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Subject: Employment for disabled adults

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Feb 24 12

This is a call centre staffed by people with all sorts of disabilities. The man who created and runs it says it's the only one of its kind in the world.

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That's the point. I want to work but I'm limited to what jobs I can do. For example, I'm looking for part-time office administration but a job as a receptionist wouldn't be suitable because I have limited verbal communication skills. If I want to say something, I find it easier to write it down rather than talking to someone face to face. Another limitation is the fact that I can't drive. I rely on public transport to get around so I'd need my workplace to be accessible by either train or bus.

Reply #21. Jun 02 16, 5:08 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
NEVER sign a form if you do not what the form says. That goes for everyone in any situation. Yes, the other person or persons may pressure you to "just go ahead an sign it" but don't do it.

I read everything I sign even if I've seen the form 20x before. Yes, it does annoy people. Too bad. That's me legally agreeing to something, not them. If you aren't sure of what you are signing, ask them to explain it to them until you do understand it. Do not settle for a rushed explanation. If you only need a paragraph explained, then tell them that is what you explained. I it is the entire form, then go through it paragraph by paragraph. Make sure they know you will not be signing it until you do understand it. That usually slows them down enough to explain it to you.

Reply #22. Jun 02 16, 9:28 PM
Even if I read the form half a dozen times, I'm not likely to understand what it means. Being on a disability pension, I'm told that Centrelink might stop my payments if I don't sign the forms as soon as I get them, though they're probably just saying that to scare people like myself into thinking we're going to lose our payments. Next time my Consultant gives me a form to sign, i'll just have to tell her I'm not signing it until my mum's read it and explained it to me.

Reply #23. Jun 02 16, 11:50 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Who is telling you the pay,wants might be stopped? Who is the the "they"? Ask them what the form is about to begin with.

Reply #24. Jun 03 16, 12:47 AM
On the first page of my new Job Plan is the following paragraph:

'I understand that if I don't comply with my mutual obligation requirements as set out in the items marked as compulsory below, my income support payments may be stopped or reduced'.

My mutual obligation requirements (according to the job plan) include the following

* I agree to attend fortnightly appointments with WISE Employment. If I cannot attend, I will inform WISE Employment via phone.

* I agree to research potential employers & prepare job applications with the HELP of WISE Employment.

* I agree to attend job interviews & do other preparatory activities as directed by WISE Employment.

* I agree to look for, or undertake activities to prepare me for work of 15 hours or more per week.

* I agree to search for work by contacting 10 employers per month.

Reply #25. Jun 03 16, 4:05 AM
ClaudiaCat star

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Elusive, for someone who has over 100 quizzes on line, crosswords too, participation on the chat posts, a team leader and this is only a chip of the iceberg, I find that it is so distressing that you cannot understand and comprehend a form from the Government. Granted forms are one of the most wrongly completed documents of anything but I agree with the other comments on this site, never sign something you do not understand or comprehend.

With regards of Government firms for assistance, they are generally hopeless and you have to know that they earn money for those that are in the program. Therefore they will make you do this and that as this secures them payments from the Govt for their programs. Shouldnt hold them all in the same bracket but as yet have not found many to be of any use to any unemployed person.

If I can help at all please feel free to message me and I will try to assist as much as possible.

Reply #26. Jun 03 16, 4:10 AM
ClaudiaCat star

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'I understand that if I don't comply with my mutual obligation requirements as set out in the items marked as compulsory below, my income support payments may be stopped or reduced'. YOU MUST AGREE WITH THE ITEMS BELOW (I AM NOT SCREAMING JUST WANT IT TO STAND OUT)

My mutual obligation requirements (according to the job plan) include the following

* I agree to attend fortnightly appointments with WISE Employment. If I cannot attend, I will inform WISE Employment via phone. TURN UP EVERY FORTNIGHT TO YOUR MEETING OR RING WITH AN EXCUSE


* I agree to attend job interviews & do other preparatory activities as directed by WISE Employment. IF YOU DO GET A JOB INTERVIEW TURN UP

* I agree to look for, or undertake activities to prepare me for work of 15 hours or more per week. LOOK AT THE PAPER, ON LINE ETC LOOKING FOR JOBS

* I agree to search for work by contacting 10 employers per month. YOU HAVE TO CONTACT 10 EMPLOYERS PER MONTH ASKING FOR A JOB WHETHER THEY ARE LOOKING OR NOT (in my opinion a complete waste of time but that is the rules - just apply for anything whether it is suitable or not as this meets the criteria)

Reply #27. Jun 03 16, 4:35 AM
Like I said in an earlier post, I don't know HOW to apply for a job because I've never done it before. Also, not once have I EVER been to an interview. All the jobs I've had so far have been specially created for me. In other words, my Employment Consultant has gone out and spoken to potential employers. That's what this agency needs to do, but they're not doing it. They seem to be expecting me to do things alone. According to my job plan, WISE Employment are to assist with resume and cover letter writing, improving job searching and interview skills and reverse marketing to potential employers to secure employment opportunities.

Reply #28. Jun 03 16, 6:43 AM
MiraJane star

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Ed, go into the nearest McDonald's or other fast food restaurant and ask for a job application. Walk up to the counter, ask for the manager and say "May I please have a job application?"

