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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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Catreona star

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Yeah, I'm getting to be a grownup quiz creator. /grin/

This evening the food for Dad's big birthday dinner arrive from the fancy place we ordered it from. And Sis found most of the good china we'll need. We haven't used it in a loooooong time, so she wasn't sure where it all was. She and I are trying to stay up beat about the birthday bash, but he seems so tired and downhearted. Please keep him in your prayers.

Reply #461. Jul 21 23, 8:53 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Dad's down cellar working on the washing machine.

I know, I know, he isn't supposed to be straining himself. But there's only so many times we can tell him that. Frankly, he has to find out for himself a) he needs to call the repairman and b) that straining himself starts the bleeding again. I mean, we can't tie him into his chair! If he doesn't have any commonsense and doesn't know his limits, there's precious little we can do about it...except worry ourselves sick. Sis and I are busy doing that.

Reply #462. Jul 22 23, 1:03 PM

MiraJane star

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Well, repairing the washing machine is probably mostly sitting or lying on the floor, reaching for a tool or two, swearing, tinkering around, stand up, stretch back, sit back down, find tool, tinker around, and swear some more.

I loved how the nurse knew immediately what your dad had been doing in the yard.

Reply #463. Jul 22 23, 1:26 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Okay. He stopped and has a call in to the repairman. Thank you, Lord!

LOL Mira at that description.

Reply #464. Jul 22 23, 2:01 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Good news: All that fiddle faddling with the washer yesterday did not lead to renewed bleeding. That must mean he's healing.

Right now, he's down there vacuuming. /sigh/

Reply #465. Jul 23 23, 1:36 PM

Catreona star

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Presenting: The Einsteinium Quiz!


Reply #466. Jul 23 23, 1:42 PM

Catreona star

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A good news news item for a change:

Cat Missing for Five Weeks Found Trapped Beneath Neighbor’s Floorboards After They Hear Meowing


Reply #467. Jul 24 23, 2:38 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
You might remember my mentioning that Cousin Connie would be coming for a visit over Dad's birthday? Well, she isn't.

After an initial flurry of e-mails, she left it that she'd let Dad know her itinerary. So, time passed, and time passed, and no e-mail, no phone call. It got to the point that we all became concerned she was down with the flu or something.

Finally Dad called her yesterday, got her voice mail and left a message. She e-mailed almost immediately to say she was in a meeting but would call in the evening. Guess what? No call in the evening. At 10:10 last night she sent an e-mail saying that maybe she might be able to visit in the Fall.

Well, the plan was for her to come for Dad's birthday, which is at the end of July, not late September or early October. It's his ninetieth, kind of a biggie! And the fact is, much as I would prefer not to think of it, this may be the last birthday we get to spend with Dad. But worst of all, he was so excited at the prospect of her visit. Both Sis and I told her how excited he was and looking forward to seeing her. To my mind, that makes her rudeness and lack of considerateness all the worse.

I remember Connie as beautiful and glamorous and kind. She may still be beautiful and glamorous, but she sure as heck isn't kind!

Reply #468. Jul 25 23, 11:08 AM

Catreona star

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It took a while to arrive, but... Drum roll, please!

Congratulations! You have been awarded the Super Author Challenge Badge. You can view it in your profile.

Requirements: Awarded to authors with at least 100 quizzes online.

Reply #469. Jul 27 23, 6:33 PM

Catreona star

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How on earth did I manage to miss this one? Anyway, I happened upon it while wandering around the Tower of Challenges.

Congratulations! You have been awarded the Challenge Crusher Challenge Badge. You can view it in your profile.

Requirements: Complete 50 mini-challenges.

Reply #470. Jul 27 23, 7:23 PM


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You had a badge halfway to your goal, and didn't know it. The surprise badges are the best, aren't they?

Anyway, congratulations for both your new badges.

