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Subject: The Weather Blog

Posted by: terraorca
Date: Jan 11 18

This is the place to tell all of Fun Trivia what your weather is today or was yesterday. It doesn't have to be extreme, although extreme is...well, extreme, just tell us temp, precipitation, wind, lightning, hurricane, cyclone, monsoon, typhoon, tornado, flood, heat, cold, all of your weather related phenomena. Nothing is too mundane. We pray that it isn't too extreme, as in extremely dangerous!
I am a certified severe weather spotter here in SW Ohio. I would love to find out about weather around the FT World.

Thank you!

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terraorca star

player avatar
I think the name for what ails Elle is Montana Morosenesses, lots of extra sss for her avatar.

Reply #81. Feb 11 18, 2:41 PM

sadwings star

player avatar
Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a dental floss tycoon........

Reply #82. Feb 11 18, 3:29 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Nope. "Folsom Prison Blues" is:

"I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when" -- Johnny Cash

"I ain't seen the sun since I don't know when" -- Skid Row, "Monkey Business."

"The freaks come out at nine and it's twenty to ten
What's this funk?? That you call junk? To me, it's just monkey business."

SAD -- "Seasonal Affective Disorder" I have a "Happy Lamp," but it's not working.

I like Montana Morosenesses better. When you really feel bad and sad, why not hissssss?

Kebbin, everyone in Montana is a dental floss tycoon. When we're not circling the wagons and locking ourselves in the Fort, fending off those fiery arrows, stampeding buffalo, and grizzly bears, we're tending to our dental floss crop. And taking copious amounts of Vitamin D.

Reply #83. Feb 11 18, 10:11 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
It's 42*F here and sunny today. Beautiful day in SW Ohio.

Reply #84. Feb 12 18, 3:38 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
A map to show Elle where the fracking is going on in Montana and points nearby.

Be well Elle.

Reply #85. Feb 12 18, 3:42 PM

postcards2go star

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Rained all day, yesterday. Temps in the 50s.
Today, mid-40s. Is Winter finished with us?

Reply #86. Feb 12 18, 5:33 PM
terraorca star

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If only that were true!

Reply #87. Feb 12 18, 5:50 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Well, that's completely depressing, Mark...

Everything near me is an "issue," which isn't surprising. I can't imagine drilling going on here. It's far too "scenic" to destroy.

But all those green dots on the Fort Peck Reservation are alarming. The blue ones, not so much. There must be a battle raging there.

Please note all the Reservations and Tribes. They don't put up with anything, God bless 'em.

Reply #88. Feb 12 18, 8:02 PM
terraorca star

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I'm sorry!

Reply #89. Feb 12 18, 8:18 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
No problem; no need to apologize.

It's definitely interesting.

Reply #90. Feb 13 18, 7:14 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
Very sad. Everyplace there's a dot, some property owner made a thousand dollars, and then lived to regret it, when they couldn't drink water out of their own tap.They had to truck their water in.

I'm not trying to freak you out, I'm just trying to educate people where ever I get an opportunity. Fracking needs to stop, but it won't stop if people think that they are going to get rich. When they accept that $1000. drilling fee, they are signing away their below ground mineral rights and protections.


Reply #91. Feb 13 18, 12:15 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching, but it is important to me, and should be important to everyone, before it's too late.

Reply #92. Feb 13 18, 12:17 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
Back to the weather. It's cold (25*F) here today but clear and sunny.
Possibility of snow here in SW Ohio late Wednesday, early Thursday.

Reply #93. Feb 13 18, 12:19 PM

Blackdresss star

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It's important to me, too. I'm already properly freaked out about water. Someone from somewhere, not here, has been granted the rights to tap into the aquifer near my FARM (I don't live there) and is going to pump something like 750 million gallons and then bottle it and sell it to tourists, I suppose. As Pure Montana Water. And now that recycling is a big old bust here, too, all those bottles will just be tossed. Unless he ships them out of state. Bottom line, that's a LOT of water, and it's affecting everyone farming in that area.

It makes zero sense.

And now, back to weather! It's sleepy, with a dash of exhausted, coupled with cloudy, gloomy, dreary, and snow on top of snow, with a splash of snow. Off to the West, a front is blowing in, ready to crash into a front coming down from "up North," and Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Reply #94. Feb 13 18, 1:16 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Mark, I figured out the "fix" for my nasty little rodent of a mouse, that gets slower and slower in here as the seconds tick by.

If I log out of the site, and then log back in, all is well again.

No clue what is causing this. Not sure if I want to bring it up in Forums or not. But it doesn't happen anywhere else, I've got many "mice" to choose from, and they all do it -- but only in here.

It's weird, right?

Reply #95. Feb 14 18, 12:33 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
I hate them mices to pieces.

Rain all day today, temp was pleasant enough being in the lower 50s. Heavy rain being predicted for tomorrow.
Could be worse, could be ice or snow.

Reply #96. Feb 14 18, 8:35 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Me, too... me, too.

Could be worse! Could be a rain, sleet, snow and ice storm today! Ice storms are flatout creepy. But surely Spring is right around the corner.

My little neighbor kids rang my doorbell after school and asked if they could use my front yard to play "Hunger Games." After checking them as thoroughly as I could for actual weapons without actually touching them, and questioning them carefully about what "Hunger Games" meant to them, it turned out to be a fun, new snowball fight.

If it were Summer, probably the "Hunger" part of those "Games" would be them coming back and asking me if they could raid my raspberry patch. They're the cutest things ever.

Reply #97. Feb 14 18, 8:52 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Uh oh... lock up your pets, review your homeowners insurance, pray for all your windows, duck if you're walking or driving by...

The Hunger Game Boys are back in my front yard.

In the summer, they set up a lemonade stand with lots of handmade signs, but in the winter, they find various creative ways to make all this snow barrels of fun. In their snowsuits. I have so many lost mittens and hats in a Designated Lost & Found spot on my front steps, and occasionally some item disappears, so I assume they're all being reclaimed by the rightful owners. So far, all the mittens and hats are handmade by people with amazing knitting skills, something I lack.

I even see a little bit of light coming through my windows. Could that be... the SUN???

Reply #98. Feb 15 18, 6:42 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
You are an outlaw dental floss tycoon late night party animal, Elle.

Reply #99. Feb 15 18, 7:46 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
and she's elleonwheels

Reply #100. Feb 15 18, 8:17 PM

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