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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, samak

Reply #201. Apr 09 21, 8:51 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
He as a real trooper and will be sadly missed.
I think the funeral on Saturday is to be televised if so I will watch it.

Reply #202. Apr 12 21, 3:51 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Our vaccine appointment for Friday has been postponed, I gather indefinitely postponed. Bother!

Reply #203. Apr 14 21, 12:49 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
Sorry about that Cat...

I get my second shot next Thursday.

Reply #204. Apr 16 21, 2:25 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
There was a message waiting for me, congratulating me on winning the Quiz o Meter badge, but my level has not increased yet. /sigh/

Reply #205. Apr 16 21, 3:35 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
Maybe kck in the next day when it starts. I never checked mine.

Reply #206. Apr 17 21, 5:24 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
You know, now I'm totally confused. Maybe it's correct as it currently stands. It's also alarming that I might make such a stupid mistake. Hope my mind isn't going!

Reply #207. Apr 17 21, 1:13 PM

postcards2go star

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Did you see Wesley's response in the thread you started over in The Lounge?


Reply #208. Apr 17 21, 1:52 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Yeah, I eventually did. Thanks, Postie. He and I have also been corresponding. Seems there's a mysterious mismatch between my badges as shown and my point level from badges. We're working on it.

Reply #209. Apr 20 21, 8:07 PM

rubytops star

player avatar
Glad your getting it sorted Cat.

Reply #210. Apr 25 21, 8:47 AM
Catreona star

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Congratulations! You have been awarded the The Great Setlist Hunt III Challenge Badge. You can view it in your profile.

Requirements: Awarded to a player who finds and completes 45 of the 50 quizzes in the FunTrivia Set List III.

Reply #211. Apr 26 21, 6:54 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Our vaccinations have been rescheduled for this coming Wednesday, between noon and 1:30. Looking forward to it!

We had an exciting development yesterday. Mom asked for a new book by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar that she heard about on TV. What's more, she asked for the audiobook edition, since she was able to understand that she can't read. Sis downloaded it for her and she listened happily for over an hour. Hasn't listened today because she's been sleeping mostly. But no doubt she'll get back to it sometime soon.

Reply #212. May 01 21, 12:30 PM

postcards2go star

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Oh, that IS exciting! Your mom is clearly aware of things, and is also taking an interest.

Reply #213. May 01 21, 8:08 PM
Catreona star

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Don't have energy for a big write up, which you guys deserve. But basically I'm okay.

Reply #214. May 27 21, 6:07 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
We lost Pixie last week. She ran away, somehow got out onto the major artery not far from our house and was, we surmise, struck by a car. Everyone has been distressed, especially Dad. Not only was Pixie his special friend, but he feels responsible for her escaping. Of course it was not his fault, but he feels it was which, naturally, makes him feel much worse.

Reply #215. May 28 21, 12:53 PM

postcards2go star

player avatar
I'm so sorry for your loss. No, it's not your dad's fault. I've had both dogs and cats who never ever tried to leave the house alone, and others who would dart between your legs and out, the minute the door was cracked open an inch... after you thought they were sleeping in a locked room on a different floor!! Some of them just have an unfortunate knack for that.

Pixie will remain in your hearts, and her love will stay. My condolences to your family.

Reply #216. May 28 21, 8:41 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
I'm sorry, Cat. Please extend my sympathies to your entire family and especially your Dad.

As much as we want to, we will never be able to control the actions of our beloved cats. When I lived in the apartment Quentin used to get out. I don't know how. I met the neighbors when they would knock on the door to ask about the cat politely sitting by my door.

Pixie was doing what cats must do, claim territory and patrol their kingdoms.

Reply #217. May 29 21, 5:31 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, ladies. It helps having friends who understand.

Reply #218. May 30 21, 1:17 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Hopefully,* this week will be better than last. Over the weekend there was a problem with the drain in the bathroom sink. Dad tried to fix it and, unusually, couldn't do so. In fact, his efforts only made matters worse. Naturally, this happened on a Saturday, so he had to wait for Monday to call the plumber.

Well, the plumber came fairly promptly. But - there's always a 'but', isn't there? - the job proved not to be the easy, in-and-out job everybody anticipated. At one point water started pouring out of the kitchen ceiling! So, the plumber and his assistant had to come back the next day, Tuesday.

So, they finished up on Tuesday and Dad paid the plumber, Mr. King. He was very pleased to get a discount. Naturally, everything was fine when Mr. King tested before leaving. About five minutes after he left Dad tested again, and, you guessed it, Old Faithful! Sis and I thought Mr. King wouldn't come back, seeing as he had been paid, but we were wrong. He turned up on Friday for a look see. That was nice, though not terribly reassuring. First of all, this is a holiday weekend, so the earliest he will come back is Tuesday. Secondly, Dad has amazing skills at tracking down odd and discontinued parts. If he hasn't been able to find the pipe he needs, my confidence is not high that Mr. King can. So, we're entering our second week without a bathroom sink.

Now, things are not as bad as they could be. The bathtub and toilet still work, thank Heaven for small mercies! And not so small. Several years ago, Dad had to spend a few days working on the toilet, during which time everybody had to go downstairs to use the half bath. While we are indeed fortunate to have an alternative, that was some years back. By now my mobility has deteriorated to the point that having to make my slow and painful way downstairs on getting up in the night - as I have to at least once a night - would indeed be a hardship. So, I'm not knocking what we have. It's just that this plumbing problem is one more problem that we, and especially Dad, do not need.

*Yes, I know this is an incorrect usage of the word 'hopefully'. Tough tamales!

Reply #219. May 30 21, 1:54 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Dad had to let Grace, the secondary care aid, go because, though Mom liked her well enough, she simply wasn't taking proper care of Mom. Though it's always tough firing someone, Dad seemed relieved overall. He remains concerned about Sis being able to manage, but it is only two nights a week and, besides, Mom isn't as ill as she was. Also, she has expressed a preference for Sis' staying with her overnight.

Sis' health is not robust, either physically or mentally, but she's confident she can manage. We'll see.

There was a ray of good news this past week. The physical therapist finally came by to evaluate Mom. Everyone was surprised and pleased at how well she did. He will not be coming by to work with her weekly. That was a disappointment. Still, he left a detailed list of exercises for her. He said she is to do them twice a day. Since she has been sleeping pretty much nonstop since he left Thursday afternoon, the problem is going to be getting her to be able to do them at all, much less twice a day. Sis and I have agreed, though, that the best thing is to start slowly, with one or two exercises, and gradually build up to doing the whole list twice a day.

Reply #220. May 30 21, 2:10 PM

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