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Subject: GG is here now too

Posted by: guitargoddess
Date: Jun 15 10

I was thinking of starting a virtual blog here on the chat boards anyway, and now that the blog blogs are closing, thought I might as well. I like the options for formatting in the real blogs, but I find this 'virtual blog' format seems more chat friendly.

Anyway. Haven't got anything interesting to say yet! But anyone who wants to may chat amongst themselves here while I try to think of something interesting to say :)

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My Facebook album of food-porn updated :) Not sure when I last posted it here, but there are at least a few new ones!

Reply #101. Apr 23 11, 6:45 PM

I meant to post this here awhile ago, but kept forgetting... I became a supporting member on the recipe site I frequent recently and that gives me blog writing privileges there, so in case anyone here cares to read my boring life story, it's here:

(Note in case of confusion: being "blue" refers to being a paying member on that site. Note the pretty blue star next to my user name :) ).

Reply #102. May 19 11, 5:39 PM

guitargoddess ... check out the latest pictures added to my Facebook food pictures album (if you wish, that is!)! It's not the best looking cake anyone's ever made, but I'm pretty proud of it :)

Hope all is well with all of you blog readers!

Reply #103. Jul 03 11, 2:29 PM

Saints2668 star
GG, they look awesome! :)

Reply #104. Jul 03 11, 2:54 PM
Thank you :)

Reply #105. Jul 03 11, 3:14 PM

Hello, been a long while since I checked here, but wanted to share my news! I'm moving! To my own place! Without my parents! My first new home ever, I've never moved in my whole life.

I'm very excited, and a little scared.. :)

Reply #106. Oct 02 11, 10:48 AM

daymare star

player avatar
Congratulations and best wishes for your new home!

Reply #107. Oct 02 11, 11:47 AM
honeybee4 star
Great news. I hope it isn't too far from the parents. It must be wonderful and scary at the same time.

Reply #108. Oct 02 11, 12:23 PM
GG it is a bit scary. I am so proud of you! and I have every confidence that you will be OK. Please let us know how the move goes, and how you are.

Reply #109. Oct 02 11, 12:52 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar

Moving out on your own isn't so bad (I did roughly a year and a half ago-if you need support or have questions, drop me a line)

Reply #110. Oct 02 11, 1:01 PM
Only about 15 minutes away from my parents so it's not TOO scary.

I know I'll be OK with the actual living part, I can take care of myself. It'll just be so weird, to call somewhere else "home", to be a visitor in my parents' house.. I've never even gone to sleep at night with no one else home. It'll be an adjustment for sure.

Reply #111. Oct 02 11, 1:05 PM

Verbonica star

player avatar
Good luck, GG. You'll be fine.

Speaking of 'visiting' home -- not too long after my 1st son moved out for college, he was home for a weekend and was looking for something or other in the kitchen. Rummaging through drawers, he said, "Don't you people even have a decent such-and-such?" (I can't remember exactly what it was)... not, "don't WE have...". I was stunned... and was bowled over with laughter!

Reply #112. Oct 02 11, 1:29 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
It was weird the first time I visited Mom's, but the place is completely different now and wouldn't feel like mine anyway, so it no longer feels weird

Now, it's just like going to Grandma's or visiting a friend

Reply #113. Oct 02 11, 1:48 PM
Oh I almost forgot the best part! Since I've been working full time without having many expenses, I've enjoyed watching the numbers in my savings account go up and up. And I've been lamenting the fact that I would be needing to spend a whole bunch of it on furniture, since I had NONE. Well we went furniture shopping yesterday and picked out all of the basics, bed, couch, table... and when all was finished and at the cash register, my dad surprises me by paying for it all!! And he bought me a TV recording thingy too. Either my parents really want to help me out, or they really want me gone... lol

Reply #114. Oct 02 11, 3:41 PM

daymare star

player avatar
I doubt they want you gone.

Helping a child set up their first home is a good feeling for a parent.

Reply #115. Oct 02 11, 4:13 PM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
When I moved out, Mom gave me her old furniture and bought all new stuff (living room, that is-I already had my bedroom stuff, except that I took the guest bed instead of my own, and she bought a new box spring for it :))

Reply #116. Oct 02 11, 4:51 PM
Yeah I know they just want to help me :) they hadn't said a thing about wanting me gone and rather seemed like they didn't believe I was serious when I started looking for a place.

My mom wouldn't give me any of her old furniture! Our family room couches? She's planning on throwing them out soon anyway and won't let me take one because there are some tears in the fabric and small holes under the cushions (or where the cushions meet the back). I wouldn't have minded a slightly hole-y free couch, but now I get a free-to-me brand new couch, so that's good!

Reply #117. Oct 02 11, 4:57 PM

Hi all, there's some pics of my new place here: if you care to see :)

Reply #118. Oct 26 11, 4:29 PM

bloodandsand star

player avatar
GG, Ive been on your link and it looks like you've got a really nice place to call your own. Hope everything goes well in your new home :)

Reply #119. Oct 26 11, 4:54 PM
Yes, and delighted to see it all. Two bedrooms? Ooh luxury. Doesn't feel real yet, does it? It will soon.

I laughed at the bit about not using the dishwasher. Tell us again in a few weeks.

Reply #120. Oct 26 11, 4:58 PM

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