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Subject: Thank God for Buddy Holly

Posted by: sadwings
Date: May 14 17

This is about everything rock and roll from the 50's to the present, but that's only the beginning. Any poets out there? I have a couple of poems to share before too long. Misunderstood song lyrics are always a lot of fun. Favorite album cover art? Any wild or interesting concert experiences? Prefer Motown to rock? Jazz? Blues? You can share all of these things and much more here. Come one come all to the midnight ball! Let's do this!

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sadwings star

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Gimme the Beach Boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll
And drift away......

Ha! That's pretty funny! Well, chalk up another song that will never be the same for me again! :-) I mean that in a good way of course.

Okay, here's one. I guess I was probably 10 or 12 years old when this song called "Signs" came out. I can't remember the name of the group that did it and I really should know that. Anyway, part of it goes like this.....

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this , don't do that
Can't you read the sign?

You guys remember that song? Five Man Electrical Band was the name of the cats who did this tune. These guys were the real deal when it comes to hippies from the sixties and all that. I don't suppose they were ever exactly a household name.

Anyway, there is one part of the song that goes....

Now, hey you, mister, can't you read?
You've got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat...

Well, silly me, I thought they said, "You've got to have a certain tie to get a seat." I thought to myself, "A certain tie? What KIND of certain tie? Why aren't they saying what kind of tie? Hmmm....maybe like a bow tie or something probably?" Hee hee!

Anyway, being a guy who has had his hair about 3/4 of the way to his butt several times over the years, the last time being just a couple of years ago, I just really love how this song starts out.............

And the sign said "long-haired freaky people need not apply"
So I tucked my hair up under my hat
And I went in to ask him why

He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man,
I think you'll do!"
So I took off my hat and said "Imagine that!
Huh! Me workin' for you!"

Heh heh! I just love that! Of course, I have grown up a lot and I'm a lot more mature and take life a lot more seriously since I chopped a couple of feet off my hair a couple of years ago. NOT! :-p

Reply #81. May 28 17, 6:07 PM

Blackdresss star

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"Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?"

The song is "Signs" -- Tesla covered it, too.

And look, we've come full circle. Sort of.

Kevin, if you look closely at the photo on our home page, you will see Mr. Tesla reading a book, sitting in front of his Tesla Coil.

Reply #82. May 28 17, 6:52 PM
sadwings star

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Yep, I knew the name of the song, and I knew it had been covered by someone but I couldn't remember who. Cool!

I looked on our home page but I couldn't see what you were talking about.

My next episode of Misunderstood Lyrics is going to be fun. It's really more a case of misinterpreted lyrics on the part of myself, Mr. Sad Wings of Heavy Metal Destiny. Can't get into it right now, but I will tell you briefly about the person with the longest name of anyone I have ever met in my life. He was a navy pal of mine from the great state of Idaho, and the cat's name was Doctor Reverend Messiah Waste Brazier Junior III Senior Esquire. I will have to tell you the story behind that a little later. Right now I need to get a little sleep........

Reply #83. May 28 17, 8:01 PM

sadwings star

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Okay, I'm kind of pressed for time, so let me just tell you about my navy pal, that won't take as long.

We were down in Pascagoula, Mississippi getting a little renovation work done on our ship. Everyone had to wear a hardhat while they were on board.

Well, one day this crabby Chief Petty Officer told my pal Ron that he was nothing but a waste, so Ron took a black magic marker and wrote "Waste" all across the front of his hardhat, and he became known as "Waste Brazier" to his pals.

We were all having a bunch of laughs over that for a while, then one day one of us added something to Ron's new name. I can't remember what term got added first. Then another one of us added something else and before long it was Doctor Reverend Messiah Waste Brazier Junior III Senior Esquire, or The Great Messiah Waste for short.

Anyway, so that's the legend of The Great Messiah Waste from Idaho.

Reply #84. May 29 17, 2:33 AM


Reply #85. May 29 17, 6:38 AM
em1958 star

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That is so funny, thank you!

Reply #86. May 29 17, 7:28 AM
sadwings star

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sThanks, em, that was very nice of you. This next one is even funnier.

