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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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It's now getting dark just before 5, what a privilege (OK, it's 6 in the rest of Europe, but I have been getting up an hour earlier based on the old time to compensate), so I got a little further on Sunday to Ascot for the next new territory. Two work bookings this week to come so far, and not planning another trip for a week or two as they're getting further now, as the mechanic pointed out when he did my annual service on Thursday. But I've always done it for one reason or another and hope it'll be a long time before I have to stop.

Not much else known so far, I'm working on the spiritual lessons which from one source have all but concluded, telling us we are ready to work alone, and pass on the force to others. That should be interesting, and one person says they felt it already without me saying anything about it, which is the real blind test control. Still looking for signs as usual, I just found what looks like an old privately made one bang in the middle of Mayfair by one I got before, which is a real pain to get to but may not be worth it specially. Time for another I say, hoping the system gets the message.

Reply #1861. Feb 02 15, 9:22 PM

satguru star

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I'm having a rare random week, but makes a change to see what I can think of at the time occasionally, and even better when it's not been wasted. Yesterday I did all my actual shopping, birthday photographic supplies (a present but for me to actually go and buy), special prescription toothpaste, and some stuff from the chemist opposite. I also took some photos of the flyover and railway by the first computer shop, and then the usual visit from Louise. Today was an entire free day, I didn't feel like going the 20-25 miles to get new photographic territory after doing it already on Sunday, so looked along lots of roads online and found a bridge across the motorway and two railway lines a couple of miles away I didn't know was there and took loads of photos of them, followed by a four hour TV marathon.

Work tomorrow followed by more TV, and hopefully photos on Friday not that far away but far enough for a weekday. Using the timer I may even get my first 2015 long trip done on Sunday as I have till 5pm before it gets dark and may actually make it then. I hope so as there's nowhere else otherwise left for weeks.

Reply #1862. Feb 04 15, 6:55 PM

satguru star

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A very routine week but earned a little money and stocked up on supplies. No more signs discovered despite hours looking online, and no word from Grace or various other people I may have heard from. I am technically free, and the routes north won't open up for weeks due to the traffic during the week, so not planning another one yet, and just the one west I can only do on a Sunday with no traffic till March. I will see.

Otherwise it's very quiet at the moment, when there are no signs or new places to get photos and some people aren't around it's hard to think up ideas as I live alone. My local friends left years ago one by one till none except Grace were left. She's made it clear she wants no more than friendship after her sister tried to get us together, maybe a good thing bearing in mind her major issues, but would have liked a try. She has no idea her sister set it up as it's meant to be between us, but I don't think saying it here could get out somehow as she doesn't use the internet anyway. And that's not her real name in case it hadn't been known. Either the devil makes work for idle hands or something always fills a vacuum. There are usually two competing proverbs and this is no exception.

Reply #1863. Feb 07 15, 8:03 PM

satguru star

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Sunday was sunny and light till 5.10, so went west to Reading, plan A was just beyond it while plan B was to get as many spots in it once I got there. The one way system forced plan B as there was no way through to go any further in the traffic forced along a single road west, so took a little road to go back on myself and then drive around the suburbs as far as I could without getting lost, which only added two new squares but completed the mission.

I have no current plans besides shopping and housework, but as the days get longer will work out a couple of longer trips and will know when each becomes possible. Carole left a message late last night she was coming today and I just ignored it. She doesn't pick up hints or direct statements so hiding is now the easiest option. She rarely turns up when I arrange something anyway so why waste my time any more? I am handing the week over to the system now and see what it provides, I've done my bit for now.

Reply #1864. Feb 10 15, 10:17 AM

satguru star

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Chaos out of order. That's the wrong way round but happens far more than vice versa. I've got a week of absolutely no extra plans and definitely no more photo trips before Sunday as one was enough already. Yesterday got my shopping done, and with today entirely free had no ideas of anywhere to go, and carried on searching in the garage as I put everything there 19 years ago when I moved in and didn't have room indoors so left quite a bit there and have plenty of missing items which could be there or gone entirely. The rain got in for years and ended up having to go through boxes of paperwork- old college handouts and notes and notebooks etc all mouldy and worse and had to go. I filled half a bin and finally found the green paint left from my bathroom 15 years ago. There was one strip of wood repairing the garage door waiting to be painted so did that in a few minutes, then cleaned the brush and put the container with spirit in on a high shelf which fell all over me. I am now researching how to get the white spirit out of fabric as it's immune to the washing machine. Great.

