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Subject: GG is here now too

Posted by: guitargoddess
Date: Jun 15 10

I was thinking of starting a virtual blog here on the chat boards anyway, and now that the blog blogs are closing, thought I might as well. I like the options for formatting in the real blogs, but I find this 'virtual blog' format seems more chat friendly.

Anyway. Haven't got anything interesting to say yet! But anyone who wants to may chat amongst themselves here while I try to think of something interesting to say :)

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lol, glad you think they look nice, girls :)

I also made a delicious caramel apple crisp last weekend, but I forgot to take pictures before we ate it all. Was good though :)

I'm kind of starting to think maybe taking some sort of dessert/pastry arts certification program isn't such a crazy idea... I've kinda pish-poshed the idea when people have told me that's what I should be doing, but I dunno now. I can already make things taste good, I could learn to make them look fancy too, right? I don't mean like 6-tier wedding cakes, I don't think I'll EVER get that good at cake decorating, but maybe restaurant/catering desserts or something..

Reply #41. Sep 28 10, 2:43 PM

Jazmee27 star

player avatar
You never know-worth a try, don't you think?

Reply #42. Sep 28 10, 4:00 PM
Yet *another* post about food on this virtual blog, but I need to share - I made THE most delicious muffins today! I didn't even think I liked pumpkin muffins very much, but I gave it a try because I had canned pumpkin leftover from making pumpkin cheesecake bars for Thanksgiving but didn't want anything too dessert-y. So yummy!

If you like muffins for breakfast or for an afternoon snack with tea, but you don't really want to eat the ones that basically just small cakes too often, you might like this recipe: I didn't add the raisins, but other than that I pretty much followed the recipe (added a bit of vanilla extract though) and got a really good, reasonably good-for-you moist muffin out of it! Could be made even healthier by using sour cream or plain yogurt in place of some or all of the veg oil

Reply #43. Oct 23 10, 5:35 PM

Ok, ONE more pictures-of-baked-goods post, then next time I have something to say, I promise it won't be baking related!

These are the brownies I made for my aunt's office Halloween potluck lunch... she paid me $20 :) I think they came out pretty nice looking!

Reply #44. Nov 06 10, 4:53 PM

honeybee4 star
I love your food pictures. The cupcakes remind me of all the cupcakes I made for my kid's school parties. It was fun.

Reply #45. Nov 06 10, 5:45 PM
Thanks, honeybee :) I figure food pictures are always good, but I should sometimes talk about other things here! If my virtual blog is entirely about food I'll look like I have no life (which is true, but still!) :)

Sooo on another subject... my mom and my aunts want to know what I want for Christmas, and I'm kind of at a loss. There isn't anything I particularly need, or even want, at least not that they would actually buy, plus most things I kind of want are a 'someday' thing and there's not a lot of room here to store them until I move out. Any neat ideas you guys and gals think I might want to add to my wish list??

Reply #46. Nov 08 10, 6:33 PM

Cookbooks? Shiny pages are even more enticing than website photos. Seems to me you should start a professional library. :)

Reply #47. Nov 08 10, 7:38 PM
A Rachael Ray Lasagne dish. I bought one for my daughter, and she loves it. Not expensive, and you can leave it in the ship box until you get your own place! OR...A new car that you have been salivating for! :)

Reply #48. Nov 08 10, 9:24 PM
cydonia325 star
Raine has a much younger brother... might make a nice Christmas present ;)

Reply #49. Nov 09 10, 7:04 AM
Oh my that would make a nice Christmas present! Not sure my mom or either one of my aunts would buy him for me though ;)

Cookbooks is a good idea.. one of my aunts usually gets me one (last year was Company's Company Chicken Now book... a joke because she doesn't care for chicken [she's a red meat eater] and she thinks that's all I can cook because I prefer it to other meats). I think I will put on the list specifically a soup cookbook. I need new soup ideas, I like to have soup in the freezer always for workday lunches when I have no idea what else to take.

The Rachael Ray cookware is a good idea too! I had looked at it previously when I was wanting a dutch oven, but I was gifted a Kitchenaid dutch oven for my birthday, so I stopped looking.

Reply #50. Nov 09 10, 4:08 PM

GG, you might like "One Pot Spanish," a new cookbook by Penelope Casas. The recipes are authentic--I've had the dishes in friends' homes through Spain--and they don't call for a lot of exotic ingredients. It's a pretty book, too. :)

As a matter of fact, I recommend any of her books, and especially "Tapas." :)

Reply #51. Nov 09 10, 4:53 PM
throughout Spain, I meant.

Reply #52. Nov 09 10, 6:22 PM
I Googled it.. it does look good! Can't say I've ever cooked Spanish, might as well start with a relatively easy cookbook :)

Reply #53. Nov 09 10, 6:56 PM

Hi all! I've been remiss in updating my virtual blog! Hope anyone who may read this had a good Christmas/whatever you may or may not celebrate and a fun-filled New Year's Eve!

I got lotsss of foodie stuff for Christmas, and the biggest score, I bought for myself a couple days after Christmas on Amazon, Boxing Day (week now, it seems..) special... a pink KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer! Yippee! Apparently the foodie thing to do is to give one's stand mixer a name... I think I'm going to call her Rizzo. You know, 'cause she's a pink lady!

I haven't been posting pictures of my creations lately either. I decided to be efficient about it and create a Facebook album of my food pics rather than uploading to photobucket and giving individual links, and on Facebook everyone who knows me gets to see my food too! I made a lot more during the holidays but forgot to take pictures of everything before they got eaten up, so this is only a small selection... and there are some older pics in the album too that you guys may have already seen.

Hope this link works:

Reply #54. Jan 01 11, 11:06 PM

Worked for me! It all looks mouthwatering.
Please excuse me while I have a little drool.
Welcome back, and HNY. :)

Reply #55. Jan 02 11, 7:04 AM
GG, nice allusion to "Grease." :) Happy New Year!

Reply #56. Jan 02 11, 8:21 AM
Jazmee27 star

player avatar
Happy 2011-may this year be even better than the last one :)

Reply #57. Jan 02 11, 8:36 AM
Just realised there's only one non-dessert picture in my food album! Makes me look like a sugar fiend! (Which I am I guess) I do make more savoury foods too, but usually those foods are meant to be eaten immediately (whereas I often bake for an occasion in advance) and I forget to take pictures! I keep my camera in the kitchen now so maybe I'll remember to take pictures more often.

Very Happy New Year to all! 2011, I hope, will be a lot better than 2010! Nothing wrong with 2010 but it was kind of blah. I was unemployed for the first four and a half months of the year, then did nothing but work for the rest... I vow to have some more fun in 2011!

Reply #58. Jan 02 11, 10:42 AM

I need to know...Do you put 'Rizzo' away after each use, or leave her on the counter? :)

Reply #59. Jan 02 11, 11:28 AM
Haven't used her yet (I've been a bit incapacitated with a back injury that appeared out of nowhere on Wednesday) but my mom refuses to let me leave her on the counter (my mom likes to have NO 'clutter' anywhere. She doesn't even want the toaster left out on the counter, but it gets used everyday, it'd be really impractical to keep hauling it out). When I have my own kitchen though, I think I would leave her out, but depends how tiny of a kitchen I end up with! Or I would at least make sure there's room in a kitchen cabinet, since my parents have so much stuff, my dutch oven and now my stand mixer will need to be hauled up from the basement every time I want to use them.

Reply #60. Jan 02 11, 6:47 PM

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