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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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sadwings star

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Crazy...….hey, but that's how it goes.....

Ahyuk! Those are the best parts of the song - the "choo choo!" and warlord Pat and his bubbly "heys" like some kind of cheap lounge singer or something. I bet that guy would punch the antiChrist right in the mouth and tell it to go get him a soda!

Reply #4541. Apr 13 19, 5:16 AM

sadwings star

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Something has just occurred to me. On October 11th of last year, on page 15 post #295 on the Duel Time thread, I predicted that I would make the first Dinosaur level on May 10th of 2022. There was an active Duel thread just before the current one that mysteriously vanished, so just in case the same thing happens with the current Duel thread, I want that prediction and the date it was made to be posted here.

Reply #4542. Apr 13 19, 6:49 PM

sadwings star

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Captain Kirk vs. the scary monster...…

Reply #4543. Apr 23 19, 11:22 PM

sadwings star

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Have any of you guys done anything recently that you have never done since the beginning of time? I am doing something right now as I type this up that I have never done since the beginning of time. I am pigging out on a Sonic cheeseburger and tater tots as I type this. There is a Sonic right across the street from me and it's been there the whole time in the close to 19 years that I've lived where I live now, so you would think that would have surely happened before now but it never has. I've brought stuff home from there to eat many times in all those years, I've just never posted anything before while I was eating Sonic stuff, at least not until now. Isn't that crazy exciting? Never before in the entire history of mankind since the beginning of time has this ever happened! :-)

What kinds of stuff have you guys done recently that has never happened in the entire history of mankind since the beginning of time?

Reply #4544. Apr 27 19, 5:07 PM

sadwings star

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Reply #4545. May 05 19, 3:05 PM

UmberWunFayun star

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"Walk around him."

Heh heh, that'd be me, if someone threatened my dog :-)

Reply #4546. May 05 19, 4:41 PM
sadwings star

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That would be me even if it wasn't my dog at all. Don't care too much for people who want to abuse or harm animals, and besides that, I figure that since we live in a world full of grown arse men who know what it means to be a grown arse man, then a grown arse man needs to by God at least conform and comply with his basic responsibilities as a grown arse man, or he just might find that there are other grown arse men around him who don't mind stepping up in his face and showing him a thing or two about handling the responsibilities of a grown arse man. Besides all that, I don't mind saying that I can do a modestly fair impression of John Wayne just like a jillion other guys, so yeah, that would be me no matter who the dog belonged to. :-p

Reply #4547. May 05 19, 10:49 PM

sadwings star

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Today's action in the Duel arena has put me in the mood for more action packed violence like the following stuff. Please do not click this link if you have a weak stomach as this stuff is extremely graphic and violent. This stuff makes Friday the 13th look like Marry Poppins.

Reply #4548. May 08 19, 7:48 AM

Thwap! Bonk! Oof!
Just some real violent stuff there!

By the way, I hope you enjoyed your Sonic tater tots... I love them!

Reply #4549. May 08 19, 12:34 PM
sadwings star

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Explosive violence! I almost completely went out of my mind with stark raving fear from watching that. There was one fight scene I had never seen before - the one with the fake Batman and Robin. Those cats are brutal beatdown warlords. To the Batpoles, old chum! :-)

Reply #4550. May 09 19, 12:04 AM

sadwings star

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Do any of you remember the deal with that guy who played Robin on the original Batman series and how that crazy cat went around wearing his silly Robin outfit everywhere he went? I don't remember hardly any details about it, just a brief word from somewhere when I was a kid about that guy running around everywhere in his Robin outfit. I guess the guy evidently let his stardom go to his head or something. Anyone remember any details about that?

Reply #4551. May 12 19, 4:14 AM

ClaudiaCat star

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Here is the costumes - there are a lot of rumours about what they did -chance to find out... go for it

Reply #4552. May 13 19, 6:44 AM
sadwings star

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Thanks for posting that, Sue. Didn't find what I was looking for exactly but it was interesting. Thought maybe the following link might have something on it but no luck there as well. However, it has some pretty interesting tidbits for all you criminally insane Batman fans out there. Might be some cool quiz material on some of it. :-)

Reply #4553. May 13 19, 7:20 AM

sadwings star

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See the guy on the bike in my avatar photo? Watch what he does in this video...…

Reply #4554. Jun 01 19, 12:36 AM

UmberWunFayun star

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Breakin the phone, breakin the phone!

Reply #4555. Jun 01 19, 1:50 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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My favourite comment underneath the video was that they should sign him to The Bears. Heh heh heh.

Reply #4556. Jun 01 19, 1:51 AM
sadwings star

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Ha! Breakin' the phone! Breakin' the phone! That was a good one, Jo. :-)

I sang that song with a real live band behind me one time - or attempted to. It was on my ship when I was in the navy, and the band was actually the "official band" of my ship. They had this battle of the bands contest between the ships in port over there in Norfolk, VA, and our guys won it. :-) That was without me, of course, I wasn't actually in the band, I was just messing around with them one day when we did that Priest tune.

Anyway, I actually did pretty well until I got to the line "You don't know what it's liiiiike!" Well, the second time Rob sings that line. I really unloaded on it and got about two words out and I started hacking and choking and coughing my butt off. I thought I had damaged my vocal cords for a minute! :-( So much for my glittery singing career. :-p

Reply #4557. Jun 01 19, 2:17 AM

sadwings star

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Just recently lost legendary musician Dr. John. What little I knew of his music I liked a lot. RIP, brother.

Reply #4558. Jun 06 19, 5:28 PM

terraorca star

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Dr. John, an icon of New Orleans bluesy jazz.

Reply #4559. Jun 07 19, 11:39 AM
sadwings star

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Just learned yesterday that that cat did two years in a Texas prison for possession of heroin. Can you believe that? A musician using heroin? Shocking.

Reply #4560. Jun 08 19, 5:18 AM

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