I have found a sign in the exact opposite corner of London, same distance as outside and twice the time as it's 30mph the whole way when you're not waiting at lights. I must go as it's needed in the collection but been near there already a few times and really had enough as it's way off the main road. But I had nowhere left for weeks so will make the most of the chance. Otherwise nothing new or special but sooner or later?

Reply #1865. Feb 11 15, 9:51 PM

satguru star

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The rebound from a long trip was a fallow period, especially as it will be a few weeks before it's possible to do another one although I have no idea where so far. I may call up the Peterborough trip from the system which would conclude my mission for 2015 (I concluded 2014's in April as mainly based on daylight hours available) but may depend on getting a lift there which may not be as forthcoming as I expected. I filled half a bin clearing the garage of ruined paperwork from the leaking roof, luckily it was mainly college notes and the main ones I need are indoors already, and am not teaching any more so just let them go. I spent the afternoon yesterday on an online course until the thing crashed and lost a page of work twice. But as long as I get the sign at the weekend I'll be happy, and can then plan the following week as and when.

Reply #1866. Feb 13 15, 8:23 PM

satguru star

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The system worked, it took longer to get to Erith than it did to Reading as all suburban roads, but no holdups and got some new spots on the map as well. And it was sunny and raining today so lucky with the weather. The sign was there, one of a handful in Britain, and then finally managed 15 minutes on the treadmill for the first time. That's the next job done and see what comes next. No idea at the moment.

Reply #1867. Feb 16 15, 10:31 AM

satguru star

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It makes a change. Carole came, she was on time, she didn't mind where we went and accepted all my dismissals of her other demands (going to Hampstead, spending more money on her, going in the pub, going for another coffee etc.). You get an idea of the person, this was just within a couple of hours and she's always the same. Anyway, with the free rein for lunch we went to the café in the park (it was a lovely sunny day) and as not actually freezing we could even sit outside in February, and have our usual basket of chips which is enough for two people as well as the coffee and biscuits. Then she wanted to go to the charity shops, which turned out the biggest one had gone and one was closed, but she (I actually) got her a pair of trousers in the only open one and we got back here in time to watch Neighbours before I had to get her back to the station.

I'd rather no have to do it too often and it rarely goes smoothly, but nice the rare times it does.

Reply #1868. Feb 18 15, 4:24 PM

satguru star

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Another week, rain has swamped two days, one I wasn't planning anything and today when I was, and literally took a rain check for tomorrow. On Wednesday I called the radio saying that as Syriza and the EU do not want them to leave then they won't, and three days later they both came to an agreement, as neither side want the alternative. That is the planned and predictable side of politics, and one the media ignore when reporting many things as if they aren't.

So besides my delayed photo trip I don't know what else is ahead, that will do if I do it, and am still of course writing and researching as always. The other day someone was as usual waffling about rising temperatures to an almost impossible level, so I posted the reducing water vapour meaning there could be no positive feedback. Then he posted something saying (using my diagram) as water vapour is a coolant and is reducing the temperature will rise. That's the sort of thing (although not quite as extreme) I get all the time, and explains how the meme has taken off so astronomically despite the temperature stubbornly refusing to respond.

Reply #1869. Feb 22 15, 4:37 PM

satguru star

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I have been busy! I love treasure hunts, and after doing the trip west a day late (no traffic, west is away from it) finished adding the over 80 photos to the map and then noticed a little gap nearby on a trip and looked in case I'd missed any. The few I had were because I didn't know the exact spot, but discovered the new editor with the PC could wipe rubbish off the screen and allow many really dubious photos to become usable.

I then spent 10 hours for the following two days going through everything in the archive and got quite a lot from zero to hero (usable anyway), and got three more map spots as well. Then today just as I was finishing the PC froze, and when I had to turn it off at the mains did it the following few times. I plugged the old one in which was ten times or more slower (why I changed it), and plugged the other in the other room as a test. Hours later I noticed the lights were flickering, which it does when it's working, undid the monitor and it was indeed on again.

