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Subject: GG is here now too

Posted by: guitargoddess
Date: Jun 15 10

I was thinking of starting a virtual blog here on the chat boards anyway, and now that the blog blogs are closing, thought I might as well. I like the options for formatting in the real blogs, but I find this 'virtual blog' format seems more chat friendly.

Anyway. Haven't got anything interesting to say yet! But anyone who wants to may chat amongst themselves here while I try to think of something interesting to say :)

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Nice to see you, GG! Where's my Grey's quiz? :)

Reply #1. Jun 15 10, 7:30 PM
GG, last time I read a post of yours, you were baking bread and loving the process and the result. Are you still fond of the kitchen?

Reply #2. Jun 15 10, 8:06 PM
Welcome to the dark side. Have you brought your foodiness with you?

Reply #3. Jun 15 10, 8:50 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

I Hope So - I'm . Starving!

Oh.......*blush*.....and nice to see you GG. :)

Reply #4. Jun 15 10, 9:15 PM
I thought there were always cookies on the dark side. At least, that's what they say to lure you in.

Reply #5. Jun 15 10, 9:46 PM
cydonia325 star
GG... I no longer recognise Raine Maida. Do you? Not loving his new look. :p

Reply #6. Jun 15 10, 10:39 PM
guitargoddess star
VM - A Grey's quiz is planned, but no promises on when it'll show up online! My season five quiz didn't get written til midway throug season 6 :) This whole working full-time thing is really kicking my butt and as a result my quiz writing is a little stalled!

Lochalsh - yes, very fond of the kitchen :) Again, because of the whole getting a job thing and not being at home all day anymore, haven't undertaken many kitchen 'projects' lately (I consider things like baking bread to be 'projects', as opposed to just normal everyday cooking). I made falafel a couple weeks ago though, from scratch, and it turned out great! My dad, who is slow to compliment anything, let alone someone else's cooking, and who is especially doubtful of meatless meals, said my falafel was "awesome"! He also said a dessert I made recently was "awesome", and I about fell off my chair, as he's really not much of a sweet tooth, and only rarely tasted other baked goods I've made in the past, and never really commented on them... so I was shocked that he so enjoyed a chocolate fudge cake topped with caramel sauce, whipped cream and chocolate-toffee bits! Especially since I thought the cake was just okay. It was called a Better Than Sex cake. It wasn't.

Lesley, foodiness is about all I usually have to talk about, so I'll probably do a fair amount of it here.
I'd meant to start taking pictures of food too, which would have been a benefit of the real blogs, picture posting. But oh well, I can always link to photobucket if I take a very nice picture of food :)

Nice to see you too MarchHare :)

Cyd - haven't seen Raine Maida in awhile actually! In March, OLP had two 'intimate' "Evening with OLP" here in town in asmall venue for a really cheap price... and no one wanted to go with me :( I'd wanted to go the night that they were performing the Clumsy album in its entirety, but I think I ended up having something else I had to do that night. I wouldhave gone to the other night if someone wanted to go with, but they were playing the Spiritual Machines album that night, which I like less than Clumsy. It's still good though. Will now go try to find a recent picture of Raine Maida, one sec.... ... .... ah, if what I found is a recent picture, I see what you mean. I like him better when he looks more rock-y. More altrock-y to be specific :) Still a good looking guy (for his age) though :p

Reply #7. Jun 16 10, 3:57 PM

Working full time, kitchen projects and hoping to get to concerts...I bet you could write that quiz "with your other hand!" Kidding of course. I'll love it whenever you get to it! :)

Reply #8. Jun 16 10, 4:52 PM
Your father has called your food awesome? There's triumph!

I think making bread is more of a project when you're new to it. After a while, when you realise how little of the time it takes is actually spent doing anything, it becomes so much easier to incorporate it into normal daily activity. Unless you use a bread machine and set it to be ready for breakfast. That's cheating.

Pictures will be good. :)

Reply #9. Jun 16 10, 5:16 PM
guitargoddess star
No bread machine for me! Doing it by hand is most of the fun for me. You're right, baking bread wasn't really so much of a project, especially as when I did it before, I used a no-knead artisan bread recipe... you just let it rest longer, instead of kneading, really. The time spent actually mixing or doing anything was very minimal, so I could easily enough bake more bread on a Saturday, but still not really something I want to do on a Wednesday evening after work. The recipe I used last time was the "master recipe" from an artisan bread cookbook. The master recipe is available online, the other recipes in the book aren't... I've been on the waiting list at the library to borrow the cookbook for months, I expect when it's my turn to borrow it, I'll be baking more bread :) The master recipe bread was yummy, but I'd like to try some of the other recipes, particularly multi-grain bread recipes. Also want to try something like Honey Wheat Bread. Every recipe for something like that on one of the recipe sites I visit calls for a bread machine, and I'm not experienced enough yet to think I can just use the same ingredients and do it by hand (though I probably can, or could probably figure out how to change it to make it a non-bread machine recipe).

