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Subject: Let's talk!

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Aug 30 16

Anything you want to talk about?

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MiraJane star

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Jazmee, I had a house fire sept. 22, 2015. I didn't get the final insurance check until this January, in 2017. To me, this final six week wait is a hort time. However, since it took the plumbing inspector three months from the town to show up, I've got a feeling that something will go wrong in next weeks. Something has always been going wrong so far.

Reply #21. May 17 17, 2:40 PM
flopsymopsy star

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I probably don't know as much as I should about the history of coal-mining in the Midlands given that I live here but as someone who grew up in "England's green and pleasant land" (as opposed to the "dark Satanic mills") I generally associate coal with the deep shaft pits of the north of England and Wales. The West Midlands certainly did have coal but it was nearer the surface so there was more shallow mining. No less dangerous but different. Of course, they used the local coal to power the Industrial Revolution so it did have a significant influence on this country, its empire, and of course on the world. Don't think we've forgotten how the designs for some of America's early machines were copied (*cough* stolen) from English machines but I imagine we stole bits of textile machines from the French so it's all good. ;D If you go to Ironbridge and the nearby potteries they have some great models of how the production line went from small local mines to factories to canals to ocean-going ships and the colonies, although by that time the colonies didn't include the US.

We call the area around Birmingham (often called 'Brum' for short) the Black Country - there's quite a good piece about it here:

Reply #22. May 17 17, 3:37 PM
Wow, MiraJane. That’s what I call a horrible year. Hope things look up for you soon.

Flopsy, I live in Pennsylvania… and Pittsburgh and thereabouts used to be known for its coal. In fact, my great uncle (by marriage) used to be one of the miners. Every July he goes to a picnic for fellow members (white hats). I’m not as familiar with that stuff as I should be either, but over the years I learned a few things.


Reply #23. May 17 17, 4:28 PM
sadwings star

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Flopsy! Ow bist gooin? I just sid a goost, so I bist gooin' to sit on ma sofie and have a fake.

Hee hee! Silly me. Are you very good with the Black Country Spake? I think it would probably take me many years before I could carry on a conversation with that stuff!

Hey, thanks for all that info, that was very interesting. Samuel Sidney certainly painted an awfully dismal picture of the Black Country area. But from what I understood that article to say, since the last major mine closed down in '68 and that clean air policy was established, that area isn't black any more, right? I bet it must have taken quite a number of years for the land to get back to normal, or at least maybe close to normal again. It is just fascinating how our planet works, you know, as far as man having to pay some kind of very dear price for any kind of progress that we achieve, I suppose especially any kind of industrial progress. Sometimes it really makes me wonder just exactly what was and what wasn't meant to be when this world was first created.

Pretty cool that the anchors on the Titanic were made in the Black Country, but then, that whole ship was made over there, wasn't it? I guess maybe you guys really do produce the best metal in the world in more ways than one, ay? I don't know so much about the metal that comes out of the earth, but as far as ear candy, British metal rules the heavens and earth in electrifying eternal glory! And all because of two little bands of metal warlords - the almighty Priest Beast and Iron Maiden. The Alpha and the Omega. The Holy Alliance of Metal Brotherhood for all eternity. ALL HAIL!

Hee hee! I'm such a silly little gung-ho metal-or-death metalhead! ;-) I honestly don't like to sit around carrying on about myself, Flopsy, and I know you aren't a gung-ho metal-or-death metalhead like I am, but you should check out my poem about the evolution of heavy metal on my Thank God for Buddy Holly blog right here in this same neighborhood. It's like the 47th or 48th reply, somewhere around there. I've written probably 10 or 12 poems in my life and this is the only one of them all that I really care about and that I take seriously. There was a time when I wouldn't dare share it with anyone because I figured I would get a copyright on it someday, but I don't care about that any more, I just want to share it with my pals.

Anyway, this thing acknowledges and pays tribute to a lot of great musical groups in a fun little abstract kind of way, but to be totally honest, most of them would probably never be technically classified as heavy metal. There are really only two of them that would be, in my opinion, and they are both from the Birmingham area. One is Black Sabbath (all hail) and the other one - the very last one mentioned - I bet you already know who that little mystery band would be. ALL HAIL! ;-)

Okay, I'm outta here. Later, my friend!

Reply #24. May 17 17, 6:56 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Woops. I guess that would be reply #41, flopsy.

Hey, Jaz!

Reply #25. May 17 17, 7:03 PM
Yeah Kev?

Hey hey hey

Reply #26. May 17 17, 8:06 PM
Heeheeheeheeheeheehee I silly too

Reply #27. May 17 17, 8:06 PM
sadwings star

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Can you believe this thread was initiated last August and not one person responded to it until I came along four days ago and performed a sacred resurrection on it, Jaz? Of course, I went and violated the rules by doing that, according to a couple of others, but nobody has spanked my bottom and made me stand in the corner yet. Hmmmm. Interesting.

