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Subject: What do you thank foreigners for?

Posted by: wayman71
Date: Sep 21 09

Instead of pointing fingers and casting blame, what things do you appreciate?

I thank the Brits for their music, the Italians and Greeks for their cuisine.

39 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
BRY2K star
I am a Canadian...I thank the Italians for their cuisine, Swedes for their blonde exports, Germans for their beer, Indians for their tech support and Americans for Megan Fox.

Reply #1. Sep 21 09, 1:12 PM
wayman71 star

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A challenge to all -

Positive replies only, please.

Reply #2. Sep 21 09, 1:13 PM

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Aw,Wayne,I like this! Can I think about it? See you tomorrow?

Reply #3. Sep 21 09, 1:32 PM
Sizzileen star
That word, foreigners, it just sounds so foreign, Well anyway I would like to thank the people in Israel for these accomplishments:

1. The cell phone was developed in Israel by Israelis working in the Israeli branch of Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel.

2. Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel.

3. The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel. Both the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel.

4. The Pentium microprocessor in your computer was most likely made in Israel.

5. Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

6. Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the US in Israel.

7. The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

8. According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security. US officials now look to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.

There are many many more especially in the fields of medicine and science.

Reply #4. Sep 21 09, 3:43 PM
dsimpy star

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Turkey for mezes and Turkish coffee; the U.S. for Ralph Waldo Emerson, bourbon and rye; England (yes honestly) for Cheryl Cole and real ale; the Western Sahara, Palestine and Euskadi for just being; and Scotland for Ardbeg, and for being a shadow on the Irish horizon.

Reply #5. Sep 21 09, 4:09 PM
lesley153 star
Nice list, Sizz. Here's a small contribution to medical discoveries and research.
relating to these illnesses and diagnostic techniques:
Capsule endoscopy
Embryonic stem cells
More stem cells
Cancer cells

This is a fairly old article, and there will be many more since then. For instance - guess who established a link between Lindane, which was routinely used to kill ticks on cattle, and breast cancer?

Reply #6. Sep 21 09, 4:14 PM
lesley153 star
OK, here's a clue.
"Xenoestrogens and Breast Cancer"

Reply #7. Sep 21 09, 4:22 PM
nasty_liar star

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Their countries, that I like to go and visit!

Reply #8. Sep 21 09, 5:19 PM
Pizza! Mmm mmm! Tasty!

Reply #9. Sep 21 09, 6:02 PM
BxBarracuda star
one word, variety

Reply #10. Sep 21 09, 6:05 PM

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One phrase - Vive La Difference!

Reply #11. Sep 22 09, 6:34 AM
daver852 star

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I thank England for Kate Beckinsale, Lucy Pinder, and Michelle Marsh.

Reply #12. Sep 23 09, 11:32 PM
JanIQ star

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I would like to thank the Italians for their music (think pre-1900, and you'll know what I mean) and the Italians and the French for their art.

I would also like to thank the Chinese for inventing paper and the Greek for their alphabet and for philosophy.

Reply #13. Sep 26 09, 11:44 AM
Anton star
Muslims have tried to take over Europe. I thank all those European countries who stopped them.

Reply #14. Sep 26 09, 12:38 PM
The Greeks got their alphabet from the Phoenicians. The earliest alphabet was found in Syria - I,ve seen it & the place it was found. I would say more but the Peruvian internet cafe machine I am using does not want to search the web

Reply #15. Sep 26 09, 2:14 PM
Cymruambyth star

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I thank foreigners for:
- immigrants from all over the world for the ethnic diversity of Canada which makes our country interesting;
- the Greeks for great thinkers;
- the Italians for great opera and art works;
- the French for superb food and wine;
- the Irish for beautiful crystal and woollens;
- The Middle East for discovering how good coffee beans taste when ground up and suffused in boiling water;
- ditto the Chinese and Indians for tea;
- the Dutch for good cheeses;
- the Australians for Akubra hats;
- the Spaniards for delicious Valencia oranges;
- the Moroccans for supple leather gloves and slippers;
- the Danes for astar bollur, now a Christmastime treat at my house;
- the Egyptians for cotton;
- the Portuguese for fado music;
- the Poles and Ukrainians for pyrogies;
- the Brits (who aren't technically foreigners for me) for my parents and family.

That's just the short list!

Reply #16. Sep 26 09, 3:00 PM
Deunan star
Aussie Rules Football!

Reply #17. Sep 26 09, 3:03 PM
wayman71 star

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Extending my gratitude to Canada for being such a friendly neighbor!

Reply #18. Sep 26 09, 3:14 PM
I thank the chinese in the United Kingdom for the food they make it is great and i have tried plenty of dishes in the past from Kung Po to Szechuan among others.

Reply #19. Oct 25 09, 10:32 AM
sarahcateh star
I thank Greece and Italy for their food and Spain for their men :).

Reply #20. Nov 07 09, 6:20 PM

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