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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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I've been watching videos of people doing these heroic acts... it's quite beautiful. The videos are from all different countries but it doesn't matter, because everyone in it acts selflessly.

And don't get me started on animal videos! Those tend to make me cry like a baby.

Reply #4521. Mar 22 19, 12:27 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
I have always had a soft spot for animals myself, Jen. I believe there will come a day when we will be rewarded for it in some way, along with everyone else who has compassionate feelings toward animals.

Reply #4522. Mar 22 19, 8:10 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Rock and roll input on the ol' Buddy blog, man! I want to say right off the bat here that I am not criticizing anybody in the slightest way here, this is nothing more than a humorous observation with nothing negative in any way directed at anyone. It is a compliment to the author of a certain question, if anything.

Anyway, I'm sure every player at one time or another has come across a possible answer choice to a quiz question that made them laugh out loud. I have always found the act of laughing to be pretty fun and cool, and the most recent episode of this happening to me was only a very short time ago right here LIVE in Quizzyland. Anyway, one of my Monster Quiz questions had asked who was known as the King of Rock and Roll, and one of the answer choices was Mr. Rock and Roll Outlaw himself - Pat Sajak. It just struck me funny thinking about Pat being the King of rock and roll! :-p

Reply #4523. Mar 27 19, 4:35 AM

Haha! It’s always a pleasant surprise to find something that catches me off guard, and seeing Pat Sajak as a possibility for being the “King of Rock and Roll” would do that!

Reply #4524. Mar 27 19, 11:34 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
He is such a criminally insane rock and roll warlord! :-)

Reply #4525. Mar 27 19, 9:55 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
You guys, I am totally blown away by the latest development in the music world. I really don't think there is anyone out there who is going to believe this. Evidently, Pat Sajak somehow found out about him being one of the answer choices on that FT question as to who is known as The King of Rock and Roll, and he has taken it very, very seriously - as in he believes that he is the correct answer. Now he has joined up with Pat Boone, Barry Manilow, Julio Iglesias and Donny Osmond, and they have formed a band called The Satan Heads. They have just released a demo album called Unholy Satanic Onslaught, and it is far heavier and faster than any heavy metal I have ever heard in my entire life. It is way, WAY too hard and heavy for me and I am terribly frightened by it. Frightened out of my stark raving mind. I don't know if it means the end of the world or what but I'm getting out of here! :-(

Reply #4526. Mar 29 19, 10:00 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Okay, you guys, all joking aside. Yeah, I was clowning around on that last post, obviously. But beside all of that, I got to thinking that maybe some of you may not be familiar with or may not really remember Pat Boone. Figured I would look the guy up and find a link to post for you guys to check out. What I am about to reveal to you is something that I honest to Rob Halford had no idea existed. Let me just say that I have eaten my words big time! This cat truly is a vicious, relentless cutthroat metal commando warlord from the mean streets of downtown Satanville, and this is the undisputable truth. Check out who the very first song is by on the album this guy did - his first hit album after 35 years without one...…..

Reply #4527. Mar 30 19, 4:51 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
Yo, Varn, are you out there, dawg? This one's for you, bro!

Reply #4528. Mar 30 19, 5:34 AM

varnish star

player avatar
Haha!! Ohh man, that's some wild stuff right there bro! The "guitar" solo was some serious shredding, Kirk Hammet should get some lessons from that guy! I looked at the track listing and saw Holy Diver and said I gotta check that out, and it said that Ronnie James Dio sings the backing vocals! So I listened to it, but I don't know, I just don't hear it!

(And thanks for the nightmares From hearing him sing "hush little baby don't say a word..."!;)

Reply #4529. Mar 30 19, 9:27 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
What....was.....that...? I can't......I don't even......there are no words. What did I just hear? Is that what Satan makes people listen to in hell? I think my ears......are.....bleeding..........

Reply #4530. Mar 30 19, 11:05 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Oh.....oh my god........oh, no, please, no......not Paradise City! The lyrics "strapped to the chair in the city's gas chamber, why I'm here I can't quite remember....." sung in a breezy swinging jazz style......why?!? Why would anyone do that?!? Kev, I'm holding you personally responsible if I have nightmares tonight.