Reply #471. Jul 27 23, 8:31 PM
MiraJane star

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Cousin Connie may have hoped to come for your Dad's birthday and when she initially said that it was her plan to do so. You didn't mention what type of work she does. She may not have been able to get the time off work. You may not have heard from her because she was still trying to finagle some way to take some time off.

She may have been told "Yes, you can have the time off." And then been told "No, you cannot have the time off." That happened to me at more than one job. I do agree she could have sent some sort of message explaining this to your family.

For me it was them being idiots. "Yes, you can have the ten days off you requested four months ago. But you have to come in for an all day meeting on the first Tuesday of that week." Me: I'm buying a house and moving that week. You know I'm buying a house. That Tuesday is the closing starting at 9:30. "Can't you change the day?" No, I cannot change a day setup between the buyer, seller, two banks, and four sets of lawyers. This date was picked months ago. I cannot change it short of death of one of parties involved and maybe not even then. "Try that, tell them someone in your family died and have the closing next week." Oh and will you give me another week's paid vacation to move if I do that? "We'll no we can't do that." Good because I wasn't going to lie to my lawyer and everyone else.

Okay, I doubt Connie works for idiots like I used to.

Reply #472. Jul 28 23, 12:30 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
I don't actually know what kind of work Connie does, come to think of it. Interior decorator maybe? But you're right that I didn't take into consideration how hard it can be to get time off. But if that were it, wouldn't she have sent a line to say there was a problem and things might not work out how she originally hoped? Anyhow, that's that. I'm gonna try not to think about it anymore.

Mira, are you serious? That's not idiots, that's venal psychos! Gee, I'm glad you don't work there anymore!

Thanks Postie. Yes, there's nothing like a surprise badge to lift your spirits. /smile/

Reply #473. Jul 28 23, 11:19 AM

Catreona star

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So far, Dad is having a very nice day. He loved the Hank Williams box set (ten discs and a fat book stuffed with photos and info).

Operation Birthday Card has been a resounding success, with forty-eight cards and messages having arrived by this morning, two more in today's mail and a few stragglers still on the way.

Christine and John came by mid morning baring a feast, as usual, and a lovely time was had by all. The big birthday dinner is this evening. Marilee and Jimmy are coming which is a good thing, since Marilee knows how to cook filet mignon. Whatever possessed us to get something neither one of us has the slightest idea how to cook is beyond us now. Fortunately, Marilee to the rescue!

Reply #474. Jul 29 23, 1:54 PM

Dagny1 star

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Wonderful news about your Dad's birthday and party!

Reply #475. Jul 29 23, 5:55 PM

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Happy birthday, Cat's Dad!

Reply #476. Jul 29 23, 6:48 PM
Catreona star

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The big birthday dinner went off without a hitch. The food was delicious, the company was pleasant, Sis managed well - no anxiety attacks. In fact, she seemed calm and like she was having a good time.

At first I felt slightly resentful that she'd invited "her" friends but, as it turned out, that was very good. Both Marilee and Jimmy are fun and, as Sis pointed out even with the special food, if it had been just the three of us, the evening would have been a bit dismal. The company made it festive. Most importantly, Dad enjoyed himself and seems, though tired, to be in a good mood.

Thanks so much to all of you for your interest and good wishes!

Reply #477. Jul 29 23, 7:05 PM

Catreona star

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Last night, for the second night in a row Dad slept well, only getting up once, briefly. And today, for the second morning in a row he was up early, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

He attributes the improvement to switching to sleeping on his back from his side. Whatever the cause, this is a wonderful development.

Reply #478. Jul 31 23, 9:24 AM

Catreona star

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Congratulations, you have won a Badge: Authoring Cook !

Requirements: Awarded to a player who creates 3 dishes in The Author's Kitchen mini-game.

Reply #479. Jul 31 23, 5:50 PM

Dagny1 star

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Congratulations, Cat!

Reply #480. Jul 31 23, 6:05 PM

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