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Subject: Professer is here now

Posted by: Professer
Date: Jun 06 10

Well am here for the time being, i am still at the low point and losing the Gold membership awarded to me today, has forced me to decide do i stay or do i go. I appreciate all the support i have had but as i cannot afford to pay for gold i need to see wether to leave or stay

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Professer star
true lesley but compared to my age he is young, I have been thinking all day since i got home how i used to help people women on and off buses with push chairs and prams before they were given their own section,which originally were meant to be for wheelchair users but mothers grabbed them and bus company has let it become permenant.

Before becoming a cripple i would always offer my seat to women on a bus train etc pregnant or not old and young, was odd that his mum remembered i helped her 25 years back.

Reply #1421. Aug 22 13, 10:56 AM

Professer star
Have struggled today the pains been really bad, pain relief next to useless, Doing a neighbour a favour looking after their cat while they are away back a week on wednesday. Just have to go in feed it and put water down and change litter tray every 2 or 3 days.

Reply #1422. Aug 24 13, 1:53 PM

Professer star
Third day of cat minding, is a annoying thing as is young, keeps trying to trip me.

Not good when you not had much sleep in past few days due to osteo and Fibro

Reply #1423. Aug 26 13, 2:03 AM

Nothing to do with its age, Gary. It could be twenty and it'll still be looking for shelter between your feet, even when they're moving.

Reply #1424. Aug 26 13, 6:26 AM
Professer star
Did not realise that Lesley, thanks for the information, is a fascinating thing for some reason is attracted to my sticks. was annoying today he kept leaping on to counter as i was trying to do his food.

Reply #1425. Aug 26 13, 12:26 PM

Yes, they do that too, if they're not trained to keep off!

Reply #1426. Aug 26 13, 3:16 PM
Professer star
Been suffering today again the pains not being kind to me, even though i have taken all pain relief as prescribed todate,

Even struggled to open the cats food today, one of them ring pull cans, ended up using a screwdriver through ring to give me more grip,

Reply #1427. Aug 27 13, 10:33 AM

I do the screwdriver trick too sometimes. Nasty, evil, fiddly little things, with a habit of separating from the lid before the lid has come off the tin.

Reply #1428. Aug 28 13, 3:27 PM
Professer star
I have seen today something i have not seen for many many years, we all grieve for someone when they have died,but to dogs do it is rare i think, while i know they do when they have been so close as my friends Boxers, the elder of the two died sunday and the younger ones is well out of sorts. Grieving for his pal.

Normally comes bounding up to see me when i stop at the gate etc today it was a real case of i cannot be bothered, although he did come up to me, his heart was not in it.

They used to push each ther out of the way when i fussed the and if i was in the garden they's stand either side of me propping me up.

Reply #1429. Aug 29 13, 8:31 AM

Professer star
So hard to believe it has been 16 years since Princess Diana of wales was killed in Paris, i still remember it as though it was yesterday, It was a Sunday morning and had to be up early to get football ground ready for a youth team game, i switched tv on for news headlines and was rooted to the spot when i saw and heard what i did.

I went over to football ground and turned on showers heating the boiler to make teas and coffees. Was walking around doing what was needed lke a Zombie, Asked the referee when he arrived to do a minutes silence before kick off, which he intially refused, the players and managemnet arrived and got them to do same from both teams again he refused so got me phone out and made outi was ringing the league and he then agreed to do it. Saw many minutes silences in 16 years at the football club that was the quietest and most respected.

Reply #1430. Aug 31 13, 7:59 AM

Professer star
Oh well the fun starts here, have now taken ownership of a walker, was easier getting home from docs, See how i got on with it.

Am sure it will be useful, is primarily to stop me falling.

Reply #1431. Sep 04 13, 6:09 AM

Professer star
wow what a easier way to go shopping and get a weeks shop and get it home without struggling.

Walker i feel ois going to be a success, amazed at people now vacating disabled seats without being asked on the bus.

Reply #1432. Sep 05 13, 3:48 AM

So they stand for a walker but not for a walking stick. Spot the logic.
Are you now wondering why you resisted for so long?

Reply #1433. Sep 05 13, 6:39 AM
Professer star
Thought they were for people older then me with walking problems.

Reply #1434. Sep 05 13, 10:32 AM

Professer star
Lesley i did find it strange they stood when i apporached with my wheeled walker and you have to ask when its a stick or sticks.

Maybe they can see walker easier then a stick you think?

Reply #1435. Sep 07 13, 2:29 PM

Professer star
Have had a weird couple of nights and still not a lot of sleep, i was in bed at 10.30 , heard a noise and glanced at clock was 12.30 so i had possibly slept a short while.

Felt bad hands in pain etc did not get back to sleep till 5.30 and was awake a hour later when my neighbour went to work their door squeaks so i wake up.

Had many strange things going through my mind past few days wether its the medication or combination of them not sure

Reply #1436. Sep 13 13, 1:54 AM

Can't think what the differentiating thought processes might be. It might be that a walker is more visible, but there's not much in it, or that a stick may indicate temporary disability while a walker is likely to repesent a permanent one.

It might simply be a question of size. People will run in front of your pushchair and, with luck, and trip over it: or come straight at you thinking you'll swerve for them (no chance! Ha!) but they won't mess with a big fat old-fashioned nanny-type coach-built Proper Pram.

Reply #1437. Sep 13 13, 9:42 AM
Professer star
You may be right Lesley, interesting yesterday on bus going to do my shopping which i have to say is easier since walker 60% goes in bag, rest in a bag on handle bar.

Back to intresting development young girl 4 or 5 was sat with her gran in a seat designated for disabled and asked her gran about the seat, her gran said the seats were for people with poorly legs need more room, ointed me out to her gran and said like that man shewas told yes but he has a special thing to walk with thats why he is sat where he is if he had sticks we would move, ok nan said child i'll remember

Reply #1438. Sep 13 13, 11:01 AM

Professer star
A report in one of the papers today was talking about pain killers, stating how using too often negates the effect and how codine becomes less effective.

As my pain relief for the Fibromyalgia and the osteo Arthritis is a combination of Paracetamol and Codine and the two i have to take with super strength paracetmol at night also contain codine, to be honest neither are really helping the next option are a anti depresseant that also acts as a pain relief.

I am wondering what i will be able to take as i have been taking the combi paracetool and codine tabs for 2 to 3 years at 8 tabs a day.will re read paper article on line later to try understand.

Reply #1439. Sep 14 13, 2:32 AM

If it's not working, what's the likelihood that more of the same will work any better?

Remind me what happened when you've taken cod liver oil? glucosamine?

Reply #1440. Sep 16 13, 5:03 AM

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