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Subject: Story du Olympique

Posted by: deputygary
Date: Feb 16 10

In honor of the Winter Olympics I thought it would be an idea to write a story, one line at a time. Feel free to jump in and add on.
I'll start it.

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tezza1551 star

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jumping into the nearest swimming pool, where he proceeded to

Reply #61. Feb 26 10, 2:34 AM
redwaldo star

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swim back-stroke amazingly quickly for an old man.

Reply #62. Feb 26 10, 2:48 AM

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But not quite so amazing if you see what was chasing him. Is that a yellow submarine,or a Great White with a sun-tan? Or.....

Reply #63. Feb 26 10, 7:17 AM
was it nothing at all? It actually was a

Reply #64. Feb 26 10, 9:11 AM
tezza1551 star

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refugee from the Australian Surf Lifesaving championships who had become confused and

Reply #65. Feb 27 10, 3:28 AM
thought this story was about swimming. It's not. It's about the Winter Olympics. And seeing as how the Olympics end tomorrow, this story should probably be strapping on its snowboard and hitting the slopes. Accordingly...

Simon Sitzmark was still trying to figure out what all the clues meant: carrot, lumps of coal, trail made by a large ball of something, and a corn cob pipe. Hmmm.

As Simon was "hmmm-ing" the lead contestants of the Ladies' 30km cross country skiing final came around the corner of the mountain and knocked poor Simon on his tookus. (That's what they call it in Djibouti because 'coccyx' is too hard to pronounce.) He fell and tumbled and stumbled and plunged and toppled and plummeted and fell down the mountain, across the hockey arena (where he was inadvertently credited with an assist in the US v Finland game), through the figure skating arena (where he was given a 4.7 by the Russian judge), across the curling sheet (where for a minute he was shot rock before he became part of a double takeout by the Swedes) and into a hastily constructed building where the new Olympic event for non-athletic types was being held.

Now, who wants to guess what the event is?

Reply #66. Feb 27 10, 7:53 PM

leelee63 star
Sand sculpture? no, no that's not it. Origami? mayhaps...

Reply #67. Feb 28 10, 12:11 AM

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Or icicle weaving? Followed by the Ice Chip Tiddlywinks?

Reply #68. Feb 28 10, 1:07 PM
flopsymopsy star

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The new Olympics even for non-athletic types was patented worldwide by the Deputy and his herd of trusty helpers as they surveyed the carnage amongst lesser beings. "What a great idea!" a famous rabbit cried, "indoor pirate-baiting was never as much fun as this." The Deputy smiled, his wicked plan had worked. "What shall we call it?" he asked, and as one his crew replied, "The Revenge of the Llamas!"

Reply #69. Feb 28 10, 4:41 PM
" But the Aussies had brought their cheer-squad. "
....And they were loud!

"Sitzmarkey is crap on skis! Dooo-dah, Doo-dah
Sitzmarkey couldn't shear a sheep! Baa Baa Baa Baa hay!

Turning slowly towards the cacophony;Deputy Gary and his crew put down their carrot and lumps of coal, stared forlornly at the trail made by a large ball of something . . . . .

Reply #70. Feb 28 10, 9:02 PM
AnneBonney star
Wait! Could it be part of a snowman? ? ? :)

Reply #71. Feb 28 10, 10:11 PM
redwaldo star

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Yes,it's Frosty, just like the atmosphere in the U.S.A. ice hockey change-room.

Reply #72. Feb 28 10, 10:16 PM
leelee63 star
It would probably be more fun if everyone just got along and built a snowman together.

Reply #73. Feb 28 10, 10:28 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Well the Llamas already have the facial features - how about they build 'the face'? :)

I'll start the Pirates off with 'the body' - and then everyone else can help join it up! :D

Reply #74. Feb 28 10, 11:32 PM
The problem with pirates building the body is, they have trouble rolling the snow and placing the buttons and things with hooks for hands. :)

Reply #75. Mar 01 10, 9:19 AM

AnneBonney star
But we're talented. We can use our teeth. :)

Reply #76. Mar 03 10, 4:19 PM
MarchHare007 star

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But that's okay AB - because I went to the second hand store yesterday and now we'll have no problems building The Body! :D

Reply #77. Mar 03 10, 5:11 PM
So with chattering teeth, Deputy Gary and his herd of trusty helpers headed to 'Petticoats, Parrots and Pegs'; world famous haberdashery for Pirates and Ladies of the night...

Reply #78. Mar 03 10, 5:14 PM
flopsymopsy star

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Not everyone's teeth were chattering. AB had put hers in a glass of water overnight and they froze solid as the snow kept falling. "Really," she gaped, "they were new gold teeth as well, what a waste!" and with that she rested her booty on the body of the snowman.

The llamas pulled and tugged but they couldn't shift the huge snowman's base no matter how they tried, something seemed to be weighing it down from the other side. They sent young doublemm round the back to see what was making it so heavy. "Oops" he cried "the Pirate Queen is stuck to the snowball! Shall I get a digger?"

Reply #79. Mar 03 10, 5:58 PM

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"What use would an Aussie be in the snow?" squarked the parrot. "Get a bottle of rum and a dead man's chest - that'll get her moving sharpish!"

Reply #80. Mar 03 10, 6:35 PM

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