In the meantime, this thing is going to turn out to be more successful than my own blog, which has more subject matter to choose from than just about every blog or thread on this entire website. Go figure!

Reply #28. May 17 17, 11:35 PM
Blackdresss star

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I can believe it, Kevin. ElusiveDream starts a LOT of threads, and not all of them go anywhere.

I think I know The Powers That Be just deleted a pile of old, inactive threads. Maybe during that clean-up, the rule, real or imagined, about posting in a dormant thread also disappeared.

Jazz, the "highjacking" you're remembering probably came from RJ's thread, when I apologized for "highjacking it" by telling... *gasp!* ... a story. I didn't even realize "highjacking" was a real online term for anything other than overtaking ships and planes. Apparently, it is. Or, maybe it isn't. In any event, he didn't care what we talked about in there, he just wanted us to talk, and so we all talked a lot for awhile. Because everything is fun... for awhile.

Flopsy is a Board Moderator, and she didn't mention anything about resurrecting old threads. I can't fathom what the harm could be, especially if you have something to say on the topic.

"Let's Talk!" sounds wide open to me.

Reply #29. May 18 17, 12:52 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Yeah, or maybe "Speak to meeeee!" or something like that. That would be pretty cool.

It seems like there are still a bunch of threads around here that haven't been posted on in two or three years.

You know how there is that little yellow M by the Moderators' names? Well, I was thinking they should give me a little yellow TRG - Thread Resurrection Guy! I could go around resurrecting dormant threads that were a minimum of six months inactive, and I could get bonus points and badges and all that.

You still haven't told me what a Tesla Coil is yet, Elle. I guess you just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm going to go GOOGLE it right now!

Reply #30. May 19 17, 7:10 AM
sadwings star

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Okay, now I really feel like a dork. I know what a Tesla Coil is, I guess I must have forgotten what it was called. They even have instructions on the net on how to build one of those things. I would probably wind up electrocuting myself or frying out all my electrical appliances or something! :-(

Reply #31. May 19 17, 8:07 AM
13LuckyLady star

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ElusiveDream has many interests and a good percentage of the threads ED created have been well received.

MiraJane, such wonderful news! Keep us posted, please!

Reply #32. May 19 17, 8:16 AM
sadwings star

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I'm sure ED is a nice person with a lot to offer FT, but just out of curiosity, I took a little peek and noticed 38 threads started by ED with 7 or less responses, and 10 of those had 0 responses. Maybe that's what Elle was talking about. I also saw quite a number that did have a lot of responses, yes.

Reply #33. May 19 17, 1:24 PM
13LuckyLady star

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I anticipate there are many threads which have zero, or few, posts.

The General category appears frequently. Obversely, threads in Sci/Tech, World, Television, etc., do not.

This difference may be a contributing factor in the number of responding posts.

Reply #34. May 19 17, 1:34 PM
sadwings star

player avatar

I can't believe more than a month has slipped by. Mira, how are things going with you at this point?

Reply #35. Jun 25 17, 2:34 AM
Blackdresss star

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Kevin, I did tell you what a Tesla Coil is! And where you could see one, remember?

I'll go to your blog and try again.

Yes, Mira, I'd love to hear how things are progressing with your house, too. I hope you will be able to move in soon.

Reply #36. Jun 25 17, 5:25 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Don't you find it odd that ED hasn't posted in this, his very own thread, even once, other than to start it?

That's what I mean. He starts a lot of threads. Apparently, he doesn't always check to see if there's any action, though.

Reply #37. Jun 25 17, 6:26 AM
ClaudiaCat star

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Well it could be the fact that she posted in 2016 and the first reply was from Sadwings in 2017 - may have totally given up hope before then

Reply #38. Jun 25 17, 7:02 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Claudia, I think ED is a he.

I usually take a look at the list of chat threads that have current posts, which is what led me here.

Do you know what I mean? If not, I'll explain that more fully. It's at the bottom of the home page.

Reply #39. Jun 25 17, 7:18 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
ED? That's what she said. Ahyuk!

Yeah, Elle, I've got a pretty good idea that Claudia knows her way around FT land pretty well. Every time I can't figure something out I will usually go running to her and she will almost always tell me where I need to go or what I need to click on or whatever.

I was reading some stuff on the net the other day and it briefly mentioned Season 5 of that Vikings show that is supposed to start up "later this year" is all it said. Didn't give a date or even a month. I'm looking forward to getting back into it again if I can ever get an exact date on when it starts again so I'm not letting it slip by me. Those mean ol' ruffians! Tee hee!

Reply #40. Jun 25 17, 12:02 PM

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