apart from the shopping it was overcast and was up very late last night so no time or chance to take any photos, and then Big Brother began (three series a year since it moved channels, too much even for me as I discovered I have other things to do many nights), so dictated what I did later.

I look forward to the time I can drive freely much further again as I'm getting cabin fever, they released the map of my photos from 2014 and want to get cracking on 2015 beyond the local area again. I'm dutifully filling in the time with the meditation classes I miss when I'm out or adding the photos I've taken afterwards, and those can really affect my life drastically which ordinary activities never can. I know the theory behind the work now, and hope that will lead to it working now after so many years of being involved with it all.

Reply #1849. Jan 07 15, 5:50 PM

satguru star

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I decided I need a bit longer to carry out most trips now, so got some exercise and did a seven mile bike ride yesterday instead with the camera, and found some new paths as I usually do. They are getting further and further out now and would like to manage one every week or so but not sure if the next ones will be possible yet. I have booked a final meditation class, not because it's my last one but his, but the good news is we will be prepared to complete the job. I trust this guy so have invested in him.

Otherwise it's all about the time ahead and what I do with it. The next photo trip, what I do about finding a woman now Grace has excluded herself from the picture, and anything else I haven't thought of. I will hand that part over as I don't think it'll be any better if I treat it like an office project or not, so will hope to get out on Sunday and then see what comes to me next.

Reply #1850. Jan 09 15, 9:11 PM

satguru star

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I like to have plans. As I have lived alone for 22 years now besides a few lodgers I can't rely on other people to entertain me so have to plan as much as I can to prevent boredom and total apathy. Yesterday was an easy run to the North Downs the other side of London, no traffic and plenty of roads to cover I hadn't used, including some so narrow and steep I had to use first gear up and down them. The meditation class I missed live to do it was recorded for me, and now I learnt it'll be a couple of weeks before they're ready but it'll be worth any wait.

The next two trips are planned, one may need a few weeks for longer days and the other is ideally next weekend. That leaves the week ahead and apart from housework and the front lawn (I didn't do the final cut of the summer yet) I haven't a single idea so far. Something usually comes to me plus the money I've spent to learn new meditations can be put to work by doing more of them again as well. I presume the magazine editor will let me know either way about my article, so hearing nothing shouldn't be a bad thing yet. Oh, and the girlfriend. I'd been wondering about Grace for so long I'd lost the ability to find anyone elsewhere. There's someone nice at the gym now and will test that one out, otherwise the internet hasn't found a single thing so far but there must be one out there somewhere.

Reply #1851. Jan 12 15, 4:49 PM

satguru star

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I sit here waiting for Louise to finish whatever she's doing to take her home. I could have played the daily quizzes but this took my attention. After missing the major meditation class on Sunday as I was out taking photos I now discover the replay will take a couple of weeks to produce. It'll be the same but going by the last thought they were up straight away on podcast at least. How we learn. I don't know if the new strimmer is as good as the other (the cord is a third of the size) as I did the lawn today and it really struggled compared to normal and will probably try a second go to catch everything it missed. There are huge tubs in the middle so can't use the lawnmower to cut the grass at the front and just try and keep it down to a reasonable level.

I just answered someone's question about my belief in the supernatural (he's a long time researcher) and realised if it's real because we've experienced it a few times in total then even though it's invisible the rest of the time it's still real. How could it be anything else? Therefore my conclusion is we cross the edge very occasionally, more so when we practise, and anyone who has experienced it with any certainty will know themselves. Quantum physics is confirming all these events occur at quantum level so really it's only opening our minds which are quite capable of expanding to become aware of the area beyond its usual awareness. Maybe the dark matter all around us is just the part invisible to the usual senses and the one we enter with out of body experiences and the like. But like ufos, once you've experienced it you can't say it's not real as nothing we know of can explain it.

Reply #1852. Jan 13 15, 8:25 PM

mpkitty star

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I like your posts, could they be shorter? You see, my eyes grow dizzy, and I may not get the full benefit.


Reply #1853. Jan 13 15, 9:57 PM
satguru star

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Well it took me 40 years to learn paragraphs, but as multiple posts are allowed on your own thread then I will do my best and split them up more. And apologise in advance for future multiple posts.

Reply #1854. Jan 13 15, 10:43 PM

satguru star

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OK, I'm back, and will write more paragraphs per topic now and hope Terry doesn't mind the bloat ;)

Sometimes you can only go with the flow as your mind dries up. Today was the entire day off, although as I was out very late last night and then called the radio I wasn't up in time for a photo trip I could have done, so went to a local park and then did some gardening, and it is actually finally beginning to look clear after a good year or two since the extension was built and left nothing but weeds. I'd have liked to go out tomorrow with the camera but as my mother is currently without a car (unless she gets a new one today) as hers was written off then it'll be another wonderful shlep around the supermarket. It's similar to a dentist in diluted form, you have to be there and can't leave when you've had enough, and like the dentist I have pretty much lost my patience with both.

Otherwise I will just get on with things, and maybe the fairies will turn things my way and let me be free to do my own thing this week, I wasn't born a saint and never plan to become one.