I learnt I need backup disks (they didn't provide a Windows one apparently so have to create your own version), after I started it rejected all the DVDs on the first go when it was new, and gave up in the end. I also realised I hadn't backed up very much so added quite a bit and will finish it later. I will at least tidy things up now as a result and get some things sorted out now I know I needed to. Onwards.

Reply #1870. Feb 27 15, 10:24 PM

satguru star

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Unplugging the hardware turned out to be the official step for frozen computers and worked, it froze once today but didn't last when rebooted. I'm buying a spare soon as I can't be doing with a missing PC for very long, I live on my own and do nearly everything on it.

I got my next road sign at the weekend in Hampshire now the days are longer, it poured with rain as soon as I arrived, got soaked, the big camera got covered with water and wrecked the photos of it, and went out of the car again in it to take one with the small dry camera, which was the only one worth using. Then I got a message today with another one about 25 miles away I'll be after next. Carole didn't confirm tomorrow's visit thank goodness so free now, the new router is booked any time on Thursday so could either wake me up or keep me in the entire day, and have my photo trips planned for the next couple of months so have my plans sorted for now.

Reply #1871. Mar 03 15, 9:37 PM

satguru star

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What a strange day (and it's not over yet).

Carole didn't confirm today's arrangement, and being tired from a couple of extremely late nights (one was waiting for the radio to call me back for hours) had a quiet day with a walk in the sun before I came home. Then she called saying she'd got the wrong ticket and couldn't finish the journey, then called to say she was here and could I meet her and hung up. I knew where but not exactly when, so rather than hang about simply waited for a call (she called five minutes after I was meant to get there last time) which didn't come. In the end it turned out she had just run out of credit after she called me but could somehow have got a coin for the phone box. So she went back and got on the train home. I can't think of everything and clearly didn't.

Then I called someone who wrote to me weeks ago to say I'd lost his letter and updated him on what I did want to talk about. We were working with a friend of a mutual friend of ours who has fallen out with the older one (he is very old, fit and working very hard though) who all live in the same area, and I asked if he'd ever met him, and he said no, only heard about him from both of us. A few hours later the old one called me to say he'd just been to the local science inventor's group (which is his job) and met the one I just spoke to earlier and asked if they'd ever met before. I waited weeks before calling him today as I was hoping the letter would surface, and the exact day I asked him was the one he was actually in the car on the way to the place this person would be. He actually then walked up to him having no idea what he looked like (and possibly he would be there at all) and said 'Do I know you?'. How about that?

I was sent another sign location last night I want to get when I have the energy (sometimes long drives take it out of me nowadays) and will see what time the router arrives tomorrow in case it allows me to then. Otherwise the housework is piling up so plenty to do here albeit boring without someone to talk to at the same time. I did the ironing at last anyway so now have a choice of trousers again. If you're ever considering living alone I strongly don't recommend it...

Reply #1872. Mar 04 15, 5:20 PM

satguru star

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Well, I suppose I earned the right for a quiet week (and caught a chill after Sunday's soaking so wasn't up to much on the road for a few days), and got my car maintenance done (tyres and cleaning) followed by tax, and had a nice surprise when Grace called and wanted to come over. Girlfriend or not she's still onside and without the bugs she'd probably have been a good candidate. But the standard for a wife 24/7 for life officially is totally different from a girlfriend who comes and goes. She went off the idea anyway but when I said I'd been considering it she was quite pleased. I can't see the bugs going though, they've been there a long time and would get in the way. But miracles do happen, otherwise the word wouldn't exist.

Reply #1873. Mar 06 15, 7:44 PM

satguru star

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The system's still working, two days after getting the sign in Hampshire I got a message there was one in High Wycombe, about 25 miles away, and got a lot of new territory getting there yesterday a different route. No trips required this week, but there is also one 10-15 miles further in Aylesbury now as well which will dictate one of the trips when the clocks go forward as well as a few more I've got lined up. More music on the radio tonight as it's Tuesday morning's show where you can, and hope the machine hasn't wiped it as after 25 years it's getting old and was the first thing ever to go wrong last week when I recorded it, and may mean the memory is almost gone. The rest will arrive when it does, no idea besides the weekly routine.