You guys remember the song Mighty Quinn?

Come on without, come on within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.....

I'm not sure who did it originally and there is no telling how many people have covered it, but the version I am familiar with and that I grew up on is by Manfred Mann. Anyway, there is a line in the song that goes.....

When Quinn the Eskimo gets here
All the pigeons gonna run to him....

Of course, anyone who is as old as I am or older will know that the word "pigeon" in the 60s was sometimes used as a slang term for an attractive girl. I was about 6 or 7 the first time I heard this song, so I didn't know anything about that at the time!

In addition to that, there was a great actor named Anthony Quinn who I was already familiar with, I imagine from watching movies that my parents were watching and listening to them talk about him. So the first time I hear this Mighty Quinn song, I figure they must be talking about Anthony Quinn. I mean, he was the only Quinn I had ever heard of, so it must be him.

So then, when they get to the part that goes, "When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, all the pigeons gonna run to him", I'm sitting there imagining Anthony Quinn all dressed up in his furry Eskimo gear, and he's feeding pigeons in the park as a huge hoard of more pigeons are running toward him so they can get in on it! Hee hee! Silly me! That would make a cool video! :-)

Reply #87. May 29 17, 8:46 AM

SisterSeagull star

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'The Mighty Quinn'... Written by Bob Dylan (1967) and was a success for Manfred Mann.

Reply #88. May 29 17, 10:59 AM
sadwings star

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I should have known Dylan had a hand in it. I think he wrote pretty much everything in the 60s! ;-)

Reply #89. May 29 17, 3:44 PM

Hehehehehehe, another funny.

Reply #90. May 30 17, 8:25 AM
sadwings star

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Thanks, Jaz. That's what my goal is with this blog - to entertain and amuse people! :-)

Reply #91. May 30 17, 12:02 PM

Blackdresss star

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I love Manfred Mann! And his Earth Band, of course. Love Quinn the Eskimo; had no idea "pigeons" were in the lyrics. And it completely freaks me out that my Mighty Quinn also sang "Blinded By The Light." That is just so wrong on so many levels. You wanna talk about "misheard lyrics," that song may win the big prize.

Reply #92. May 30 17, 6:16 PM
Blackdresss star

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Oh, right, feeding pigeons on a limb, and they're all gonna run to him. I remember now.

But check this out. This is from "Bob Dylan -- Quinn The Eskimo Lyrics" in Metrolyrics. "Incomprehensible?? That's my Bob!

I can recite 'em all
Just tell me where it hurts
And I'll tell you who to call

Reply #93. May 30 17, 6:22 PM
sadwings star

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I don't know what you mean by "feeding pigeons on a limb", Elle. The only time in the whole song that mentions pigeons in Manfred's version of Mighty Quinn is the line that goes "When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, all the pigeons gonna run to him," which, of course, is a reference to girls in this case, not birds.

Yeah, I know the misunderstood lyrics you are talking about in that Blinded by the Light tune. In fact, it was just a single word that everyone misunderstood. The word "deuce" was heard as.....well, you know. Hee hee! That's rock and roll for ya! Never can understand what those drug-smoking hippies are saying! :-p

Hey, I can honestly do a pretty decent impression of the great Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan, but it's really just me imitating a comedian I saw one time who was wondering what Dylan sounded like as a little kid in school, and he was like "Hey, teacha.....he stole my gluuuuue......and my Crayola toooooo!" Ha! Omg, it was hilarious, Elle. I wish we could hear each other's voices on this thing. You guys think I clown around NOW....Omg! Just thank your lucky stars that we can't hear each other! :-p


Reply #94. May 30 17, 8:14 PM

sadwings star

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Okay, all you hard core renegade rock n roll outlaws, I'll admit that there is a big bunch of rock and roll songs that are just about partying and sex and drugs and rebellion and non-conformity and all those things. Been that way ever since rock and roll was born.

However, there are also a lot of rock and roll songs out there with lyrics that are very meaningful and have a very worthwhile message and the following is one of them. Not only is this song by a rock and roll band, it's by one of the rockiest and rolliest bands in the whole history of rock and roll, which is saying a lot considering how many there have been in the last 60+ years. See what you rebel dog outlaws think about this one, and I especially want to know what you think about it, Jaz!........

