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Subject: The No Drama Blog

Posted by: terraorca
Date: Jun 05 18

We can talk movies, music, weather, sports, news, achievements, basically anything permitted by Fun Trivia Blog rules.
There is no drama permitted on this blog, no one is allowed to trash talk anyone else.

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terraorca star

player avatar
In talking about the recent Expert topics, my view of them changed since playing them. In other words, in viewing them before hand, I thought that they were doable, but after playing them, I noticed that each set had several land mines it them, questions that were under 50% completion percentage. That takes those Expert topics from doable to unlikely.

Reply #21. Jun 06 18, 10:05 AM

terraorca star

player avatar

But then you have that whole $$$$ thing.
You've got to be able to afford that whole softball, dinner out thing.

Reply #22. Jun 06 18, 10:07 AM

hickorystick star
My work money goes for fuel for my boat which I can't get out due to high wi ds and seas.

Reply #23. Jun 06 18, 10:11 AM
hickorystick star
Bombed out on Animal Themes also, 11/15 doesnt cut the mustard!!

Reply #24. Jun 06 18, 10:12 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
I used to work with guys with boats. They told me that the happiest day of their lives was when they got a boat, and the second happiest day of their lives was when they sold the boat.
Boats can be very expensive. My dad always referred to a boat, as a hole in the water that you throw money into.

Reply #25. Jun 06 18, 10:14 AM

hickorystick star
There is a great deal of truth to that.

Reply #26. Jun 06 18, 10:46 AM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Since joining, I've averaged 2-3 overall wins in Expert per week, by which I mean coming first and winning the topic as an Expert Victory. Since the Symposium started, I often get scores below 12/15 on subjects I would previously have considered my forte.

They're definitely getting tougher.

And dragons aren't real.

Reply #27. Jun 06 18, 11:32 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I'm still working my way through my Duels, but I'll get back to you on whackiness in topics.

But hey… don't stop playing in the US. v. UK & Commonwealth Public/Private Tournaments! The US actually won last month! We used to win all the time, but participation is severely lacking.

Here are the links. If you need help registering, let me know and I'll talk you through it:

UK & Co. vs. USA Survivor Tournament

UK vs. USA Challenge Tournament

Reply #28. Jun 06 18, 12:27 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Brian, what about the Delos character, the one William went to work for after marrying his daughter, and then attempted to "reanimate" for 7 years and never did get quite right? The one dying of a brain tumor?

I swear one of the Cavalry who comes to the rescue, finally, is that very same character. If not, it's a very strange coincidence they look alike and both have that strong Scottish accent.

My hunch is that William is an android, too. While he is hell-bent on figuring out "the maze," so was Delores, and now he's just hell-bent on staying alive, and for some reason, he manages to out-dodge everything that comes at him. Granted, he's spent years of his life in the Park, and his daughter is there with him now, too, but they both have uncanny luck at dodging bullets and arrows and everything else launched at them.

However, I was also certain Charlotte Hale was Maeve's long-lost daughter, all grown up. I was definitely wrong about that, or so I think.

And you do recognize the Hector doppleganger in Shogun World, complete with facial scar, as the same guy at The Temple in the final season of "LOST, right? The character who said in "LOST," "I hate the way English tastes on my tongue."

I'm not reading anything about this show online because I want to figure it out for myself.

Reply #29. Jun 06 18, 2:00 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I have 7 wins today in Duels, with 8 yesterday.

I don't see Animal Themes anywhere, though!

Reply #30. Jun 06 18, 2:02 PM
Just a wild guess, but... does "animal themes" have to mean *all* real aninals?

I mean, did they specify "real world animal themes"?

If not, real as well as mythical beasets may apply

And remember, one person's interpretation of the tpic can be different from the next person

Though I will concede some questions seem to miss tepoint entirely (you have a whole quiz topic... or most ocf it... but then there are a few questions that "bend the rules."

Reply #31. Jun 06 18, 2:41 PM
mpkitty star

player avatar
It wasn't I who wrote about Westworld, I have never watched it.