Reply #1874. Mar 09 15, 5:43 PM

satguru star

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Interesting, with it getting dark approaching 6pm I won't be going north for a few weeks because of the traffic, but doing south and west and got two road signs the last two weeks, meaning no long trips required the rest of the week. That leaves much of the days free, and besides going to the park yesterday and the shops today that was about it (plus Louise coming over as every week and having to take her the fairly long distance home).

There's no TV on tonight so will watch the recording saved for that event, then start looking for more signs online. Thank goodness somehow they keep turning up and have to do that first as many are removed every year. Otherwise it's housework, which always wins when I've done everything else, and meditation. And I'm still writing a heck of a lot, that just needs more exposure to reach the next level in the media as well.

Reply #1875. Mar 11 15, 1:47 PM

satguru star

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Another day off, no idea what to do initially, I'm planning the first trip north next week and ideally the next road sign. I remembered there was a bush needing attention in the front, and went to cut the dead branches and then saw all the others that were already growing in early March and spent an hour tidying all the excess. I'm taking photos locally tomorrow, there's a very rare old road feature someone turned up a few miles away so will get that done and the area near it I haven't really covered. Probably another trip south on Sunday to keep the collection rolling, and then it'll be time for the next one soon after.

Reply #1876. Mar 12 15, 2:06 PM

satguru star

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My imagination (and energy) are being stretched, but each day I find something useful one way or another. Photo trips three days in a row Friday onwards, including Kent on Sunday as planned. Then a sign NW as soon as I get my stuff together. The radio presenter is back from his two weeks away and did my fourth music presentation last night and he wants me to every week now officially. I've got the next one ready and can go on as long as they want me to.

So ideally the sign will be got within a week or so, and apparently I may be trialling new tablets next month as the doctor doesn't like the ones I'm on now for this long. It could as always go either way depending how they react, but better than nothing which doesn't calm the storm at all.

Reply #1877. Mar 17 15, 5:29 PM

satguru star

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It's strange how life (angels?) take over sometimes. For various reasons I didn't get anywhere last week north, and initially had a slow boring journey to Kent for Sunday, one of the only reasonable roads I hadn't done yet. Then somehow a message came to me 'Basingstoke', a single fast road where I'd gone 3/4 of the way, and could go just past and get some more map territory I hadn't covered as well. I don't know if I'd have felt like it after one in the week, so as not urgent and easier when the clocks go forward in a week's time as I can head north after the road sign as well if I feel like it, and had an easy run yesterday taking in quite a lot of territory.

My 5th music call is planned tonight, a regular Tuesday morning now, and will let the week take care of itself having done the work already. If anywhere hands itself to me I will go, otherwise save it for the following week.

Reply #1878. Mar 23 15, 6:39 PM

satguru star

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Life is going round in a bit of a circle, productive but becoming repetitive. The music was labelled my worst ever, I listened back and it sounded OK, I think being rude to the callers is this particular presenter's thing so will go by my own musical judgement. Carole's not only coming tomorrow but has booked a hotel room so I can't take her back before she becomes too much of a handful as I usually do. I had no other plans tomorrow but anything not requiring an appointment would have been an improvement.

I do wonder if my spiritual work is either based on reality or getting anywhere, as life still creates as much stress now as ever, of course the outside events never change and will always be an equal mixture of positive and negative, but it is us who have to change and no longer react to the garbage when it happens. Many have tried and very few succeed, it is almost but not quite an impossible task, but the alternative to some is even worse so we keep on trying. But it helps when you're not working alone, and of course that halves the problems instantly when they're shared.

Reply #1879. Mar 24 15, 6:05 PM

satguru star

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What an odd day. I got held up in traffic and Carole had given up after 15 minutes, she said she'd be back a few hours later when I called but the train was so crowded she had to get off, so I suppose wandering around the station twice may have been preferential to the alternative, and got a little shopping done opposite there while I was waiting. Maybe the influences are making sure we don't meet now to save the stress levels.

As I did a long trip at the weekend I'm not sure if it's necessary to consider any more till the clocks go forward unless something makes me tomorrow. I have my plans now and presume if I don't I'll do something useful tomorrow instead, unlike today. But sometimes even the little things that don't really register at the time can send you in another direction or lead to more ahead, you never really know till afterwards.

Reply #1880. Mar 25 15, 9:23 PM

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