Reply #10. Jun 16 10, 5:51 PM

No bread machine for me either! I bought an incredibly cheap one a few years ago - a £30 supermarket impulse buy, when the good ones were more than £100 - used it once and went back to making it by hand. I gave it to a friend who used it once, gave it away, and went out and bought a good one.

And now I'm buying gluten-free bread. *sob*

Here's a non-machine recipe for honey wheat bread, might be OK.

Reply #11. Jun 16 10, 5:58 PM
guitargoddess star
Oh that recipe sounds alright! That's the website I use, too, not sure how I didn't find that one. Well, I suppose I probably didn't look at EVERY search result that came up for Honey Wheat bread. But definitely the first 10 or so I clicked on called for a bread machine!

That site's a goldmine for gluten free (and any other diet restrictions) recipes too :) There's a great recipe that all the members there recommend for chocolate cake, which is dairy free, gluten free and egg free. I know, hardly sounds like cake anymore, but many people have said it tastes fantastic.

Reply #12. Jun 16 10, 6:37 PM

My ex-husband used to make a beer bread. I took some to the office once, and another instructor ate the entire loaf when I was busy with something else. She was chagrined that she'd been such a glutton, but the smile on her face told another story!

I would have forgiven her, anyway. She was Greek, and, wow, did she hold forth with the groaning board at her parties!

Reply #13. Jun 16 10, 6:51 PM
It's a mystery. I typed
honey wheat bread
into the google box, and this one was top of the page.

I shall explore the site for recipes - thank you.

Reply #14. Jun 17 10, 6:53 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Happy hunting Lesley.
I have a friend who has been experimenting with gluten free and dairy free for years.
She's happy to supply tried recipes if you'd like some. :)

Are recipes that call for breadmakers that hard to convert to hand mix?
I love making bread, just something about the mixing and the feel of the dough as it goes through the different stages - especially once it's baking.
There's something very 'farmhouse-ish' about the scent of baking bread, especially in winter. *polite drool*

The self-proving method sounds interesting GG. I'll have a look at that.

Reply #15. Jun 17 10, 8:00 PM
guitargoddess star
"Are recipes that call for breadmakers that hard to convert to hand mix?"

Probably not, but I'm not experienced enough with bread to dare try it! I think once you're at the stage where you know how to mix and bake bread in your sleep, you could probably just take a look at the ingredient list and put them in your usual bread method. I want to try a wheat bread made to the letter of the recipe first before I try just winging it on my own, as I think it's a bit different than white bread - more dense, I guess. I'm pretty experienced at baking other things, though, so could probably figure out how to make a reasonably edible loaf of bread machine bread without the bread machine.

Reply #16. Jun 18 10, 3:08 PM

guitargoddess star
MH, if you google 'Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day", you'll find the master recipe for their no-knead bread. Including a couple of instructional youtube videos, and possibly also a recipe from the authors' second cookbook which focuses on healthier and specialty breads, including gluten free, and I believe all recipes in that book are no-knead as well. The "5 Minutes a Day" book is the one that I'm waiting for to come in at the library.

Reply #17. Jun 18 10, 3:11 PM

guitargoddess star
Holy tremors, Batman! We had an earthquake today! In Ontario! wtf! Ottawa's on a fault line, but we don't get earthquakes. If we do, they're so minor, the most that happens is dishes in the china cabinet rattle a little. The last time we had an "earthquake" my brother and I both slept right through it. Today's was still minor, in the grand scheme of thing, but I promise you I wouldn't have slept through it. The buildings SHOOK. It was less than a minute, but got louder and more intense, and it was scary in an area where we're NEVER prepared for this. We had a 5.5 earthquake that originated in Buckingham, Quebec, and was felt all the way to Ohio. I was downtown, at work, and there's no obvious damage, though I heard rumours on the bus that a few older buildings do have some minor structural damage. The power didn't even go out anywhere, so that's a pretty good indication of how not serious it was. That, and my brother, who was at home, thought it was just a big truck driving by. But still. I'd be very okay with never feeling that again in my life! Makes me realize I have no idea how I'd cope with an actual disaster.

Reply #18. Jun 23 10, 4:28 PM

_Morpheus_ star
Makes me realize I have no idea how I'd cope with an actual disaster.
Those that think they do know are in for a surprise. Glad no one was hurt.

Reply #19. Jun 23 10, 6:35 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
I'm glad of that, too.

My apartmehnt complex can't even be prepared for a simulated disaster (so how much better would it be in a real one?) Ah, well-we have another drill coming up!

GG-any ideas of where I could find some easy but healthy microwave recipes?

Reply #20. Jun 28 10, 10:48 AM

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