Reply #1855. Jan 14 15, 11:46 AM

satguru star

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The first entire week for some time with no plans. It wasn't earth shattering excitement either, but pretty banal. Weather and duties meant only a short photo trip to a local park, the supermarket trip mentioned before went smoothly, the back and front gardens are now more respectable, and I had a nice long call to the radio which is podcast and shared widely. I also saw Grace for a moment to drop something over and she seemed happy enough to see me which can only be a good thing.

Tomorrow is a haircut and intending to go west at the weekend for photos, my meditation lecture last week is in the system as I missed it live and will have to wait some days before I can finally hear it now, but shouldn't make any difference. I'll be inviting people over for my birthday as well, I don't want a crowd and don't want it on a Saturday when most people would rather come, so having it when it's convenient for me on my actual birthday should also limit the numbers as half the people probably won't want to come. I'll find out tomorrow when I send out the calls.

Reply #1856. Jan 16 15, 9:49 PM

satguru star

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The winter routine is progressing, I went to Windsor yesterday to get photos around the Great Park. I stayed there on a course in about 1983 as did my mother earlier, but photo wise it's a vast area and no cars can use the roads, so even if I'd stopped and walked you can't add too many there walking (each is 1km so maybe four per hour) and then without clear landmarks are very hard to locate on the map properly. So I drove around one side and if there's a chance can do the other one when the days are longer.

Next weekend is planned SE again a bit further, it'll get dark at 4.30 so should manage it, and the usual week ahead with Carole planning to come on Wednesday and if she messes up it may give me a reason to cut her off again. Otherwise whatever happens is up to the system as I can't think of much else.

Reply #1857. Jan 19 15, 3:14 PM

satguru star

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I'm beating the system per day, I got up at a reasonable time yesterday and there was a little sun out so went straight out and got the area to the NW of London I needed just before the traffic arrived as I returned. Carole didn't come today and plans to come tomorrow just when I have a client. That's one trip to the supermarket and a client just when I needed them. She never used to come that often but since her parents died she gets so bored she likes coming regularly even without enough money for the fares.

Otherwise business as usual, not fitting into the usual family/children/job format I am one of life's leftovers, but it's not about fitting in but enjoying life, and the only part I miss out of is the woman part. My job history must be on my blog somewhere (probably the old one) but if anyone's that curious I'll explain it again. The family situation is not in my control unless I took whatever I was offered, had children and got divorced as none of the women available would have been tolerable for very long. Better to have nothing than aggravation. And it takes half your money if you do divorce and I didn't have enough to split with someone else. So I wait for someone I'd want to stay with, so the default position is the big fat zero with fries and a large Coke. Those I do have control over...

Reply #1858. Jan 21 15, 8:36 PM

satguru star

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It may still be January but I got out to the edge of Surrey covering new territory yesterday, and have my birthday event on Thursday and have begun the tidying required. Someone else heard me on the radio last week even though it was 2am so people do listen even on some of the quieter stations. Nothing else planned as yet, that'll keep me up towards the end of the week and no doubt somewhere else will occur to me I can get to next before it gets dark. And in a few weeks I'll have been here 15 years. That's over a 5th of my life. I was almost young back then...

Reply #1859. Jan 26 15, 11:54 AM

satguru star

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Another year another birthday (some may be able to work out which one), and was a very unusual day in that with absolutely nothing planned but visitors in the evening I had no idea what or where I would be going until the day. It was pouring with rain, stopped, and then hail, so no reason to leave indoors as I bought the food yesterday but had little to do here. Then I got a call from a client who wanted to come in the evening, and found a time before everyone arrived so filled the space, and then (after half the people cancelled last night for work reasons) everyone else arrived. Unfortunately (for work reasons) they all left early except Grace who did because she got a lift home. But it was nice while it lasted and had two hours of TV to watch which was better live especially as one has a constant Twitter feed you can only contribute to in real time.

Then the phone calls started for my birthday and continued till 2.30am, so had no gaps in the day as it began by preparing all the food (ie taking it out of the bags and emptying it into the bowls, and putting the rolls and fillings on the plates) and found everyone who came had already had dinner so luckily the main meal was in the freezer and has now been saved for my usage. As half the people didn't come the cream cakes which were one present were partly surplus, so everyone took a few home, and I worked out of course the spares I couldn't eat after three days in the fridge went in the freezer so nothing has been lost. Most of the rest of the food has been used and just have a large bag of peanuts, a bag of crisps and some bottles of drink left which will all be for the next week for me so save shopping for a while as every other year as I always get enough to spare.

I got a call from my TV producer who wants to discuss another interview next week so that's in the system, and also offered him a contact to get him the chance of a major network rather than just using the internet. Having worked in the area a little I've added a few connections and am now hoping the two can be put together to get our work to the greater public. Maybe our progress is being guided. It's been an incredibly bumpy route and there are still many gaps, but slowly it seems to be getting it together one area at a time. Just the woman now...

Reply #1860. Jan 29 15, 9:32 PM

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