They *might* hand you one. Say "Thank you, ma'am (or sir)". Take the application home. Repeat at every store or fast food place.

Take application into WISE. Tell them you've never filled one out before. Have them help you. At next meeting go thru practice interview.

A lot of companies now insist people apply online. Those you can do at home at your leisure. Look up some companies and try them. I you have problems doing it, then do one at next appt. with job counselor.

Reply #29. Jun 03 16, 11:23 AM
These days, you can't just walk into one of your local businesses & ask if you can leave your resume with them, because they'll just tell you to go away & apply online. What about all those unemployed people who don't have access to a computer? How do they apply for jobs?

I'm not so sure a job in a fast food store would really be suitable for me. It seems too fast-paced &, knowing me, if I had to serve customers, I'd get mixed up and give someone the wrong order. Another thing I'm not very good with is money handling. Sometimes I have difficulty even with basic sums. About the only thing I could do would be the cleaning. I also don't think I'd be suited to a job stacking shelves in the local supermarket as it's likely a job like that would involve bending & heavy lifting (not good for my back).

We don't have any pet shops in my town anymore, but we did have one a few years ago & I remember doing two weeks work experience there. My duties included general cleaning, testing PH levels in the fish tanks & providing the puppies and kittens with clean water. I was never asked to deal with customers. I enjoyed interacting with the animals, in particular a $1200 Black-headed python.

Reply #30. Jun 04 16, 1:38 AM
Today has been VERY stressful. My mum and I spent all day in and out of Centrelink and my employment agency and were given so much conflicting information it's unbelievable. For example, Centrelink told us this morning that WISE Employment have a selection of employers that they contact in regards to employment for people with disabilities. However, I had an appointment with WISE this afternoon and was told they don't have a connection to ANY employers and that the things written in my job plan are organised by Centrelink. We went back to Centrelink and were told the things written in my job plan are organised by WISE. So, basically, WISE are telling us one thing and Centrelink are telling us something completely different. My Employment Consultant also reluctant to change my '10 jobs a month' application thing, but we finally got to change it to 2 jobs a month.

Reply #31. Jun 06 16, 4:12 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
ED, I'm not saying actually work in a fast food job. I'm saying fill out the applications for the experience of filling out applications. Who cares if you hear back from them? You have applied. That will fulfill your obligation to apply for a job. You will gain the experience of filling out a job application.

I agree with you about all the companies only accepting applications online & what if someone does not have acces to a computer or online access. They will not be able to apply for even the lowest paying or experience not needed jobs. It's ridiculous and a problem here in America too.

Reply #32. Jun 06 16, 7:33 AM
I'm getting very irritated with WISE. Over the past two months, my fortnightly appointments have either been cancelled or I've turned up to the office, only to be told that my consultant isn't available. Had another appointment with them this week and they can't even tell me who I'll be seeing at my next appointment. I'm supposed to have a half-hour sit-down meeting, but recently that hasn't been happening. I've turned up at the office, my consultant hasn't been there and all that's happened is that I've been marked off as having attended my appointment, given a piece of paper showing the time and date of my next appointment and that's the end of the meeting, see you next time. They're not doing what they're supposed to be doing to help me find a job. I think it's time to complain to Centrelink again.

Reply #33. Aug 17 16, 6:35 AM
Honestly, the service I've been getting from WISE Employment has been nothing less than disgusting. Back in April when I first joined them, they assured my mum and I that, even though they were busy, they could still take me on as a client. Up until August, I was seeing my consultant every two weeks, then things changed. My consultant stopped meeting with me and I was told it was because she was having personal problems. In recent months, my appointments have been cancelled with very little, if any, warning. Take today's appointment for example. My appointment two weeks ago was cancelled and I received a letter in the mail with the details for my next appointment. I turned up at the office today, only to be told that my appointment was, once again, cancelled and that I've been exited from the system because I've been with WISE for 104 weeks. That's not true, I haven't even been with WISE for 12 months (unless I'm wrong, a year contains only 52 weeks). Anyway, I have to go into Centrelink now and see if I can find out what the hell's going on.

Reply #34. Nov 15 16, 5:28 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Elusive Dream, In the UK, in such circumstances, someone could write and complain to their MP who would demand a response from the company. Is there a similar option in Australia?

Reply #35. Nov 15 16, 12:23 PM
I'll be complaining to everyone I can complain to (Centrelink, WISE Employment's head office, etc.) I also went to school with the nice friendly young man who is now my town's local MP, so if I don't get a straight answer out of Centrelink today, I might just be sending him an email to request a meeting to discuss this issue.

Reply #36. Nov 15 16, 4:48 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
They can't keep passing the buck to each other. They must have contracts that would clarify who is responsible for what and what services are expected from them. If you can't get any sense from them, they are unlikely to give your MP the runaround. They will not want to be seen as inadequate by him. Good luck.

Reply #37. Nov 16 16, 9:30 AM
Went in Centrelink yesterday. Was told I've been exited from the system because I'm going to be starting a full-time course next year and that it's up to me to decide wether or not I want to be with an agency. After the horrible service I've gotten from WISE, I want nothing to do with these job agencies anymore.

Reply #38. Nov 16 16, 7:25 PM

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