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Subject: Story du Olympique

Posted by: deputygary
Date: Feb 16 10

In honor of the Winter Olympics I thought it would be an idea to write a story, one line at a time. Feel free to jump in and add on.
I'll start it.

88 replies. On page 3 of 5 pages. 1 2 3 4 5
hovenaut star
Undaunted, our hero gathered himself. Leaving the drunken mascots w/ lumps of coal he headed towards

(author bows to Anne Bonney - hi there!)

Reply #41. Feb 19 10, 7:56 AM
AnneBonney star

town, still searching for a first-aid kit.

Reply #42. Feb 19 10, 8:05 AM

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On his arduous trek to town,Simon passed Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards,dressed head to toe in a shocking pink jump-suit,whistling.....

Reply #43. Feb 19 10, 10:39 AM
redwaldo star

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"Strangers In The Night".

Reply #44. Feb 19 10, 11:47 AM

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But his whistling was almost as bad as his Ski Jumping,and a huge Bigfoot charged through a nearby snowdrift and...

Reply #45. Feb 20 10, 7:43 AM
nailed a Canadian bacon followed by an ollie and finishing with his signature Supersquirrel to win Gold for the Nepalese snowboarding team.

Reply #46. Feb 21 10, 1:08 PM


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Attilla The Hun and Genghis Khan,representing the Vatican City,came avery close second,despite....

Reply #47. Feb 21 10, 1:25 PM
being dead for 1557 and 778 years respectively.

But we all digress.

Reply #48. Feb 21 10, 1:52 PM

MarchHare007 star

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Giving himself a shake, Simon attempted to get his train of thought back on track.

Reply #49. Feb 21 10, 5:16 PM
Simon decided to recap, so he put on a different, no, that's not what I meant by recap. Simon's recap: he is not the best athlete at the Winter Olympics but he is the best Djibouti could send. He originally thought about becoming a human luge but his brother, Anton, already did that back in 1948. Then he found a strange message aboot, I mean "about", a new sport for people who are not of an athletic bent. With his arthritis, Simon could hardly bend at all, so this would be perfect for him. Unfortunately the message left oot, I mean "out" (I'll talk better when I stop listening to Canadian curling announcers, eh), a critical piece of info: what the sport was. So far Simon had found a carrot and some lumps of coal as clues. But he'll be "frostied" if he can figure out what it is that the new sport is. He will have to look for some more holly jolly clues.

Reply #50. Feb 22 10, 9:46 AM

AnneBonney star
LOL DG! Curling will be over soon and hopefully Canada will be victorious. So you can lose the accent, which not all or actually, hardly any of us have. ;) Or you could keep it. It may be preferable to a Mid-Western U.S accent. ;)

Back to the story....

Simon looked behind him and saw a trail that looked like it was made by a large ball, leading up a hill.

Reply #51. Feb 23 10, 12:19 PM
tezza1551 star

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In actual fact, it was a dust cloud, caused by a small group of Australians, trying to

Reply #52. Feb 23 10, 11:38 PM
...sneak in their girlfriends (flock of sheep). Simon was amazed at this breach of security!

Reply #53. Feb 24 10, 1:18 AM

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And astounded by the sheeps' poor choice! "Should've Gone To Spec-Savers",said the Peruvian Llama man.

Reply #54. Feb 24 10, 7:53 AM
(this story is a lot cooler now that it has the word "llama" in it) :)

"New glasses!" thought Simon to himself soto voce (that means "in a low voice"). "Maybe if I had some glasses I could see the clues more better." (Not only was Simon not the best athlete at the Winter Olympics, he also did not have the best grammar.) So he skied to Spec-Savers where he interrupted the opta...opthe...opthamau......eye doctor who was doctoring someone's eyes.
"I need glasses," he proclaimed.
"Shush," shushed the aforementioned eye doctor.
"Why, yes, I did schuss here. But that's not important. I need glasses," continued Simon.
"Slalom?" asked the eye doctor who was aforementioned, not really listening to Simon.
"No, not all of them," Simon answered shaking his head disbelievingly. "I only need one pair."
"Alpine, then?" asked the eye doctor who was mentioned before, still not really listening (probably a woman eye doctor, would be my guess. I'm just saying.) :)
"Sure, you can pay if you want," Simon answered shaking his head smilingly.
At this the eye doctor finally looked Simon up and down.
"I think you need an ear doctor more than you need an eye doctor."
Simon was so insulted he stomped out, which is hard to do when you have skis on.
Outside he tripped over a corn cob pipe.
A clue, perhaps?

Reply #55. Feb 24 10, 1:26 PM

tezza1551 star

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The corncob pipe, previously owned by Ronald Regan, who inherited it from Winston Churchill, was now the property of

Reply #56. Feb 24 10, 9:25 PM
AnneBonney star
The IOC (International Olympic Committee). It was stamped right on the side. But what could it mean? Was it a piece of official Olympic equipment? Simon put it in his mouth while pondering the puzzle. But, he immediately spit it out, remembering what his mother had always told him about putting things in his mouth.

Reply #57. Feb 24 10, 9:49 PM
At the bottom of the hill Simon could see his cheering section gathering. Their chant wafted up to his ears:

"Simon Sitzmark is our man
if he can't do it
I don't know what to tell you!"

They were not the best cheering section at the Winter Olympics.

Reply #58. Feb 25 10, 7:49 PM

redwaldo star

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But the Aussies had brought their cheer-squad.

"We live in the driest continent in the world; no-one has even seen snow, yet we can still win gold medals'. They sang this arrogantly.

Reply #59. Feb 25 10, 8:17 PM
leelee63 star
Amazingly, from absolutely (s)nowhere, Simon Sitzmark got wet and changed his name to Mark Spitz.

Reply #60. Feb 26 10, 1:41 AM

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