Reply #4531. Mar 30 19, 11:17 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Hey, it could have been a lot worse, Jo. He could have done tons of other Priest tunes besides one of the wimpiest tunes Priest ever did. Could have done tons of harder Metallica tunes. Could have done some Maiden and Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies and a bunch of other stuff. Pat Metalhead Boone! Ha! The Metal God!

Yo, Varn, couldn't you just see that crazy cat doing You Can't Bring Me Down from Suicidal? This ain't no Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.....:-p

Reply #4532. Mar 30 19, 2:43 PM

terraorca star

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Could have done some of The Carpenters.

Reply #4533. Mar 30 19, 4:38 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Probably way too hellfire satanic.

Latest news update: Pat "Demonic Wrath" Boone is getting ready to unleash another CD of brutal heavy metal overkill down our throats! Everybody run for your lives! :-(

Reply #4534. Mar 30 19, 5:35 PM

varnish star

player avatar
Ha! Yeah, that is too funny. I clicked on something else in your link and saw Paul Anka covering soungardens black hole sun. I think they should both do a cover of Slayer's album Reign in Blood!

Reply #4535. Mar 31 19, 12:00 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
I saw the same thing! Should have known not to watch, but sometimes the horror just draws you in.....I'm still shuddering.

Reply #4536. Mar 31 19, 1:00 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Blood-curdling, apocalyptic horror! Nothing quite like it. So soothing and relaxing. :-)

Okay, class, time to settle down now and learn something very important in the glorious rock and roll world. I have been learning a number of things lately that have really left me stunned and speechless, and this is one of them.

There is a song called The Number of the Beast by a band we all know and love - the great and almighty by God Iron Maiden. At the very beginning of the song, before any of the satanic, long-haired hippy noises start, there is a voice quoting Revelation 12:12 and Revelation 13:18. For 37 years now, since it was first released, I have been so certain that this voice belonged to the great Vincent Price. However, as I have just very recently learned, the voice is not that of Vincent Price, but instead belongs to English actor Barry Clayton. Maiden had originally wanted Mr. Price to read the intro, but Mr. Price refused to do it for anything less than 25,000 pounds, so they hired Clayton to do it. It has got to be the most dead-on accurate impersonation of anyone impersonating anyone that I have ever heard in my entire life. You guys dial it up and listen to it and see what you think. As I say, the voice intro is before all the loud, ungodly hippy noises start, so there is...…….Tommy, please don't smoke that in here. Thank you.

Anyway, there is no need to be afraid. Just remember to have your finger ready to quickly escape the evil noises just as soon as Clayton says "six hundred and sixty-six" and you will be okay, you will not be harmed.

Reply #4537. Mar 31 19, 4:31 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Time for more rocky and rolly input from the Master of All Things Rock and Roll. :-) Pretty cool title, but I suppose a bit lengthy perhaps. I'll have to work on that.

In the meantime, I'm sure all of you will be very excited to know that I have painstakingly invented my latest name for a rock band. Parked at 49. Not the funniest or coolest name for a rock band that I have ever painstakingly invented, I know, but these guys are a pretty rocky and rolly band of rule-breaking outlaws who live to defy. The name comes from my usual performance in the Duel arena. It seems that I have become quite the expert at jumping into my speedy little Duelmobile, racing like the wind to beat all hell right straight to 49%, then standing straight up on the smoking brakes and parking myself right there to stay throughout the entire month. Makes me feel like I must be one of the smartest below-average players in town and it's pretty exciting! :-)

Reply #4538. Apr 03 19, 4:56 AM

sadwings star

player avatar
This is, after all, the "all things rock and roll" blog, so by the amazing grace of the Lord God Almighty, everybody enjoy...…

Reply #4539. Apr 12 19, 12:04 PM

UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Choo chooooo!

Reply #4540. Apr 13 19, 12:20 AM

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