Battle Cry

Hail the hero coming home
Honour bound from whence he roamed
Fortitude and skill
Call of duty all alone

Lead the nation for the crown
Serve the orders coming down
Charge ahead with pride
Guard the chivalry you've shown

Those forsaken reawakened with my battle cry

Indestructible by choice
Valour rings out with the voice
Destiny's the flag you hoist

Your endeavor lives forever with my battle cry

Battle cry
Battle cry
Never die

Cast this sorrow to the wind
Let tomorrow be the light you're made to herald in....

Like a master of the seven seas
Your reputation's grown
This eternal flame's been sown

Praise for sacrifice that's done
Well deserved you carried on
Let your hearts be full
For those heroes every one

Restitution absolution with my battle cry
Exoneration condemnation with my battle cry

Battle cry
Battle cry
Battle cry


Just a friendly little message to all the freedom haters of the world: Don't tread.

Reply #95. May 30 17, 9:27 PM

Blackdresss star

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(Please note those pigeons on a limb beneath the trees. I'm not so sure that isn't literal.) (And yeah, "revved up like a Deuce" was seriously misheard and still is, I'm sure!)

Mighty Quinn

Manfred Mann

Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn

Everybody's building ships and boats
Some are building monuments
Others jotting down notes
Everybody's in despair
Every girl and boy
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Everybody's gonna jump for joy

Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn

I like to go just like the west, I like my sugar sweet
But jumping queues and making haste
Just ain't my cup of meat

Everyone's beneath the trees feeding pigeons on a limb
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
All the pigeons gonna run to him

Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn

Let me do what I wanna do, I can't decide at all
Just tell me where to put it
And I'll tell you who to call

Nobody can get no sleep, there's someone on everyone's toes
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Everybody's gonna want to doze

Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn

Songwriters: Bob Dylan
Mighty Quinn lyrics © Bob Dylan Music Co.

Reply #96. May 30 17, 9:59 PM
sadwings star

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Okay, I see my mistake about that one line, Elle, my bad. Now I'm not so sure what those drug-smoking, acid-snorting, tie-dyed shirt-wearing, incense-burning hippies meant by that either. Probably has something to do with some drug-induced hallucination they had at some hippy party. :-p

In the garden of Eden, baby
Don't ya know that I love you
In the garden of Eden, honey
Don't ya know that I'll always be true

Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land
Please take my hand.........

Reply #97. May 30 17, 10:24 PM

Everyone has different interpretation anyways

Reply #98. May 31 17, 10:46 AM
sadwings star

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That's true, Jaz, and then there are a lot of songs out there that honestly don't mean anything at all one way or the other. Just stuff I remember reading about in interviews with the people who wrote certain songs. Wish I could remember what songs now. I'll have to think about that and see if I can.

I bet Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds wasn't based on anything real, except for maybe a real acid trip or something. :-p

Reply #99. May 31 17, 2:17 PM

sadwings star

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Okay, you savage rock n roll stormtroopers, anyone want to share their favorite album cover and talk about how cool it is?

There are so many that are way cool or exceptional or whatever you want to call them, but for me, the coolest one just to sit and look at has always been Somewhere in Time by the immortal gods of all metal, Iron Maiden - at least since it came out in '86.

This thing is a very detailed drawing with tons of cool stuff to see and discover on both the front and back. On the front is Maiden's mascot, Eddie, who is some kind of robo-cop, and he has just gunned down some other robot in the street of some large, futuristic city. There are skyscrapers all around and a cool-looking air transport vehicle is in the air, you know, like something from the Jetson's. Among so many other details, there is also a cute black cat with a little patch of white on its chest that may take you a while to find.

The back cover is even more detailed and interesting to look at with a lot more cool things to discover, including the five band members standing in the street with more Jetson's cars flying around and all kinds of stuff. You guys should pull it up on your screens and enlarge it and check it out. Well, at least the front part. I don't know if one would be able to check out the back of it like that, I'm not very computer savvy.

Reply #100. Jun 01 17, 7:56 AM

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