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Subject: What is the weather like where you are?

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Feb 25 09

Posted by: Dee30

Subject: What is the weather like where you are?D
Date: Feb 25 09

Here in our part of the world we are having cloudy warmer today. Our weather has been so different this year. Lots more cold than usual.
And temperature fluctuation was something else.
What about where you live?
My area is Arkansas, United States of America.

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romeomikegolf star

Hi Dee!

In Regina, Saskatchewan this morning, it was -27C. I thinks it has warmed up a few degrees now, but still very cold. We had about 4 inches of snow yesterday. No signs of Spring here yet! Grrrrr!

Reply #1. Feb 25 09, 9:42 AM Delete - Edit

Mild in Bedford - green grass, blue sky, sun shining, and a few spring flowers - like crocuses - peeping up. No trees blossoming yet, though.

Reply #2. Feb 25 09, 10:10 AM Delete - Edit
funnybuni Kinda chilly... for me. I live in North Florida (Tallahassee, Panama City area). It's probably about 60 or 50 outside... somewhere in that range. I'm so spoiled by the weather...

Reply #3. Feb 25 09, 11:52 AM Delete - Edit

Well considering that I live in Australia and it's the middle of summer - it actually rained today LOL!

Reply #4. Feb 25 09, 1:44 PM Delete - Edit

Right now it's sunny and cold - minus 18 degrees Celsius with a wind chill of -30! Brrr. We had about four centimeteres of snow overnight, to add insult to injury.

Reply #5. Feb 25 09, 2:26 PM Delete - Edit
hippo22 here in halifax it was a nice sunny winter day

Reply #6. Feb 25 09, 3:39 PM Delete - Edit

Our weather has been very warm the last few days,80 degrees today and sunny.Subject to change though.I live in Texas and our weather changes a lot.

Reply #7. Feb 25 09, 3:53 PM Delete - Edit
Fiaba I'm from New York State, but haved in Costa Rica for 10 years. Today was sunny and in the 70's here in San Jose.Fiaba

Reply #8. Feb 25 09, 6:44 PM Delete - Edit

Sunny and 70 degrees. Barely any wind too. Just got out of the water, surfed for about 3 hours. Arms about to fall off now too...

Reply #9. Feb 25 09, 7:11 PM Delete - Edit

It's been about 85 the past few days and Iam loving it.I live in Arizona,Iam looking forward too summer when the temperture is usually triple digits 120 plus lol

Reply #10. Feb 25 09, 9:16 PM Delete - Edit
raidersruleall I'm in South Dakota, where it's generally hot in the summer, but nice, and it's very cold in the winter. One day, the wind chill was -57 degrees Fahrenheit! It's not so bad get used to it.

Reply #11. Feb 25 09, 9:39 PM Delete - Edit

Reply #1. Feb 25 09, 11:01 PM
kcochran star

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The weather here in Northeast Louisiana is probably about like what Dee has been having. Crazy! One day T-shirts and flip flops and the next coats and boots. No snow, though. Maybe one day. Here's hoping.

Reply #2. Feb 25 09, 11:29 PM
right now in Winnipeg it's around -16 degrees Celsius (-28 with the wind) and mostly sunny

Reply #3. Feb 28 09, 12:54 PM
Rightt Now it is chucking it down with rain and is blowing a gale (UK) D:

Reply #4. Mar 03 09, 12:25 PM
cag1970 star

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As I type this, it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit in Charlotte. Tonight's low will threaten our record low for this date. Just so long as my car starts in the morning, I'm okay.

Reply #5. Mar 03 09, 8:57 PM
New England

Hot in the summer and cold in the winter. This year, winter came later than usual.

Reply #6. Mar 06 09, 3:29 PM
In Caracas in this time of the year still cold especially in the mornings (18 degrees celsius - 64 degrees F), but probably in the end of March the heat appears.

Reply #7. Mar 07 09, 9:20 AM
7PinKy7 star
I live in La Crosse, WI. Today it was around 50 degrees. With the wind it felt more like 40. This time of year it is usually the mid to upper 50s.

Reply #8. Apr 07 09, 8:01 PM

player avatar
North-West England - bright and sunny today, strong Westerly wind, temp. around 48-50F.

Reply #9. Apr 08 09, 2:00 PM
"In Caracas in this time of the year still cold especially in the mornings (18 degrees celsius - 64 degrees F)"

18c, cold! That would be regarded as a very pleasant day in Aberdeen Scotland. Today it's raining and about 8c.

Reply #10. Apr 08 09, 2:15 PM
honeybee4 star
Today it is cloudy and chilly. It rained last night and rain is possible today.

Reply #11. Apr 08 09, 2:15 PM
funnytrivianna star

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Here in southeastern Ontario, Canada the weather ranges quite a lot.

Right now it's spring time and really lovely outside. The temp is +47F and will reach somewhere around +58F later today. Can't complain with that.

Winter is generally mild with snow, frost and even ice storms. The temperature is never that terrible as it can sometimes be further north in North America. Where I am the coldest is usually around -30C at it's worst, but generally hovers around the -14C mark. We get a cold "snap" for about two weeks in February usually and it can feel like -40C with the wind factored in.

Summers go in the total opposite direction with soaring heat up to +40C, so central air conditioning is a must have, that's for sure. Our average summer temps are around +27C to +32C which is quite hot, but tolerable indeed. There are hundreds of golf courses to enjoy too.

Autumn/fall is crispy and fresh, beautiful with an array of wonderful colors as the trees' foliage changes. There are mild days and frosty nights in the late fall, just prior to winter coming in.

Overall, I love the changing seasons, the temperature variations, the scenery in each season and the beautiful blue skies. It's great living here! :)

Reply #12. Apr 10 09, 8:56 AM
doublemm star
O wait, not today :(
But its not been bad for the last few days (for Lancashire)

Reply #13. Apr 10 09, 3:07 PM
romeomikegolf star
Today it's absolutely lashing down. Even the ducks look fed up.

Reply #14. Apr 14 09, 11:59 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Mmmm Commiserations RMG - sounds like my Easter weekend!

Now t 4.10pm - here on the East Coast of Oz it's 28C, sunny and as blue as can be, with a Very light breeze.
As autumn seems to have Really Arrived - the temperature will drop sharply once the sun does.
Last night was 12C!

Reply #15. Apr 15 09, 12:13 AM
Well guess the sun shines on the riteous because it was sunny throughout the Easter holidays here in the north west of England. Different story today - thunder and lightning, but not set to last - sun forecast for later.

Reply #16. Apr 15 09, 1:36 AM
kitkat121080 star
It's been pouring here all day and supposed to be the same tomorrow. I am getting depressed. Lol!

Reply #17. Apr 15 09, 1:50 AM
It's raining here too at the Jersey shore. The rain makes us appreciate the rainbows. I'm sure there is a lot of beach erosion going on - this storm has been classified as a nor'easter.

Reply #18. Apr 15 09, 7:02 PM
purcy star

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Has been really dull and cloudy today. Roundabout teatime it started to rain and is still raining.

Reply #19. Apr 16 09, 3:48 PM
romeomikegolf star
It's quarter to six in the morning here and raining heavily. I think I may get a tad damp at work today.

Reply #20. Apr 16 09, 10:45 PM

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