Today I watched the last episode of Orange is the New Black. Although *spoiler* no character that I cared about died, it was very, very sad. The end of something, the presentation, and most of all, the music. *tears*

Reply #32. Jun 06 18, 3:15 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
I just got in from running errands for a few hours. To address Elle's questions in reply #29 above: the character you're speaking of that is new this season is James Delos, the founder of the Delos corporation that owns Westworld. In flashbacks to 30-odd years ago, this season shows that James Delos's son Logan (who was introduced last year) was very taken with Westworld and wanted his father to buy it, but James thought it was a money-loser and didn't trust his own son anyway because he knew Logan was irresponsible and a drug addict (and it is revealed that Logan died of an overdose well before the present-day timeline.) But William, who married Delos's daughter Juliet, also tried to convince Delos to buy Westworld with a different approach: he knew Delos was dying, and he believed the Westworld technology could be used to transfer Delos's (or any other wealthy person's) consciousness into a host body before they died to give them effective immortality. But in the fourth episode of this season "The Riddle of The Sphinx" (which I consider the best episode of this season so far), it is shown that Westworld's attempts to recreate James Delos in a host body were flawed. Each time they tried to recreate Delos, after a few days he would begin malfunctioning. By the 149th attempt, they have reached the present-day timeline and when "Old William" (The Man in Black, played by the great Ed Harris) comes to visit Delos yet again, Delos doesn't even recognize him as his son-in-law and malfunctions once again. But this time, rather than just destroy Delos in a fire (images of hell here) as he always had before, William just lets him go and continue to "degrade" in his room.

There have been many comparisons of Westworld to Lost. The most obvious is that JJ Abrams was (or is) involved in both. Both shows feature a mysterious character called The Man in Black. Both shows utilize multiple confusing timelines. And both shows are, frankly, weird as heck! I like that, actually.

Reply #33. Jun 06 18, 3:54 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Jax - yes. Animals should mean real animals. There are separate categories for mythical beasts.
You don't put questions about Thor or Bart Simpson in the People themed quizzes, because they're not real people and they have their own categories.
When I choose to play a quiz titled Animals in Literature, especially if it's for credit toward a challenge, I would reasonably expect it to be about Animals in Literature, and not mythical creatures in fantasy fiction.

Reply #34. Jun 06 18, 4:13 PM
UmberWunFayun star

player avatar
Sorry, I wrote Jaz and my autocorrect changed it to Jax. I don't even know how it knows the word Jax.

Reply #35. Jun 06 18, 4:15 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Brian, I know "Westworld" and JJ Abrams are related, it's why I mentioned the Shogun character coming from "LOST." It's also sad to see Michael Crichton in the credits. I can't believe he died. I never can believe anyone dies.

Also, did you happen to catch "Deadwood" when it came out? I didn't, but I bought it on DVD, and what a magnificent series that is. Although it ended abruptly, with a promise of an actual movie to wrap it all up that never happened.

Anyway, flash forward to "LOST," or maybe backwards, and I lost track of how many characters from "Deadwood" showed up in "LOST," but a lot of them.

I'm hoping to see more in "Westworld."

I'm not sure anything I just wrote made any sense, at all....

Reply #36. Jun 06 18, 4:26 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
Brian, do you know which page of your Blog you covered Season 1 of "Westworld?"

Reply #37. Jun 06 18, 4:48 PM
mpkitty star

player avatar
Thanks, but here is one for Mark (he would be the only one interested, no drama meant), this afternoon I have been watching Bombshell, a documentary of Hedy Lamarr. As a small child watching old movies, she is the one I longed to look like when I grew up. (She was the most beautiful movie star, ever!

It dispelled thoughts I had of her after reading her so-called autobiography. It explained her important invention, Frequency Hopping, which is used in every communications devise we have today. Including the one you are reading (or not) this on. She was never paid, by our government, for it.

Reply #38. Jun 06 18, 4:49 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
To Elle's question in #37: I discuss Westworld beginning near the end of page 6 of my blog and continuing to the top of page 7. Posts #116-121.

Reply #39. Jun 06 18, 5:03 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I found it, Brian, and thanks! I've just read all of it, and posted and asked you a new question in there.

Reply #40. Jun 06 18, 5:20 PM

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